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  1. Looks like Reznnate has published a custom package last Friday if anyone is still interested. I'm not sure if this is any different than the version in this thread, but it may be worth a try anyway.
  2. Have a look at this article and its respective video: https://piunikaweb.com/2022/02/17/heres-how-to-downgrade-shield-tv-to-android-9-after-android-11-update/ Warning, the procedures are very technical and cumbersome, it will delete your data, and it's somewhat easy to get it wrong. Don't forget to make a backup before attempting a downgrade.
  3. Thanks. So sounds like downgrading to Android 9 and using a modded APK is still the way to go if one really needs a working version of HyperSpin right now right? For folks that have moved on, what are the best options ATM? Is ARC Browser still the best alternative or have other FES like Launchbox and Daijisho taken its crown?
  4. Hi guys, can someone give me a TL;DR update of how the official Android version of HyperSpin stands at the moment? 1. Has support for SAF been implemented? 2. Is anything other than RetroArch working? 3. Did Reznnate publish the updated version of the APK to the Android store? (Or some other store?)
  5. Do they work if you launch them directly from RA? Some of the aarch64 cores were hit-or-miss for me even before the update. I'm pretty certain that I was using 32 bits RA for SNES and standalone M64 Plus FZ for N64. I'm not sure about Flycast as I moved to Redream... I think that the 64 bits version used to work but the 32 bits was faster (but don't quote me on that).
  6. Great stuff :). It's great to see HS making an official comeback. Unfortunately my Shield has broken down and I ended up replacing it with a NUC, so I can't help much with beta testing ATM. @TheBandit may actually be someone well equipped to help as his collection uses quite a few standalone emulators, as well as multiple 32-bit and 64-bit RA cores. It would be great if someone could compile a list of working settings for modern emulators. The ones for RA can be found bellow: Main APK from RetroArch's website and Google Play Store Version: exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture RetroArch's website 32bit version: exe=com.retroarch.ra32/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture RetroArch's website 64bit version and RetroArch Plus: exe=com.retroarch.aarch64/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture Also let me know when the new version hits Google Play Store and I'll take down the modded version.
  7. We are now past the 6 months mark. I'm not saying this to put pressure on the Developer, but we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that HS for Android may become abandonware. @reznnate, is there any chance that the source code for the Android version could be released under an open source license? Or would it compromise IP / Copyright from the Hyperspin Dev team and potentially Nvidia? If the code can be made open source there's a chance that it would spark enough interest to attract external contributors able to help. I fully understand if it's not possible, but would appreciate your input regardless of outcome. Kind regards,
  8. TL;DR: This is not a trivial update. Give the developer some space and let him have his saying when it's time to say something to the end users. ---- Hi folks, Give it some time. I'm not saying this to get one's hopes up. And I stand by my advice that there are other perfectly functional, well maintained front ends to choose from. Having said that, we need to contextualise the changes and understand why it may take a while, even for the original developer to be able to make things happen. The truth is that the initial port of HS to NVIDIA Shield required a somewhat different (although complementary) skill set to the one needed to make it all work with Android 11 restrictions. Plus honestly, it's not "fun" work to do. The initial port was mostly about emulating flash and being able to get custom themes to render correctly in a totally different OS and hardware architecture than the Windows x86-64 version. I have zero insights about the native side of the project, but I assume that it's written in a very low level programming language (possible even mixed with some Assembly). I would also assume that the development team was working close to NVIDIA to make it all happen. On top of the low level layer there's a very thin layer of Java / Android code that bootstraps the low level layer and enables a few user interactions + launching Android emulators. My point being: The original port was mostly a low level development effort. The Android 11 update is a somewhat different effort. Google has sandboxed Android apps and made some things very difficult for developers. They have provided several high level (as in, Java / Kotlin Android) APIs to access storage, and they have severely restricted how HS can interact with the file system (as well as what files it can interact with). The "new" Android APIs requires manual user interactions for stuff that wasn't necessary before. Retrofitting Android's high level storage API requirements in HS and making it play well with the native layer is not so easy. One still needs to be well versed with low level development and HS internals to make it happen. But there's also a lot of high level - Android specific - knowledge required. I can only guess, but I would assume a lot of messing around with badly documented (and possibly not so well thought out) integration between Android high level APIs and the low level layer where the API calls need to happen. And then, even if the author makes it happen, there's alway the possibility of further consequences to the end user given the changes to storage scope. I'm talking about possible having to change some previously hard coded paths (e.g., configuration files, resources, etc) and even the way that HS has to interact with some emulators. The sort of change that a lot of users will complain about, changes that may require guides to be rewritten, etc. What I'm trying to say is: The changes required to make HS work on Android 11 aren't a piece of cake for the developer. It requires some familiarity with modern Android development, as well as a lot of familiarity with HS internals and some non trivial modifications to make HS conform with the new "sandboxed" reality of Android applications. Give the developer some time and let him come back and say what he has to say when it's time to say it. Disclaimer: I'm not an authoritative source for any of this stuff. I'm just a guy that reversed engineered and hacked the Java / Android layer of HS a year or so ago. Everything that I just said may not be accurate, as it's based on nothing but speculation, my own experience as a developer and an unimpressive 3 LOCs patch to make HS work with modern versions of Retroarch (I have zero dealings with the dev team and the person that ported HS to Android).
