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66 files

  1. Greetings, 

    I Decided to upload the letter pack for ZeroJay's Ultimate DooM Single player Collection:
    This pack contains replaces the standard letters you get with Hyperspin

    Forum      : link to the forum thread with more goodies
    Edit 17-11-2016
    As of Today , ZeroJay's Ultimate doom single player collection will be known as Hyperspin's Ultimate Doom single player collection. please give ZeroJay a Beer for his hardwork! 

    Database : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12605-hyperspin-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-database/
    Letter pack : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12604-hyperspins-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-letter-pack/
    Sound pack : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12603-hyperspins-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-sound-pack/
    Wheel pack : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12602-hyperspin-s-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-wheel-pack/
  2. Pointer for Locomalito Games
  3. Wheel art for Streets Of Rage Remake
  4. The crew at Huracan Studio just released a new version 2.10 of this fantastic game on Halloween. I've had this set up in my Hyperspin Main Menu for quite some time now and wanted to share it with you all. I did not create the menu graphics but collected them from around the web and thought there needed to be some easy place to find them. I am uploading the XML I created, the main menu graphics from sinistersix, the main menu wheel art, and the gameplay video. Please contact me if you need help getting the game to work correctly. Hope you enjoy!
  5. Freedom Planet PC Game Wheel
  6. Squared main menu wheel image (16x9) for Super Mario War
  7. Here is a main menu wheel for Shovel Knight.
  8. Flash Games Pointer
  9. The 308 PNG's are in Resolution 600 x xxx Pixels
    There are some German Titles of Games in the Pack.
    you can use them for other Systems too if you want
    Size: 31,6 MB
  10. Games for Windows / PC Games Pointer. This is made for a 16:9 Hyperspin, you'll need to expand width by 125% if you have a 4:3 front end
  11. I'm using squared main menu wheel images and decided to move Fix it Felix Jr. to my main menu wheel... it needed a decent squared image, so I created one. Enjoy!
  12. Here are some cases that I made for my collection. You may need to change some of the names to match your files. Thanks!
  13. Doujin Soft System Pointer
  14. pc alt pointer
  15. Doujin Soft Main Menu Wheel
  16. pc pointer

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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