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About Fzyfam

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  1. 130 downloads

    BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2 wheel art for the release of the TTX version. Couldn't find one to add to the cab, so mixed up a few images and set this up and wanted to share.
  2. 138 downloads

    Framed wheel art for KODI.
  3. Version 1


    Framed wheel art for Spotify.
  4. 306 downloads

    Here is a custom Castle Crashers main menu theme . I also included the wheel art file. Enjoy!
  5. 168 downloads

    Here is a main menu wheel for Shovel Knight.
  6. 99 downloads

    Here is a theme for Soul Calibur Broken Destiny on PSP
  7. 94 downloads

    Here is a WipEout Pulse theme for PSP.
  8. Version 3


    Here are six Sony PSP game wheel art files that I setup for my system. As I add to my system I will add more.
  9. 51 downloads

    This is a simple theme for Sega Dreamcast when selecting a game. Shows video and Dreamcast logo above video area.
  10. 341 downloads

    This is the background that I am using for the exit screen. The background is of an arcade faded out with EXIT image text in front. The file includes the exit background image and a token as the arrow NOTE: Before unzipping and moving the files to the correct folder, you may want to rename your original files with a number at the end if you want to preserve the original file. Unzip the file and place the files in the Hyperspin/Media/Frontend/Images folder. Enjoy.
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