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DEMUL 57 help?


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HelloI managed to get DEMUL 57 working, however It will not exit? I tried changing the exit key to no avail. Any suggestions?


Away from my cab at the minute but have you tried leaving the demul exit key set at its default and then using a keymap to map your exit key to the demul one ?

The reason I say this is the module itself may have some jiggery pokery exit key stuff in there.




The only way I know to kill Demul is by pressing Alt-enter so it goes windowed and then close it.

That's if you run Demul outside of HS, RocketLauncher should be able to close it fine with an exit emulator key but some games take time.


Have you tried Demul 0.58.2?



I had 5.8.2 but found it ran super slow.. maybe I will try it again if it can exit better?  I will give it more time to close with 57 and see what happens.. right now is a bad time as trumatch is going over my ps2 and it takes a very very long time.



Ok I got 5.8.2 and it exits no problem now, however I am having an issue.  Outside of RL DEMUL under video, I have to set the hack Disable Auto Sort for it to run playable.. If that option is not checked it lags big time. Even checked it lags :( is there any speed ups or do I need new Video card..


I also have the issue of it wont hide the top bar (even when checked to hide), you always see the grey bar.


You can set it here in RLUI but some games need it on or off, so if you see glitching you'll need to set the opposite per game.





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