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22 files

  1. 10
  2. Compilation de shader asynchrone (éviter le temps de compilation du shader)
    Encodeur/décodeur de texture DX11 de Galop (améliore le décodage de texture spécialement EFB vers RAM)
    Chargeur de sommets pré-compilé et décodage de sommets optimisé à l'aide de SSSE3 et SSE4
    Prise en charge de Dolpby Pro Logic II pour xaudio et openal
    Résolutions internes plus grandes (IRx6) pour permettre les jeux 4K
    Améliorations des textures personnalisées pour permettre le chargement direct de textures compressées, y compris les mipmaps
    DSP - Option Time Streching (Améliore la sortie sonore pour éviter les sauts de son sur les machines lentes)
    Prise en charge de DX9 pour les anciennes machines
    Interface de post-traitement modifiée pour prendre en charge :
    -Plusieurs étapes permettant des effets plus complexes.
    -Profondeur et gamma natif en entrées.
    -Version personnalisée de DolphinFX qui fonctionne sous dx11 et ogl
    -SSAO et DOF.
    -Prise en charge de la mise à l'échelle des textures
    -Bump Mapping avec des propriétés de matériaux avancées 
    -Phong Réflexion spéculaire pour améliorer la qualité de l'éclairage
    -Cartographie de tessellation et de déplacement 
    -Éclairage de jante 
    -Génération automatique de bosses pour améliorer l'éclairage avec la prise en charge des cartes cubiques env
    -Cache de l'UID du shader :
    Les uids de shader identifient les différents shaders dont les jeux ont besoin pour restituer les graphiques, comme on le sait, la génération de shader est lente
                    et provoque un bégaiement la première fois que vous jouez à un jeu ou lorsque la version de Dolphin change.
                    L'utilisation des caches UID permet à un utilisateur ayant déjà joué au jeu de partager les informations du shader,
                    permettant ainsi aux autres utilisateurs de profiter du jeu sans bégayer.
    Pour les utiliser, demandez simplement les fichiers à un ami ayant déjà joué au jeu.
    Ensuite, placez simplement le dossier des fichiers [UserFolder]\Cache\ShadersUIDS et activez l'option "Compile Shaders On Startup" dans l'onglet graphique avancé.

    Autres fonctionnalités
    Compilation de shaders multithread
    Mise en œuvre précoce de tests approfondis pour corriger les problèmes associés et augmenter les performances
    L'option Fast-Depth contrôle désormais l'utilisation ou non de l'émulation z précoce précise, donc l'activation de la profondeur rapide donnera un boost de vitesse dans certains systèmes.
    Accès EFB rapide. Implémentez le cache d'accès EFB global pour réduire les blocages du GPU causés par l'accès du CPU à l'efb (cette option est l'onglet Hack dans les options Gfx)
    Réorganisation du chemin de génération de shader pour améliorer les performances
    Implémentation du support 3D pour le rendu 3D côte à côte/TopBottom
    De nombreuses corrections de bugs anciens de DX9 (ZComploc, émulation Tev, etc.)
    Autres correctifs et petites améliorations.

    1117(f0dd960b5) :
    Fusionnez la prise en charge de plusieurs dossiers de textures à partir du maître.

    [ *] Full Async Shader = Aucun ralentissement causé par la compilation des shaders. -> Conditions requises : CPU faible (problèmes possibles)
    Options DSP - Time streching
    Activer l'étirement du son pour éviter les crépitements dus à la lenteur du VPS dans l'émulation.
    Cela introduira une certaine latence.

    This Version complements Official Dolphin-Master giving support for legacy devices, and reducing cpu usage on the graphic thread.
    The focus is the gaming experience and speed.

    Please test the new versions will be appreciated, and not forget comment if Ishiiruka was usefull for you.
    Thank you. Have Happy Gamming and Enjoy!.


