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Everything posted by zillion23

  1. When you are adding a new system to HyperHQ, no main menu or system themes are downloading automatically. You can go to the hypertheme website and download them manually but there are not doing it automatically like it used to despite the themes having the sync setting turned on.
  2. It would be nice to have an option while attract mode is running and active to switch between platform and game views instead of just only stay running in platform view or game view only.
  3. The HyperSpin Core plugin reinstalls for me fine on 2.0.54 but the HyperSpin Core Essentials plugin when you press reinstall, it just stays stuck on installing but never advances.
  4. I am using 2.0.54 and this issue is still happening.
  5. This issue is still happening on 2.0.54.
  6. @fr0stbyt3 I am still seeing the same issues with 2.0.53. They still look the same as the video up above with NES and SNES.
  7. I have this issue as well where that plugin gets stuck on installing when you click on reinstall. I checked the logs and have no errors.
  8. Can confirm is fixed, as 2.053 updated in the correct folder.
  9. When I import a system and uncheck "sync all media" because I want to turn off importing bezels, the importer only imports videos even though everything else is checked. As you can see in the video I have to go into the system edit and sync section to check everything again and then it syncs. 2025-03-01 17-08-16.mp4
  10. Yep, same for me as well. I cannot really do any more beta testing until this gets resolved.
  11. I reported this on the last update but the bug report was moved to the completed task but it is still having the same issue the past few updates . I was on HyperHQ 2.0.48 and have it installed on my G drive and when it updated to 2.0.49 it installed a whole new HyperHQ in the C Program Data folder again and did not respect the G drive I currently have HyperHQ installed on. I thought it was previously fixed a few versions ago but it is doing the same thing again. When I open it up on my C drive in my program data folder it is reading all the media from my G Drive along with HyperSpin that is on my G drive. The HyperHQ that is on my G drive continues to be the previous version and keeps asking for updates but never gets updated as it always updates on my C program data folder.
  12. Welcome back, I remember you always did great work! @baddeolv has been asking for help on this post.
  13. The sega master system default system theme displays fine in HyerSpin but it constantly says to update the theme in HyperHQ. When you press "update" the update status goes away as long as you are on that same screen, but as soon as you go to another screen and come back to the "media" sega master system screen, the update button appears again
  14. When you play the game video for a paticular game in HyperHQ and then press "Play now" to start game, the game video keeps playing while you are playing the game
  15. No boxart is being downloaded for Sega Master System via by adding a new system upon import or via sync. The rest of the art and videos seem to download but no boxart. Before 2.0.48 it would download
  16. Before version 2.0.48 HyperHQ would download the medium videos if no highest quality videos were available. When you have the setting for Emumovies quality on highest quality now, it will not download any videos unless you have the setting on medium quality
  17. When adding a new system platform videos are not being downloaded but game videos are. Tested on 5 different systems
  18. Wheel sound effects do not make a sound until attract mode starts at least one time and then the wheel sound effects are normal for the rest of the time HyperSpin is open.
  19. Click on your avatar picture in Hypertheme, then go into your profile and click on clients and delete all the clients you do not want.
  20. The dropdown menu to select a different core is blank when you click on it. You still have to manually type a differnt core if you do not want to use the one that is default by HyperHQ. I am using Retroarch in a custom folder and not the retroarch than comes downloaded by HyperHQ.
  21. Just tried to start from scratch again deleting all my HyperSpin and HyperHQ folders. I installed HyperHQ and HyperSpin onto my G drive. When I closed HyperHQ and opened it back up again there was a 2.0.45 update notice and when I updated, it installed all new HyperSpin/HyperHQ folders on my C drive in my Program Data folder. So right now it is unusable unless I install everything on my C drive which I am not willing to do.
  22. You all should report this over at the bug reporting section.
  23. I was on HyperHQ 2.0.43 and have it installed on another drive other than C and when it updated to 2.0.45 this morning it installed it in the Program Data folder and did not respect the drive I currently have HyperHQ installed on. I thought it was previously fixed but it is doing the same thing again. Also currently when you try to download the latest HyperHQ from the HyperSpin website it is showing 2.0.43
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