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Everything posted by arngrim

  1. About exit & close, it is not related to the PBW. Even with the keyboard, I experienced this, with exitEmulatorKey = Esc as default I'll try to map to a PBW button after my exit & close problem is resolved Any idea? And about the buttons, I'm not at home now so I can't see my settings.ini, but I don't recall having seen keys for left or right flipper, I'll check this afternoon.
  2. Hi, I finally opted with the latest wip, it works fine in general but I have two troubles. I have a PBW, and when I am on the pause menu with the option back, flyer, exit... the flippers buttons are not active, only in this menu. Second, always on the pause menu, when I exit, I can go back to the root menu, but most of the time, VP isn't closed. I have remarked that when I wait some more seconds in the pause menu, before I exit, VP closes more often. Where does the problem comes from? My pc is a dualcore 3ghz with 2G of ram. Arngrim
  3. Hello, I don't know this table: What is his name?
  4. Ok got it, a terminal strip is just a relay doing nothing then Maxxsinner, thank you for your proposition, I won't build my cabinet for the moment, my wallet is not ready yet for it, but I'm gathering information to be prepared the D day. So, I have another question, about the ledwiz. If I go to the RGB lightened flipper, do I still need an ipac for them or everything goes through the ledwiz? Regards Arngrim
  5. Well it is specifically this part that confuses me. If you can give me a simple example of component that uses the termina, and to what the terminal is connected to on the other hand? Arngrim
  6. Hello, I have read your documentation on and on and there are still some things that confuse me. For example, your picture here: I would like to see an example, from end to end with a component that needs to use this "thing" I don't really understand his role, if you have some PSU and a multiplug on the cab. I have never mounted a cabinet, or touch anything related to electricity except pull the plugs, switch on and off switches and fuses It would be very appreciated
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