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Everything posted by CydXero

  1. Not sure if this is a glitch, but when I go into clearing the cache, the cache folder still has all the media files.
  2. I think they know about this issue.
  3. Yeah I noticed the feature doesn't stick.
  4. I've learned to save often. If it glitches, I refresh the page and it goes back to where I last saved it. I did learn that most of the tools are keyboard based. I'm sure an FAQ will come out on this. As to the timeline issue, the only work around is to place an animation that has a frame delay. Usually use the Opacity to do that.
  5. Ran into this a few times. Had to clear the HS2 cache and completely close HQ (talking quit in the running programs area)
  6. Oddly, you can screen US on setup, but it defaults to WORLD on mine.
  7. So added an audio file to my theme. It played during creation but not live. Also notice I have a layer that won't show. https://beta.hypertheme.io/media/ec8cfc-Sega-Collection-wide
  8. https://beta.hypertheme.io/media/ec8cfc-Arcade-Collection Simple Arcade one
  9. Maybe running as a computer/Microsoft Windows system? Not sure what to do when you get to the emulator or how to run the custom exe.
  10. HyperHQ is designed to actually stay on, but in your tray. RIght click quit. If that doesn't work, kill the task. Also, clear all cache in the HS settings. That might help.
  11. If you have a ton of roms, for me best to do manually. except mame
  12. I believe applying themes has been disabled for the time being. I did notice you can add themes to custom collections for now. Check out the media folders to see if they downloaded "C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems" Check and see if there's media files within the folders. Mine looks like this
  13. Let's try that again! Sega Colection https://beta.hypertheme.io/media/41c3c046-3dde-49c7-0fce-08dd33ec8cfc
  14. Mame is the culprit. Delete Mame and readd it, but before you do turn the autoscraper off. When you first install Mame, you'll filter out when you don't want (casino, adult etc). It works fine from there. The autoscraper then wants to fill back in the other 30K roms. That froze mine up.
  15. I updated my java as well. https://www.java.com/download/ie_manual.jsp
  16. I made a few roms, but I'm going to hit the systems collections first. (SEGA, NINTENDO, SONY ETC)
  17. Oh yeah that too. There's a MAME bug. For instance, on install you can filter out game types you don't want. (Casino, adult etc). So my Mame right now shows 1899. If you refresh for missing roms, it'll add the 30K others you didn't want thus slowing the whole thing down. The autoupdate makes it happen automatically. I had to delete all Mame, media and cache to fix that and of course turn off the autoupdate.
  18. Which roms are you doing? I had the same issue with Mame. I had to delete all media and then go into the media directory and cache and delete the the files there for the specific system. "C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems"
  19. updated to 2.0.32 and set the xbox controllers. Buttons work fine, I tried switching the wheel up and down to the dpad. It didn't work and kept the left analog stick. Not an urgent issue. Exit still not responsive.
  20. I'm still working on Teknoparrot and I would like to add them one at a time versus the whole thing. Not a ton of examples of this, but this would be great to have.
  21. Mine will download (I think), but apply doesn't work.. Not sure if I'm missing a step.
  22. This has been fixed on last nights update. Thank you!
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