    [color=#FF0000]LAST UPDATE 2020-08-23[/color]

    http://i.imgur.com/xzQoR66.png?1 [color=#1D2654]Important Features[/color]
    Async shader compilation (Avoiding shader compilation time) Galop's DX11 Texture Encoder/Decoder (Improve Texture decoding specially EFB TO RAM) Pre compiled Vertex loader & Optimized vertex decoding using SSSE3 and SSE4 Dolpby Pro Logic II support for xaudio and openal Larger internal resolutions (IRx6) to allow 4k gaming Custom Texture improvements to allow direct compressed texture loading including mipmaps DSP - Time Streching Option (Improve sound output to avoid sound skipping on slow machines) DX9 support for old machines Modified Post Procesing interface to support: -Multiple Stages allowing more complex effects. -Depth and native gamma as inputs. -DX11/DX12. -Custom version of DolphinFX that work under dx11 and ogl -SSAO and DOF. -Texure Scaling Support -Bump Mapping with advanced material properties (1) -Phong Specular reflection to improve ligthing quality(1) -Tessellation and Displacement Mapping(1) -Rim Lighting(1) -Bump auto generation to improve ligthingwith support for env cubemaps -Shader uid cache:           * Shader uids identify the diferent shaders that games need to render graphics, as is known shader generation is slow
                      and causes stutering the first time you play a game or when dolphin version changes.
                      Using the uid caches allow an user that already played the game to share the shader information,
                      allowing other users to enjoy gaming without stutering.
              * To use them just ask for the files from a friend that already played the game.
              * Then just put the files  [UserFolder]\Cache\ShadersUIDS folder and Enable The "Compile Shaders On Startup" option in the Advanced Graphic Tab
    ((1)For more info see post #3)

    [color=#1D2654]Other Features[/color]
    Multithreaded Shader Compilation Early depth test implementation to correct related issues and increase performance Fast-Depth option now control the use or not of the accurate early z emulation so enabling fast depth will give a speed boos in some systems Fast EFB Access. Implement global EFB Access Cache to reduce GPU stalls caused by CPU access to the efb (This option is Hack Tab in Gfx Options) Shader generation Path reorganization to improve performance Implemented 3d support for Side by side/TopBottom 3d rendering Many DX9 old bugs fixes (ZComploc, Tev emulation, etc) Others fixes and little improves.

  3. For my personal use. Use it if you like it.
  4. Hello everyone, I am starting this project in order to get something rolling on a good quality set of GC discs.

    Set Credits:    
    JSinn - Project Lead [Template designer, Source collector, Rebuilder]
    dionymnia - Rebuilder
    EIDesign - Source Cleaner
    Suhrvivor - Template designer
    xALPHAxOMGEAx - Source collector
    SeanDyer87 - Source collector
    Agent47 - Source collector
    PeeWii - Source collector
    TonesMalone - Source collector
    gigapig - Source donor
    Iggy - Source donor
    Jolasveinn - Source donor
    Tomkun - Japanese translation
    JayC - HyperVault
    hErTz - Project Motivator
    This was a project that has been on hold for a while so thought it’s worth living here being such a great deal of effort has been put in

