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  • Birthday January 31


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  1. 151 downloads

    Metroid Prime 2 - Echoes theme for Nintendo GameCube in 16:9 aspect ratio, stretched. So I haven't posted one of my themes in a little while now. It didn't seem like there was much interest, so why bother, right? Anyways, I thought this one turned out too awesome not to share. Unfortunately I couldn't find any higher resolution images for Aether and Dark Aether, so the planet turned out pretty blurry. C'est la vie. Hope you enjoy.
  2. 147 downloads

    Majora's Mask. Widescreen. Kind of. Get pumped. A theme for Majora's Mask in 16:9 aspect ratio using stretched art assets. I butchered this image, and this image, and this image, and this image... And it turned out pretty good, I think. Enjoy it, will ya!? Slightly modified wallpaper version down below hur.
  3. 124 downloads

    This is my take on a 16:9 Link to the Past theme using stretched art assets. I ripped two of the art files from user mildanti's existing 4:3 theme, got a sweet background from this goldmine, and the Link sprite is from Hyrule Warriors. It's nothing super complicated, but it was quick and fun to make, and I think it turned out pretty nicely. I hope you peoples enjoyings of it. Okay, now bedtime. Bonus 1080p wallpaper version down below!
  4. 171 downloads

    This is a 16:9 theme for BioShock on PC the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for Nintendo GameCube. Okay, so after spending six hours making art assets for a BioShock theme, and limitations in HyperTheme making me pull my hair out while watching my vision of the camera sinking from view of the Lighthouse down to the bottom of the Atlantic to Rapture crumble away, I decided "F*** it, I need more Makar in my life." So I gave up and spent a mere 20 minutes cooking up this adorable piece of "art?" with an oddly unsettling Medli creeping on tsundere Tetra and baka Link. Makar is just playin' the fiddle, he don't care. Original Link x Tetra art here. The rest is all stock stuff. I hope you enjoy my little stress reliever.
  5. 163 downloads

    This is a theme. A theme for Twilight Princess. I'm using it for GameCube, but you may use it for Wii. I ruined these lovely images to create this monstrosity: snap, crackle, pop. It's meant for 16:9 aspect ratio using stretched assets, with none of them fancy Flash thingamawhatsits because I am but a simpleton. This was annoying to make but I'm happy with the results. Hope you like it too.
  6. 105 downloads

    Game theme for Dead Space in 16:9. This one was fun (and a pain) to make. It didn't turn out quite how I envisioned it, but I am pleased with the results nonetheless. Aspect ratio is 16:9 stretched. Unfortunately it is not "future-proof" because I don't know how to do Flash stuff. The width of all art assets is just squished by 75% so that it stretches out to the correct size. Wheel image included in zip. Video is off the EmuMovies ftp, not included. Hope you enjoy!
  7. 110 downloads

    So I wanted a widescreen Super Metroid theme, but the 4:3 one here in the downloads was severely lacking in Kraid, so rather than stretching out that one, I made a new one. The original art assets I butchered are here, here, and here. Kraid's eye's fade in before the rest of him does. I think it looks pretty cool. Some screenshots here to check it out. Recommended for use with the Brinstar Depths theme from Super Smash Bros. Melee. Aspect ratio is 16:9 stretched. Unfortunately it is not "future-proof" because I don't know how to do Flash stuff. The width of all art assets is just squished by 75% so that it stretches out to the correct size blah blah blah. It looks damn good on screen. I had a lot of fun making this one and am super proud of the sweet desktop wallpaper I got out of it too. I hope some of you guys enjoy this one as much as I do.
  8. 90 downloads

    So I made a thing. 'Tis a game theme for the never released Star Fox 2 for the Super Nintendo. I don't know if this is a thing you peoples would be interested in, but here it is anyway. I've included a wheel image for it in the zip as well, compressed width-wise by 75% for widescreen use, so it might not look good in 4:3. You will probably need to add the game to your SNES database as well. It's a pretty generic Star Fox theme, so you could use it for other games; just swap out Artwork3 in the zip file. Aspect ratio is 16:9 stretched. Unfortunately it is not "future-proof" because I don't know how to do Flash stuff. The width of all art assets is just squished by 75% so that it stretches out to the correct size. Hope you enjoy!
  9. 131 downloads

    Just a quick game theme I cooked up for Kirby's Dream Course on the Super Nintendo. Aspect ratio is 16:9 stretched. Unfortunately it is not "future-proof" because I don't know how to do Flash stuff. The width of all art assets is just squished by 75% so that it stretches out to the correct size. Original background image comes from "hetreasky" on tumblr here. Hope you enjoy!
  10. 132 downloads

    Just a quick game theme I cooked up for Zelda II on the NES. Aspect ratio is 16:9 stretched. Unfortunately it is not "future-proof" because I don't know how to do Flash stuff. The width of all art assets is just squished by 75% so that it stretches out to the correct size. Hope you enjoy!
  11. 93 downloads

    Simple game theme I cooked up for Metroid on the NES. Aspect ratio is 16:9 stretched. Unfortunately it is not "future-proof" because I don't know how to do Flash stuff. The width of all art assets is just squished by 75% so that it stretches out to the correct size. Hope you enjoy!
  12. Version 1.0


    Just a simple default theme for Game Boy Color I hastily cooked up in GIMP and HyperTheme because I couldn't find one here. It's nothing fancy but it works for me. I figured I'd post it here in case anyone else needs a GBC default theme for widescreen. The bars on the top and bottom in the screenshot are not included; they are special artwork created by ninja2bceen.
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