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Custom PC 'console' for Hyperspin. Is this good enough???


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Hello everyone,


I'm trying to get a new PC specifically for Hyperspin. My current Desktop just doesn't cut it, and honestly my end goal is to have a custom 'console' that runs all these games in one single streamlined interface where I never (or almost never) have to pull out a keyboard.

Here is the specs I am currently running this on.

CPU: AMD A8-5500 3.2GHZ
GPU: AMD R7 260X 2GB
RAM: 8GB (2x4GB)
PSU: 600 Watt

As you can no doubt tell, my CPU is not exactly top of the line. As result, what I've found is that while I can run 8, 16, 32, & 64 Bit consoles very well (pretty much everything from NES to PSX)


Anything above that ends up in me giving me various problems (fps drops, etc), and I've recently learned that it's not just the CPU's GHZ that I need to focus on. I was told that "single-thread performance" is an important factor, and was pointed to a Intel G3258 processor.

Now, obviously I can't just pop an Intel CPU in my motherboards AMD FM2 socket. So I'm thinking of just getting a new CPU all together, and I've been looking at these beautiful machines to fulfill my needs: http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/landingpages/syber/ (Obviously the "Vapor One" line, and not the steam machines)

So what configuration would be best for this sort of thing? Here's what I'm thinking:

CPU: Intel® Pentium™ Anniversary Edition G3258 3.2 GHz 3MB Intel Smart Cache LGA1150 (All Venom OC Certified)
(It's my understanding that it can be overclocked to 4.0Ghz, but I don't know how to do that or if it's necessary for this project, or would it be better 'bang for the buck' to get an i7-4790k?)

GPU: AMD Radeon R9 380 4GB GDDR5 PCIe 3.0 x16
(I NEED an AMD GPU, because stereoscopic 3D is important to me, and AMD's method of doing it is vastly superior IMHO thanks to TriDef)

(How many GBs you have is as far as my understanding of RAM goes, and I thought it'd be nice to double it)

PSU: 450 Watts - Standard SFX 80 Plus Bronze Active PFC Power Supply
According to the website, that's all I need, but it seems way too low, right?

HDD: 1 TB 7200RPM SATA300 Hard Drive
I would love a 2TB, but it's only listed as 5400RPM... does that even matter?

So there you have it, the build I had in mind. Is that worth the 803$ that the above website is quoting me at?

I guess I should also mention that I will be doing basic PC gaming on it as well, but everything I want to play (outside of the PC version of GTA V) runs very well on my current PC.

Please let me know what you guys think, because after learning about single-threaded performance, I don't feel like I know half as much as I thought I did about PCs, and really don't want to spend a lot of money just to be disappointed. (I almost bought another AMD APU) lol so you know how bad I almost screwed up.




I would suggest that a good Intel i3 would be a solid processor to use for most emulators and you're right in your understanding of "single threaded performance", as I don't think many (if any) emulators use more than 2 cores(?). I know that Dolphin prefers intel CPUs and intels instructions per clock cycle are better than AMDs (plus they run cooler which is nice :) )


But, if your going to be doing 3D gaming or play modern PC games and want to run them at decent settings (better than current consoles) your CPU will be your bottleneck and you would benefit from perhaps going up to an intel i5. Your proposed graphics card isn't far off my gaming PCs Radeon 7970 ghz edition so will be fine for a lot of modern games at high settings @ 1080p I would think (but not with that processor as mentioned).


I have a second gen i5 in my arcade cab with a basic 1gb radeon card and it handles any emulator including model 3, dreamcast and dolphin very well (the only thing I havent tried is PS2). 


Hope this helps.


First of all, thank you to all of you for the replies, your responses coupled with some extra research has led me to revise the build I beleive I'll be purchasing.

Here goes:


Computer: Syber Vapor One (P-Model)

If nothing else, I recommend google-ing this for the case. You will see why I chose it for a custom "Console" design.


OS: Windows 10 Home

I actually like Windows 10, and aside from the issues I've had in getting DTLite to work (Sega Saturn! Arrgh!) It's been delightful.



