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jesfknkrys last won the day on March 27

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About jesfknkrys

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    Whittier, CA

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Community Answers

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I included one a zip file with the files to cut down on download wait times. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video(FLV)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video(MP4) wwfmaniab_complete.zip - Contains the Wheel, Video(FLV), and Theme to minimize download wait times.
  3. My issue is gone after removing the files below, then fresh install. Everything seems to be working fine now.
  4. HyperHQ was freezing up on me today, so I did a fresh install. Now, when selecting systems in HyperHQ, there seems to be lag when switching between them. Not stuck on "Processing Preparing to start matching process".
  5. That is strange. I wonder if there is a mininimum software requirement. Are you on Windows 10 or above with latest updates?
  6. Are you on Hyperspin v2.0.36.0? Did you also, remove the 2 folders under the user profile?
  7. Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 themes worked fine for me on HyperHq v2.0.54 . I installed Retroarch through HyperHQ. Try deleting your Hyperspin and HyperHQ files inside your user AppData folders.
  8. HyperSpin v2.0.36.0 now loads significantly faster. It now takes 21 seconds to load MAME(Complete Set); it was taking approximately 1.5 minutes to load MAME on Hyperspin v2.0.34.0.
  9. Seem like the issues has been fixed on HyperHQ v2.0.54.
  10. The issue seems so be fixed for me on HyperHQ v2.0.54. It seems to be very responsive and much quicker.
  11. Issue is fixed in HyperHQ v2.0.54.
  12. This is now working on HyperSpin v2.0.36.0
  13. The Themes are now loading on HyperHQ v2.0.54 and HyperSpin v2.0.36.0
  14. Here you go. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be allowed to open more than one instance.
  15. It's working now on HyperHQ 2.0.53.
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