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Main Menu Themes

20 files

  1. - Thanks for wallpapers, pngs, etc. : Skainlurmis and Vice350z (forums.launchbox/Bedroom retro big box project)
    * Improved theme here: Super Nintendo Entertainment System 2.0.zip
  2. Here is my little contribution 
    I hope you enjoy it
  3. 77
  4. Warning !!! Video file can only be downloaded on my Youtube channel.
  5. Main Menu Theme Nintendo Super Famicom
    By Cyclair
  6. HI everyone, i create a main theme for the  NINTENDO SUPER NINTENDO. I hope you like it. Please Tell me about how can i improve this theme.
  7. My Super Nintendo Entertainment System Main Menu theme. 
    Hard to distinguish from the screen shots but there is a lot of motion in this theme, I'm not sure how to make videos so you will have to give it a try if you are interested.
    Mario flies through the air bouncing around on Yoshi beating him in the head (as deserved) while your choice of 1up mushrooms or fruit rains from above.
    The background scrolls from the right appearing as though they are moving through the mushroom kingdom, then the video flies in and enlarges while the system title drops from the top and pulses.
    This theme was fun to make just because it's enjoyable to watch mario bouncing around, it went through a few iterations along the way with the background but the scrolling artwork made things a little bit problematic as far as a seamless entry, I tinkered for quite a while with scrolling speeds etc.
    I've included two themes which are identical aside from one raining 1ups and one raining fruit. Just delete where it says 'fruit' on the one name 'Super Nintendo Entertainment System fruit' and pop it in the 'HyperSpin/Media/Main Menu/Themes' folder.
    Thanks to @Mekquake for making the .swf of Mario and Yoshi. 
    *edit - One important note, you should delete your transition animation file or rename it to something else, because the transitions don't play over the scrolling background so it can make it a little wacky when the theme starts. It's far more seamless when Hyperspin uses one of it's default transitions instead which it should do when it can't find the overide transition file. You will find it in 'HyperSpin/Media/Main Menu/Video/Overide Transitions/Super Nintendo Entertainment System.flv'. 
  8. Super Nintendo Entertainment System Main Menu Theme (Animated Mario World 4:3)
  9. Main Menu Theme do sistema Super Nintendo Classic Edition (16:9)
  10. Main Menu for Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
  11. preparando el anunciado proximo lanzamiento de nintendo, la mini consola Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition.
  12. Super Nintendo Entertainment System theme based on the original retail packaging of the console.  Bringing the original box aesthetic back into Hyperspin really adds a layer of nostalgia to the experience.  I use old commercials for the preview video but this works fine with gameplay vids too.  Enjoy!
  13. SNES system Main Menu Theme
  14. Super Nintendo - Main Menu (16:9ST)
  15. Snes main menu theme
  16. Super Nintendo - Main Menu (16:9ST)
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  17. Super Nintendo - Main Menu (4:3)
  18. Super Nintendo - Main Menu (4:3)
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  19. Here's an alternate Main Menu theme for the SNES. This is part of a series of themes around the concept of a lounge room/ bedroom that updates with every new system to reflect the year it was released. The boy or girl's clothes and the room decor trend with the times and movie posters and toys are taken from the era closest to the systems release as well. Expect the TV to grow larger with the times too!
    For the SNES I chose to reflect the early 90's as the lifespan of the SNES was from 1990 (USA release) till it was succeeded by the N64 in 1996(USA release).
    This is the 4:3 version but I've also designed it in an un-cropped, recomposed widescreen version ready for when Hyperspin 2.0 is released.
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  20. Super Nintendo - Main Menu (4:3)
    Video Snap available at EmuMovies

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