61$, and I can upgrade to a Gigabyte motherboard... seemed legit to me. lol

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790k 4.0Ghz
This appears to be the top of the line single thread performer, and 4ghz ain't too bad either. (I read you can OC this to 4.7Ghz!)



They are doing a special upgrade offer today, so I bumped this up a notch lol.


RAM: 16Gb (2x 8Gb) DDR3 1600MHZ
Because, why not?


PSU: 450watt Silverstone

(PSU Req: 318watt) Apperantly this is sufficient because of the way the computer is built.


HDD: 1 TB 7200RPM SATA300 Hard Drive

Free upgrade from 500GB, so **** yes I want a TB lol


While a step up from the 803$ price tag, all of the above for $1,171.35 is not too shabby.

If anyone else thinks this is a good deal, CyberPowerPC is doing a lot of sales for Halloween week. I got multiple free upgrades on the HDD and GPU, an extra 50$ off the GPU, also a 5% discount (which saved me 60$) using Promo Code SPRING0410


Let me know what you guys think!


Going a G3258 would give you best bang for buck. FYI most Z97 motherboards have easy overclock settings that you can get you to 4ghz or more with some stability testing.


I definitely wouldn't go with that second setup, especially for a hyperspin dedicated machine.

Why, may I ask, would you not go with the second build? It may be worth mentioning (if I haven't before) That modern PC games are being included in my Hyperspin build, using Tri-def 3D so that I can play them in glorious stereoscopic 3D. (Hence the AMD GPU)

Also, I appreciate the build you threw together on PC Part Picker. I checked out that site a bit before I stumbled upon the Syber Vapor series. A HUGE draw of the build I bought is that its case and form factor are just so very much like a console.


Having that 'console' feel (Instead of an arcade cabinet, or HTPC, or even just desktop) has been my number one goal from the outset of my time with Hyperspin. I want something that looks like a console, can be taken to a buddies house like a console, and just be as seamless as possible.


i say customize a itx case design or micro atx  i wouldnt spend money on over priced intel :)

Normally I'd totally agree with you thcdgaf. In fact I usually go with AMD because of the huge price difference. However, from all the research I found, the i7-4790k has the highest single-thread performance available and by quite a large margin as well. It's my understanding that this alone will give a huge performance boost on the more taxing emulators like PCSX2.

The good thing about that Syber Vapor's case is that it uses a MicroATX board, so it keeps the form factor small. It's a little more wide because the GPU sits parrallel to the Motherboard, isntead of perpendicular, but all in all it's only slightly bigger than the Xbox One.

(Also, sorry if you've been trying to talk to me on chat at all man, it doesn't seem to work for me anymore for some reason lol)


Sounds like you want more of a full on gaming PC then and not just a run of the mill "HyperSpin" PC that will get you through running all the emulators.


If you got the money go for it. I will tell you an i5 can run everything out there the i7 can. But yeah if you got the cash to burn then I guess the approx $100 jump aint much.

I suppose it is more easily described in that manner, yes. I'm just using hyperspin to tie a lot together. I'm going to try to figure out a way to tie it to the Xbox One App on Windows 10 as well so that I can get to the streaming feature from Hyperspin. I've already got a method for loading GzDoom via ZDLauncher, which is amazing.

If they come out with an Xbox One Chat Pad that will work with Windows, I will be set up perfectly for the entire selection of possible media to be accessed quite seamlessly from Hyperspin.


i say customize a itx case design or micro atx i wouldnt spend money on over priced intel :)

This is why you don't skimp on a emulation system with amd...

They are far from overpriced, get what you pay for, the i3 outperforms the 6300 on pc games for instance and is $10 more...



This is why you don't skimp on a emulation system with amd...

They are far from overpriced, get what you pay for, the i3 outperforms the 6300 on pc games for instance and is $10 more...


I'm incredibly happy to see the Intel i7-4790k that I got at the very top of that list hahaha. What's the opposite of buyer's remorse? lol


Is that from Dolpihn's website, or some kind of magical website that does this for various emulators?



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