  9. Version 0.1.8


    HyperSpin v0.1.8 for Android This is an unofficial version of HyperSpin for Android able to launch all modern versions of RetroArch. Support topic: https://hyperspin-fe.com/forums/topic/42774-modified-hyperspin-apk-for-retroarch-works-with-all-modern-versions/ File Information: HyperSpin_v0.1.8_HyperSeeder.apk MD5: 4692846e4fe9a90bd0da3a6cd9f10ed3 SHA512: 2f5db6b625983c189b9f82c574bf48781921780825a38ceaf9c1094bd113545f9abdd06c5b4ac8707093e3e2ac0fc1185b9bc939f30f5ee830a41689c68e5b21 How to configure your Settings_Android ini files: Main APK from RetroArch's website and Google Play Store Version: exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture RetroArch's website 32bit version: exe=com.retroarch.ra32/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture RetroArch's website 64bit version and RetroArch Plus: exe=com.retroarch.aarch64/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture Have fun! FAQ: Can I mix and match multiple RetroArch distributions? Yes, you just need to set different exe values for different systems. For instance, you can use the 64bit version of RA + Dolphin core for GameCube games (Nintendo GameCube.ini): exe=com.retroarch.aarch64/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture parameters=cores/dolphin_libretro_android.so And the 32bit version of RA + MAME Core (MAME.ini): exe=com.retroarch.ra32/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture parameters=cores/mame2010_libretro_android.so Will it load separate configuration files for 32bit and 64bit versions? Yes, it will always load the default configuration file for each version. Default configuration files are in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/[package name]/files/retroarch.cfg For example: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch.ra32/files/retroarch.cfg Can I make Hyperspin launch my own custom compiled version of RetroArch? Yes. As long as the package name starts with com.retroarch everything should work. Can I configure HyperSpin to load retroarch.cfg from a custom location? Not for now. I find that I can accomplish what I want with the default config file + settings overrides. If you have a specific use case that would benefit from this feature comment bellow and I'll see what I can do. How was this implemented? I reversed engineered the original Google Store APK using Apktool and JEB. You can find the two lines of code that I've modified bellow. You can use APK Studio to verify my changes.
  10. Well, DuckStation has a MainActivity that can be launched with an Intent (https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation/blob/master/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml#L63-L73). I haven't had the time to properly skim through the code to see if it takes optional arguments or has something like Dolphin's StartupHandler to properly launch roms. Since the emulator is pretty new you may be right. This is an interesting quest and I'll get to bother the developer or open a PR myself if someone else doesn't get to it first (I'm not sure if you have any interest in DuckStation yourself, if you do maybe you could ping Freelancer and ask him to have a chat with Stenzek about it). For now my focus is on trying to get a build of Hyperspin that can actually launch both RA 32 and RA 64 / Plus with proper configuration files. Honestly this has been a crippling issue since RA 1.7.8 (Aug, 2019). The fact that you and a couple other forum members produced hacks that got us halfway there by reverse engineering the APK (using nothing but primitive tools like APK Studio to basically edit hardcoded strings) shows that this would be a trivial change for someone with access to the source. Since I don't, well, I'll have to learn how to do it :D.
  11. It worked thanks. And yeah, I've been through the same drama and missed the opportunity to "buy back a new license for $1" :D. Pro is the same, but staring with org.devmiyax.yabasanshioro2.pro I also tried QuickShortcutMaker, but no joy with Duckstation's activities so far, maybe it's my lack of experience or maybe it requires some extra parameters to launch a specific game. I'm trying to reverse engineer Hyperspin for the reasons discussed in the other thread, if I can get all versions of RetroArch to launch with the proper configuration files, my next priority will be to try and make it work with Duckstation next.
  12. Sorry for resurrecting this thread. Have you managed to getYaba Sanshiro 2 pro to work? I'm also looking for Duckstation settings (standalone, not RetroArch).
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