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    Android game wheel pack. These games work on the Nvidia Shield Android TV. Not sure the exact size we should have the wheel artwork set to but I aimed for around 400x200
  2. I'm pretty much done or at a stand still right now with my hyperspin setup on my satv. I have the following going with no problems: Atari2600, MAME, NES, SNES, N64, DS, Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, GameCube, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis I'm having trouble with the last 3 systems I'm trying to get going... I need to know basically everything, which emulator, the path and parameters needed for it to work. Atari Lynx - Just need a working emulator other than retroarch and the path for it... alynx? DOS emulator - Has anyone gotten one to work? dosbox? SegaCD - launches emulator and crashes (maybe something to do with the parameter field?)
  3. Got Sega figured out.. Just trying to figure out Lynx and Dos... Has anyone looked into this and got it going. If so, what emulator other than retroarch are you using?
  4. I'm almost done with not using retroarch for all the emulators as I can't figure out how to even use it to begin with. The only ones I'm having trouble with is the Sega Genesis. I believe I got GameGear going finally but have to check later. But I'm curious about Atari Lynx.. Does alynx work with the ShieldTV or are there any other emulators to use other than retroarch for that system? Also, I'm curious as I haven't seen a dos emulator mentioned anywhere. Has anyone gotten that going? I've been looking for the emulator settings for them but can't seem to find them noted anywhere. Thank you ahead of time!
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