The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!
We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well. On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.
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TeddyKGB2208's Achievements
Hey Ted, you were very helpful the other day. I am having a new problem with Mame and was wondering if you knew of a solution. I installed Mame .143 on a new PC and when I try and open it I get the error messages "unable to create direct3d device", "unable to intialize direct3d", and "unable to create window creation". Mame attempts to start, then crashes. What do you think?
moin teddy!
bin ein nordlicht, aber wohne in berlin... danke für die hyperlaunch info, ich probier um xpadder drumrumzukommen, da ich mich mit ahk schon ganz gut auskenne und das auch irgendwie gehen muss!
Wo kommst du her, wenn ich fragen darf?
How are you Donnie ?
Ich compared your cartart to the final genesis database, can you please create carts for these three games ?
Bible Adventures (USA) (Unl)
Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II (USA)
Smurfs Travel the World, The (Europe)
Then your set is ready for HS 2.0...
You can post them in the missing art thread.
Thank you
i see u promoted to the german community ich sprache deutsch !
haha ( not for real m8 i'm DUTCH not german xD )
well how u doing ?
I have been busy with my own cabinet and school again not so much time for hyperspin-fe.com i will be here in 2-3 weeks again alot xD
Guten abend
Sag mal kann man nicht irgend wo eine Fertig Configurierte Versioin bekommen wo die Ordner schon alle so angelegt sind das alles passt, wo man quasi nur noch die Roms in den jeweiligen Ordner pac ken muss und die Snaps und gut ist.
Wo wohnst du eigenmlich ich bei Stuttgart.
Ach ja und bin 41 Jahre ALT. bis morgen dann.
Guite nacht erstmal und danke für deine angebotene Hilfe.
Hi BBB I have a question:
For the second place I've won a hyperspin gold membership (ftp access) and a one year membership for emumovies. Then the 50 bucks. I told you that I'm not interested in this money. I want to donate the money for the best two placed contest attenders who are no hyperspin-members. I want that each of them become a hyperspin gold member. Is it okay ???
still doing a pretty sweet job at the wheels i can see ( i'm still online but bit busy these days )