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Creating PC fighting games / systems?


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Guys I'm trying to create a new wheel PC fighting games....I have created the wheel fine , however in emulators I cant select PC launcher (nothing appears at all) and also  in modules , No module appears? I need the module so that I can select edit and set paths to my fighting games  ( like I can do with the pc games,thats fine)


any help be appreciated


Did you add PC launcher in global emulators.. As a virtual emulator . Then you assign the module. If you have PC games setup then you should already have PC launcher

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yeah the pc games are fine, launcher is set in there,as is irtual emulator...the games run as they should


When I click on the PC fighting games and select emulator, there is no emulators in the default list at all,its blank.

When I also click on the modules tab,there are no modules at all to select.


I assume I use the same settings as PC games,but I cant select anything under



edit: I went to rocketlauncher/emulator settings/Pcfighting games/emulator and typed in PCLauncher....it now has appeared in emulators tab.....


Its just the module? How do I get a module to appear under PC fighting games now? I need the PCLauncher.ahk I assume? then I can select edit globule module and add my games from list?


As Jeremy said... Go into rocketlauncher /modules folder.. Edit pclauncher.ahk and type in your system name . Then in RLui go to your fighting game system and add PC launcher emulator, then module should show

Btw I recently added this myself :)


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Not a bad idea. Don't really like the name "PC" Fighting Games though.

Just Fighting Games or Fighters or Modern Fighters sounds better. Even Steam Fighters sounds better.


There are a lot of good native pc fighting games.... SF V will be a must have in a cabinet!

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