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About tagi3d

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  1. Wouldn't be able to sell the tables because that would be an authoring issue... not to mention the artwork in the tables being copyright. In fact techincally even telling people how to get the ROMs etc could cause issue. Just stick to the hardware and you should be fine! Lawyers can get you on so many technicalities if they really want to... There's probably legal issuses involved with re-selling the tvs etc....
  2. I updated the guide slightly for better layout and some simple descriptions of what the parts are for. *Note it's specifically for a cabinet of my size but can still be a good introduction to the more recent 3 screen setups.
  3. Hi all, I've added another Guide to my project site. When I first started out there's was a load of head scratching on deciding on what exactly you need for the build. For the complete noob interested and looking to build a cab this guide shows (with most photos) the parts you will need to build a cab of similar dimentions as I am. http://pinacolada.danielpotter.com/cabinet-parts-guide/ (I realise there are others posts on this so I'm not trying to tread on anyone, just tyring to complete the resource I'm trying to create.) Cheers guys. Any feedback or advice on improving these is much appreciated. Dan.
  4. Great idea Rawd. Gotta say this community is really fantastic and glad to be a part of it. Seems like it's growing rapidly too with a new cab build announced every week! Woo!
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