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    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.


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Files posted by thatman84

  1. PDF instructions for creating animated wheel art for use with Hyperspin 1.5.1.
    Created by Badboybill 
  2. This wheel set has been around for a long time and after recent requests here it is.
    I did not create this. AFAIK it was @DamnedRegistrations and @Crylen.
    I did make some additions which are included amd also there is a PSD which has multiple borders for customising wheel sets.
  3. This is a set of MSX wheels that were collected by DamnedRegistrations in 2015.
    Likely collected from the Hyperspin FTP
    I thought it was worth getting out in the open as I doubt there will be much work done on the system soon. Artwork for MSX is thin on the ground 
    FYI Quality and naming is unchecked
  4. My Attempt at making Andriod, MAC, PC users 1st steps in to Hyperspin Android easier
    This is an adjusted version of the Media and Databases that are included with Hyperspin Full Install 1.3.3
    Tweaked and cutdown for use directly with Android devices (It will not directly work with a PC although you can merge it with a PC setup to aid the building of an Android setup)
    Whats Included
    Indenticle Media files as 1.3.3 with some removals Pre configured Settings files Brief Android Emulator setup notes MAME Adjusted xml for 0.139 ROM set (Default one included also Outdated) Additional Settings files for 123 systems/collections (Provided by Badhemi)  

    Systems Included & Emulators suggested
    Atari 5200 (Retroarch MAME (Arcade) Core)
    Atari Lynx (Retroarch Handy Core)
    MAME (MAME4droid Reloaded (Red) 0.139v romset
    NEC TurboGrafx-16 (Retroarch Mednafen PCE Fast Core)
    Nintendo 64 (Retroarch Mupen64Plus Core or Glupen Core)
    Nintendo Entertainment System (Retroarch Nestopia Core)
    Nintendo Game Boy Advance (Retroarch VBA Next Core
    Panasonic 3DO (Retroarch 4DO Core)
    Sega 32X (Retroarch Picodrive Core)
    Sega CD (Retroarch Picodrive Core)
    Sega Dreamcast (Reicast 73e2691 2016_05_22 Build)
    Sega Game Gear (Retroarch Genesis Plus GX Core)
    Sega Genesis (Retroarch Picodrive Core)
    Sega Master System (Retroarch Picodrive Core)
    SNK Neo Geo (Retroarch FB Alpha Core)
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color (Retroarch Madnafen NGP Core)
    Sony PlayStation (Retroarch PCSX Rearmed Core)
    Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Retroarch BSNES Mercury Performance Core)
    See this Thread for details
    (Tutorial) Hyperspin Android Overview & Installation
    Install Notes
    To install this Hyperspin Android base pack
    Step 1 - Combine the download parts
    Extract the "Hyperspin 1.3.3 Android PT1" (Hyperspin.zip) file
    Place the "Hyperspin 1.3.3 Android PT2" (Media.zip) file within the extracted Hyperspin folder
    Extract the "Hyperspin 1.3.3 Android PT2" (Media.zip) file and it will combine the two parts
    Alternativly extract both files and the cut and paste them together
    (Optional Addition)
    Extract the Settings_Android.zip and pick out the settings files you require as you build your setup. Place them in your Settings folder or Settings_Android folder depending on your setup Rename specific systems if needed ADD YOUR ROMPATH  

    Step 2 - READ the Setup Notes.txt
    Step 3 - Organise your roms
    Organise your roms so they are located in the suggested folder structure OR place them in a location of your
    own choice.
    MAKE sure you adjust the "SYSTEMNAME".ini files to reflect your own rompath
    ****Remeber rom names will need to exactly match your Hyperspin databases (.xml) and be in a format that your
    chosen emulator can open****
    Step 4 - Move the pack to your Android Device
    Once you have the complete Hyperspin folder place this at the root of your storage device connected to your android device
    (USB HDD, Internal storage, SDCard or Network drive)
    Step 5 - Download and configure your emulators
    Step 6 - Install Hyperspin Application
    Download and install the Hyperspin application from the Goggle Playstore
  5. These are files to go along with the Tutorial/Info thread I created
    @diskmach made some adjustments to the database. so everything is based off that.

  6. This is a small 5 game collection wheel designed to work with Retroarch Android.
    (I am no artist so the aspct ratio and quality is mixed, If you improve this setup let me know and I will update it or replace it)
    The Shareware Demo can be ommited if you have the actual Quake PAK1 file and Mission Packs but as its downloadable from within Retroarch I left it in.
    The folder structure is layed out as needed for Drag n' Drop but I would suggest you dont do that.
    DONT USE MY Quake.ini SETTINGS FILE (Just copy out the Game Text, exe and parameter lines for your setup)
    I included all the theme and wheel assets I used in the project so you have some choices.
    80 0
  7. All Pointers I could find
    555 Total
    211 Official Systems
    12 Custom Systems
    173 Random/Universal Pointers
    Pointers collected mainly from files found in the old site downloads section, new upload here section and CU-WIP Thread.
    All un-credited Pointers are from the official download section.
    1. Named with credit where I could
    Seems like alot of the originate from the THk Blondin set found in the Old Site Downloads section,
    also thank nija2bceen as he has released many many pointers also. Big thanks the adamg for sepping in to help
    finish this set!!

    2. Combined all THK-Blondin pointer set's and credited where multiple pointers are included
    3. Where there are many versions of a pointer I have labeled differently

    To use the full set pointers:-
    Rename the pointer of your choice to "Pointer.png" (if not already) and place this in the Systems correct folder
    e.g Sega Genesis would be Hyperspin\Media\Sega Genesis\Images\Other\Pointer.png
    To use the drag and drop set
    Drag the SYSTEMNAME folder into you Hyperspin\Media folder
    RENAME your current Pointer.png to avoid overwriting it with the one is this set
    HyperSpin Community United Project
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