I just wanted to say that it is extremely exciting to see HyperSpin being developed again. Being honest, I migrated everything to LaunchBox several years ago, but I'd never given up hope that HS 2.0 was still going to see the light of day. While long delays in updates can and did lead to a lot of folks jumping ship, I will always consider returning if/when 2.0 reaches the same level of maturity as LB. One area where HS always did have an advantage (and still does with this new release) is in theme development. HyperTheme was always such a fun, intuitive tool. I'm SO glad that isn't changing and is being modernized and improved. Everything I'm seeing so far looks really promising and with fr0stby3 and crew on the job, I have no doubt things will only keep moving in the right direction.
I understand the disappointment a lot of users felt in OG HyperSpin's slow descent into deprecation, but I think it's absurd to hold any ill will towards the developers for it. Original HS was still usable, if severely outdated, till the last day. But we have to remember that this is a HOBBY for these guys running parallel to the demands of a regular life.
Let's look forward to the future and expend energy on smoothing out the wrinkles and eradicating some bugs!