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About Lucian045

  • Birthday 11/13/1976


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  1. Still printing for the community, email [email protected] for a quote, thanks.
  2. Still printing for the community, email [email protected] for a quote, thanks. Brad
  3. Been a while since I updated. Still printing for the community, email [email protected] for a quote, thanks. Brad
  4. Been a while since I updated. Still printing for the community, email [email protected] for a quote, thanks. Brad
  5. Still printing for the community, email [email protected] for a quote, thanks. Brad
  6. Still printing for the community, email [email protected] for a quote, thanks. Brad
  7. Hey all, been a while since I updated the Thread. If you need something please send an email to [email protected]. Still printing foe the community. Thanks!
  8. Hey all, been a while since I posted...email me at [email protected] if you need something, still printing for the community.
  9. Hey all, been a while since I updated the Thread. If you need something please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks!.
  10. Hey all, been a while since I updated the Thread. If you need something please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks!.
  11. Been awhile since I posted but remember I'm always around to print artwork for the community. If you need something shoot me an email. Thanks.
  12. Been awhile since I posted but remember I'm always around to print artwork for the community. If you need something shoot me an email. Thanks.
  13. Best bet is to look for Vector Artwork on the web. If you can't find Vector artwork, then google search images at the LARGE setting...generally they are big enough to still look good when you scale the image to your artwork. You should be using a quality software program like AI or Photoshop or InDesign. You'll be able to tell if the image you are using is good or not when you zoom into it. Still taking orders everyone...email me at Still taking orders... [email protected]. Thanks everyone!
  14. Still taking orders... [email protected]. Thanks everyone!
  15. Thanks everyone, appreciate the referrals...very busy so I'm not always on the forums but I'm still here. Email is best [email protected]. Thanks.
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