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jd83jd83 last won the day on March 5 2019

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About jd83jd83

  • Birthday 09/03/1983

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    Toronto, Canada


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    Can you share the videos by any chance?
  1. Version 1.0.0


    Apparently, this prototype was just released yesterday. Added it to my N64 wheel, thought I'd share my media. Some info: Few details are know about the Riqa project, another famous unseen for the Nintendo 64. Developed by Bits Studios, it was presented for the first time at E3 1999 in playable form. Defined as the “N64 Tomb Rider” as stated by Nintendo, Riqa would have dealt Third-Person Shooter Action mixed with exploration, with Riqa (the woman character controlled by the player) up against both humans and monsters. With impressive graphics for its time, an immersive storyline, complicated levels full of action, including shootings and puzzles to solve, Riqa was going to be a new killer application for the N64. Unfortunately, the game has never seen light on the 64-bit, for the continuing delayed release dates, which led to the cancellation of the title. Riqa (USA) (Proto).mp4
  2. Version 1.0.0


    I made the boxes, and some of the wheels. Enjoy
  3. Lol, that description cracked me up!! BTW I love and appreciate all your work. Thank you.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, This is wheel, cart and box media for the full set of 74 Neo Geo Pocket Color games. All the cart media was redone by me to reflect the actual release print. Check my channel:
  5. Hi, Do you have a module for this system. Or an updated MAME module?
  6. Version 1.0.0


    File includes Theme, video, wheel and box. Enjoy
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Theme for PC Game - Darksiders Genesis Zip file includes Theme, Video and Wheel. Enjoy!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Theme for PC Game - Generation Zero Zip file includes Theme, Video, and Wheel. Enjoy!
  9. Are you able to share the non-video version?
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, Here is all my media for Hyper NeoGeo 64. I created the 'carts' and I edited the videos. Videos are not best quality, as I got them from youtube I could not record them myself as emulation for this system is still preliminary. Games are playable but with many graphical and audio issues. I did not create the themes, I only altered them. I am having issues launching these games from Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher. What happens is, MAME will start up and load up the rom but then closes and it fades back to Hyperspin. I can run the games fine if I launch them straight from MAME. Also I never had issues launching from other wheels that use MAME. So if anyone can help with this please comment. Emulator used is MAME Games: 7 Enjoy!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, Here is all my media for Nintendo 64 Japan. I attempted this before but now its complete. I went with the black-with-outline logo to differentiate between Japan and US/Euro. I got most of the wheels from the launchbox site, but I fixed some up. Most of the carts and boxes where done by me. About one third of the videos where recorded by me. I included alternatives for the main theme: The main has an Evangelion, the second is Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion and the third is Link. Emulator used is Project64. (You would need to add "Nintendo 64 Japan" to the module) Games: 89 Enjoy!
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, Here is all my media for MGT Sam Coupe. I expanded the number of games to 64. I tried to get as many games as possible, with as much info/box/disk images as possible. A website called "World of SAM" was very useful for this. Though many games just don't have box covers as they never had a boxed release. All the videos where screen captured by me. I did not do the theme. Some games require a DOS command to run. I added some of this info in the xml to make things as easy as possible. I had to learn some of these commands as they are not the same as MSDOS. Number of games: 64 Emulator used: SimCoupe
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, Here is my full media pack for Funtech Super A'can Media. Most of the art and themes was not made by me, I just modified/scaled/enhanced where possible, and put it all together. The videos however where done by me. As emulation is very preliminary, I could not record them myself, so instead I got them from youtube. I edited them down to the usual 30 second format, and scaled them to 640x480. This why quality isn't the best. As the system is very rare it was hard to find decent stuff to work with, but I did my best. The are 12 games. One of which is undumped so the rom cannot be found (Rebel/Rebel Star) But I guess it was included in hopes that one day it will be available. Emulator used is MAME. Emulation is preliminary. Only some games work but with no sound and some graphical issues. Enjoy
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, I wanted to share what I did for this system. I modified the themes to my liking, re-scaled the images, and re-edited and scaled all the videos. Enjoy. Emulator I use is MAME. Total of 11 games. Copied from reddit: What you have to do is rename the "[BIOS] Hartung Game Master (Germany).bin" file to "d78c11agf_e19.u1", place that file into the "roms" subdirectory in a folder called "gmaster" (for example, X:\MAME\roms\gmaster)
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