    Project topic here.
  5. Hello friends, after many months of work I have finished this pack dedicated to GameCube.
    Although most of the themes have already been published individually, now I have created this pack where all the final versions are,
    where I have removed any saw effect that I have, I have incorporated the logos of the manufacturers, I have modified some backgrounds and in some remade the theme completely.
    I hope you like it and enjoy it. Next I detail the content of the pack :
    GameCube System Theme + Transition System + Wheel System
    Gamecube Default Theme
    GameCube Pointer
    Gamecube Letters
    GameCube Game Wheels
    GameCube DVD Boxes
    GameCube Game Themes:
    007 - Everything or Nothing
    4x4 Evo 2
    18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker
    1080 Avalanche
    Aggressive Inline
    Alien Hominid
    Amazing Island
    American Chopper 2 - Full Throttle
    Animal Crossing
    Animaniacs - The Great Edgar Hunt
    Ant Bully, The
    Aquaman - Battle for Atlantis
    Army Men - Air Combat - The Elite Missions
    Army Men - RTS
    Army Men - Sarge's War
    Asterix & Obelix XXL
    ATV - Quad Power Racing 2
    Auto Modellista
    Avatar - The Last Airbender
    Backyard Football
    Bad Boys - Miami Takedown
    Baldur's Gate - Dark Alliance
    Baten Kaitos - Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (Disc 1)
    Baten Kaitos - Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (Disc 2)
    Batman - Dark Tomorrow
    Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu
    Batman - Vengeance
    Batman Begins
    Battalion Wars
    Battle Stadium D.O.N
    Beach Spikers - Virtua Beach Volleyball
    Beyblade VForce - Super Tournament Battle
    Beyond Good & Evil
    Big Air Freestyle
    Big Mutha Truckers
    Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
    Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO - Mark of the Millennium 2001
    Dakar 2 - The World's Ultimate Rally
    Dragon's Lair 3D - Return to the Lair
    Enter the Matrix (Disc 1)
    Enter the Matrix (Disc 2)
    Fantastic 4
    Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicles
    Freestyle Street Soccer
    Frogger Beyond
    Future Tactics - The Uprising
    F-Zero GX
    Gauntlet - Dark Legacy
    Hot Wheels - World Race
    King Arthur
    Legend of Zelda, The - Collector's Edition
    Legend of Zelda, The - The Wind Waker
    Legends of Wrestling
    Legends of Wrestling II
    Luigi's Mansion
    Mario Golf - Toadstool Tour
    Mario Kart - Double Dash!!
    Medal of Honor - Frontline
    Metroid Prime
    Mortal Kombat - Deception
    Nintendo Puzzle Collection
    Pac-Man World Rally
    Paper Mario - The Thousand-Year Door
    If someone wants a theme that is not in the pack you can write me and I will create it, if you like my work click mushroom, Thank You
  6. Letter Pack for Nintendo Gamecube, 2 sets, with and without Gamecube logo.
  7. Set of 574 Nintendo GameCube 2D boxes with reflections added and reformatted to be aspect-correct in 16:9 widescreen setups. The boxes themselves are sourced from other 2D box sets. This set matches HyperList as of December 2017, but does not include images for games marked as prototypes, unlicensed, or non-English games.
  8. My Nintendo Game Cube Pack.
    This Pack contain:
    -Nintendo Game Cube.XML  (627 Games)
    -Nintendo Game Cube Main Theme (16:9)
    -Nintendo Game Cube Main Video
    -Nintendo Game Cube Default Theme (16:9)
    -Artwork3 (DVD Box)
    -Artwork4 (DVD)
    -Setting  file (..\Settings\Nintendo Game Cube\..)
  9. 638 games total, 100% of the GameCube HyperList database.
    Set Credits:
    @JSinn: Project Lead (Source cleaner/maker)
    @xALPHAxOMEGAx: Source collector
    @SeanDyer87: Source collector
    @32assassin: Source donor
    @brolly: Source donor

    This is a 2D set without the case (sleeve back only).
    Note: Images will need to be scaled down for current HS use.
    Check out the original thread -> http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-cases-2d3danimated-sets-hqhires/page-1
    Stop by to say hi, thanks, or even hit that like button. 
  10. bordered gamecube wheel pack 
  11. Added to HyperBase on 8/11/2016 - Circo
    638 games total, 100% of the GameCube HyperList database.
    Set Credits:
    @JSinn: Project Lead (Source cleaner/maker and Template designer)
    @xALPHAxOMEGAx: Source collector
    @SeanDyer87: Source collector
    @32assassin: Source donor
    @brolly: Source donor
    @Tomkun: Japanese translation

