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About sebastian_bailey

  • Birthday 11/28/1985


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  1. Sometimes I wish I knew much more about coding to do what you guys initially did, creating hyperspin, and now moving forward with hyperspin 2.0. With windows forcing updates that break features all the time even a computer savvy person like myself can get Mixed up, I swear tasks are getting more convoluted with each update. All I really want out of my dedicated arcade machine is something simple to run, and run reliably, I'm okay with some pains during setup, as that should only happen once. All of this has gotten me to rethink why can't someone remake the original joshua o.s. from the Chicago gaming company, for what it's worth those old machines are still kicking today, can't say the same about an old windows up setup.
  2. It's really great that people keep developing this front end and are sharing it with the community. Sometimes I feel like my hyperspin machine is a relic of the past, but I still prefer the way it works over launchbox for some reason. Really awesome work everyone
  3. On the inside of machine alot of care was taken to make it look authentic aswell, the wiring may look a bit messy, but its very easy to track where everything goes. Overall the machine works great, I love all the artwork this small hyperspin community still makes, I'm so glad some people are still using these forums.
  4. Hey all, I thought I would share my arcade project here, its built out of m.d.f., all the parts fit together tightly in dado's, as I had the sides cnc cut. I also designed this cabinet myself, it fits a 27" dell monitor, behind a bronzed glass screen. My main thoughts when building this one was to have something that wouldn't look too out of place in the home, aswell as looking as true to form as a vintage arcade would actually look.
  5. BIG thanks for putting this here! such a time saver
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