This is a MAME bezel for Frontline game. I hope you enjoy it.
This is a Mame bezel for the game barricade (barricad). I hope you enjoy it.
Mame bezel for FLICKY game.
Caterpillar Pacman Hack 1982, hack - ctrpllrp - MAME Marquee
link to theme below.
20 added/updated arcade games this month.
New Parents:
Andromeda [andromed]
Pikkari Chance [pikkaric]
Saturn: Space Fighter 3D [satsf3d]
Vs. Super Captain Flag (Japan) [vscaptfl]
New Clones:
Bank Panic (Tecfri bootleg) [bankpt]
DJ Girl (Promat license) [djgirl]
Image Fight (Japan, bootleg) [imgfightjb]
Ms. Pac-Man (Enavi bootleg) [mspacmanbgc]
Raiden II (Australia) [raiden2au]
T.T Spacian Part-2 [spacian2]
YoYo Spell (prototype) [yoyospel]
Updated Roms:
Battle Chopper (World) [bchopper]
Espgaluda II [espgal2]
Fighting Layer [fgtlayer]
Gals Panic (unprotected) [galpanic]
Pushman (Korea, set 1) [pushman]
SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter [sonicfgt]
Upgraded Roms:
Born To Fight (set 2) [borntofia] - borntofi removed
Gaplus (GP7) [gapluse] - gaplus removed
Omega Race (set 3, 7/27) [omegrace3] - omegrace removed
February MAME Media Update:
Thank you to all the hard-working content creators:
Updated Themes:
Missing Themes:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
MAME 0.252 is postponed until the end of February.
This update represents all the Themes/Videos/Wheels created or updated for January.
-All New themes uploaded
-All Updated themes
-Some Parent themes updated, and original themes altered to use for clones
-Wheel and Video improvements
-A few new clones added to the database with many minor corrections.
This update contains some content that I have created but please do not "like" this upload.
Instead, please take a minute to show appreciation to the other content creators.
Here are their content pages, please "like" their recent uploads:
Diegoik's Content
Emanu's Content
Fliperama's Content
Hoscarconh's Content
Jesfknkrys's Content
JohnFreitasSousa's Content
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
11,695 wheel or logo files aligned with the current (v0.251) version of MAME. 2,324 unique machines when corrected for clones.
Only 15 added/updated arcade games this month.
New Parents:
cnebula - Nebula (DECO Cassette) (UK)
decodark - DECO Cassette System ROM Multigame (Darksoft, v17)
racingj - Racing Jam (GQ676UAC)
racingj2 - Racing Jam: Chapter 2 (GQ888UAA)
thrilld - Thrill Drive (UDE)
New Clones:
bonzeadvp2 - Bonze Adventure (World, prototype)
ffightae - Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (World, hack)
gunsmokeua - Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-01-20)
pcktgalba - Pocket Gal / unknown card game
Updated Parents:
cadanglr - Angler Dangler (DECO Cassette) (US)
mpumpkin - Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken (Japan 960712)
plegends - Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95.06.20)
pwrinst2 - Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 1)
teedoff - Tee'd Off (World)
Updated Clones:
ccbootmm - Crazy Climber (ManilaMatic bootleg)
hkittymp - Hello Kitty Magical Pumpkin (Japan 960712)
Complete video and wheels
9/15 Themes
I did not make any of the themes
Previous Uploads:
MAME Project Upload
0.250 Update
MAME Project (Clone Media) Update
Added 276 clones to the Database thanks to the list created by Millansoft.
I had to create most of the wheels and videos but they are complete for the 276 clones
It was a challenge to find usable pre-existing themes for the new clones. I was only able to find 57 themes (using alternate parent themes and inserting clone logos)
I have gathered all the new MAME media uploaded recently. Some of the parent/clone themes have been swapped (better quality given to parent)
All files are improvements or corrections so please overwrite your existing media to see the changes.
Total updated file count:
Videos: 284
Theme: 236
Many small changes to the Database as well.
Use the "MAME Update.xml" to view clone additions (it will be an option in genre)
Huge thanks for all the recent uploads:
MAME Project Upload
0.250 Update
MAME 0.250 update:
New Games
New Clones
Updated Roms
Upgraded (Parent) Roms
60 updated themes
48 updated videos
51 Updated wheels
Thank you:
Brudibru, Creezz67, Diegoik, Publio, Millansoft
Previous MAME full setup:
MAME 0.249 (Working) Complete Video/Wheel/Rom Mapping (clones)/Themes - Upload HER
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
MAME 0.249
Only Working (arcade) games (no games with keyboard only controls)
Full Instructions: LInk to Post
Database and 213 Genre XMLs with full media
Wheels: Complete (3831) all clear wheels
Videos: Complete (3831) all mp4
Videos uploaded to Download Link
Themes: 90% Complete (3503/3831)
301 clones with unique wheels and (mostly) unique videos
Rocket Launcher Rom Mapping INI to access clone submenu
Artworks para Mame personalizados basados en la media subida por Hoscarconh
Gracias a DiegoIK por su ayuda en la plantilla del backdrop.
Créditos Artworks originales:
Design, layout and editing by Lee Robson (hydef)
Background scan by Henrik Algestam
11,262 wheel or logo files aligned with the current (v0.246) version of MAME. 2,317 unique machines when corrected for clones.
10,400 wheel or logo files aligned with the current (v0.239) version of MAME. 2,136 unique machines when corrected for clones.
Here is the animated wheel pack i did by myself , hope you guys like it
If i will add more i will update the pack
100 missing MAME wheels (casino games included). Some are also valid for Demul.
Please verify that the wheels match your gamelist cause there are some that are named after clones (Sometimes only clones work in Mame).
92 missing MAME wheels (casino games included).
He creado estas wheels de MAME que me faltaban para completar en mi hyperspin
Pack média complet: / Shmup MAME
EvilDindon's default MAME theme w/mamu's icons
#A - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
B - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
C - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
D - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
E - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
F - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
G - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
H - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
I - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
J - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
K - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
L - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
W - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
X - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
Y - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
Z - Wheel EvilDindon's default MAME theme
attaching the marquees to be added.
Jr. Pac-Man
Street Fighter Alpha
Tech Romancer
I have been doing my own bezels to fill the black borders. All are in 1920 x 1080 and simply go into the artwork folder.
I have used artwork / flyers from all over and have tried to use original artwork and graphics from the themes in doing these bezels.
These are my own mock up and cam be used if you want and / or edited if needed.
Some of the flyers had to be resized and look slightly stretched but they still look OK.
Angler Dangler, logo for arcade wheel.
Someone can tell me how can I contact who manage the logos for the frontend like Hyperspin, Attract Mode, ecc..? I'd like my work goes in the database everyone can download.
Logo for wheel about Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa
Logo for wheel about Victory by Comsoft