    Box set video preview (boxes are scaled down at 55%). 
    Note: Images will need to be scaled down for current HS use.
    Check out the original thread -> http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-cases-2d3danimated-sets-hqhires/page-1
    Stop by to say hi, thanks, or even hit that like button.
  12. Are you tired of low quality media?
    Are you you looking for an accurate box set?
    Look no further my fellow HyperSpinners!
    638 games total, 100% of the GameCube HyperList database.
    Set Credits:
    @JSinn: Project Lead (Source cleaner/maker and Template designer)
    @xALPHAxOMEGAx: Source collector
    @SeanDyer87: Source collector
    @32assassin: Source donor
    @brolly: Source donor
    @Tomkun: Japanese translation

    Box set video preview. 
    Note: Images will need to be scaled down for current HS use.
    Check out the original thread -> http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-3d-cases-hqhires/page-1
    Stop by to say hi, thanks, or even hit that like button.
  13. Added to HyperBase on 8/11/2016 - Circo
    638 games total, 100% of the GameCube HyperList database.
    Set Credits:
    @JSinn: Project Lead (Source cleaner/maker and Template designer)
    @xALPHAxOMEGAx: Source collector
    @SeanDyer87: Source collector
    @32assassin: Source donor
    @brolly: Source donor
    @Tomkun: Japanese translation
    This is a 2D set without the case (sleeve front only).
    Note: Images will need to be scaled down for current HS use.
    Check out the original thread -> http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-cases-2d3danimated-sets-hqhires/page-1
    Stop by to say hi, thanks, or even hit that like button.
  14. Hi Guys,
    After looking at the FTP sites, etc. there were 40 Gamecube CD images I could not find (most of them, obscure Japanese titles). From looking in Hypervault, Google, e-bay, etc, I've found the best set of source art for the missing games that I could and have created the missing set (40 images in total). The available source images for these games ranged in quality from mediocre to horrible, so the resulting images are mostly low quality. However, until a better set comes along, you might like to have these in your wheel than nothing at all. Given their relatively small size (which I sized to match the other images that are out there) they don't look *too* bad in HyperSpin. ;-)
    Hope you find them useful...
  15. Made with logos that I found.
  16. **Warning ** ** Warning**
    May cause you to become mad because you'll wish all your box sets are animated.

    638 games total, 100% of the GameCube HyperList database.

    This set is intended for 16:9 (1920x1080 stretched).
    All you need to do is drop these in to Artwork3 or Artwork4 and use a System Default theme.

    Set Credits:
    @JSinn: Project Lead (Source cleaner/maker - Template designer - Flash Animator)
    @xALPHAxOMEGAx: Source collector
    @SeanDyer87: Source collector
    @32assassin: Source donor
    @brolly: Source donor
    @Tomkun: Japanese translation

    Vid preview.

    Note: This set can not be used as wheel images. 
    Original project thread -> http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-3d-cases-hqhires/page-1]http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-3d-cases-hqhires/page-1]http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-3d-cases-hqhires/page-1
    Stop by to say hi, thanks, or even hit that like button.
  17. **Warning ** ** Warning**
    May cause you to become sad because you'll wish all your box sets are animated.
    638 games total, 100% of the GameCube HyperList database.
    All you need to do is drop these in to Artwork3 and use a System Default theme.
    This set is intended for 4:3 and I will be working on a set for 16:9.

    Set Credits:
    @JSinn: Project Lead (Source cleaner/maker and Template designer)
    @xALPHAxOMEGAx: Source collector
    @SeanDyer87: Source collector
    @32assassin: Source donor
    @brolly: Source donor
    @Tomkun: Japanese translation

    Vid preview. 
    Note: I don't think this set can be used as wheel images.

    Original project thread -> http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-3d-cases-hqhires/page-1]http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-3d-cases-hqhires/page-1]http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/13949-nintendo-gamecube-3d-cases-hqhires/page-1
    Stop by to say hi, thanks, or even hit that like button.
    You better damn it! B-cuz this took 6 months to complete.
  18. Nintendo GameCube Discs
  19. 640 game wheels
  20. Nintendo GameCube 3D Boxes size 218x390 the size fits my theme you can resize if needed.
  21. gamecube alt pointer
  22. gamecube pointer

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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