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Bliss Box 4-play compatibility


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How does vjoy help? Doesn't it translate key presses into joy buttons? How does unhelpful convert BlissBox joy buttons into key presses?

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Vjoy does the opposite. It allows you to use the joystick in this case blissbox. Upon any press it presses your mapped keystroke. So you press #2 key aka the A button on nintendo and it would press the mapped key that I assigned it aka 7 on the keyboard. That's exactly what I am after and I'm sure many of you will to so you can still use the cabinet controls or bliss box while not having to update each emulators mappers. I'm hopefully going to get rocketlauncher to run Vjoy instead of xpadder tonight. I assume it's the same process in terms of set up. Grant it I havnt made that work yet, I just read about it and watched youtube. I mapped everything to Vjoy though and I calibrated each of my controllers last night

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Vjoy = virtual joystick

Xpadder = virtual Keyboard.


So vjoy is the same thing only better and free.Though if you run the cabinet controls to the 4-play via an HDMI breakout board, you don't need either of the above.



fsancu bb.png


What am I missing... how does it help to translate BlissBox into virtual joystick presses? Don't we want to translate it into virtual keyboard presses so we can map it in the emulators? 


Could someone post a quick guide for vjoy + rocketlauncher + blissbox?


Just a quick simple example like NES


I'm going to try it tonight or tomorrow and it should be a short guide :-) we are pioneers you know? Uncharted lands here

Anyhow the theory is I'm leaving all my emulators mapped to keystrokes. I have vjoy which I set up last night where I would push a button on blissbox and then select the standard keystroke that I have on all my emulators. In theory when I have this set up in rocketlauncher, when I press bliss box button 2 which is mapped to A will press blissbox #2 AND my keystroke of 7 on the keyboard. That's at least how I understand it. I'm hoping for the best

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how does it help to translate BlissBox into virtual joystick presses? 



If you have a virtual device you can give it any input but the out put is always the same. If you have a device like the 4-play and you want to set up an input from say the arcade player 1 start, you can not. The 4-play reads controllers right?  So if the player one start button on the arcade console is pressed how is the hyperspin going to know about it? Well because you mapped it to a keyboard short but right? So now you have two inputs a keyboard and a controller. A virtual device lets you put two inputs in one.



virtual button A = controller A

virtual button B = controller B

virtual button X = keyboard key pressed X

virtual analog X_rotation  = mouse X moment


This is not a real example, but see how everything gets put in to the virtual joystick? This is the idea, now I'm not sure what the goal is here with hyper spin but Ninja I'm sure will example that on his next tutorial.


One advantage I see is say you want to play pac man with a 4-play atari controller. 

map the atari emulator to the 4-play up down left right and button 1

Simple right?


but lets say you also want the arcade stick to move pac man

You can't, you only get one mapping, its mapped to the 4-play


well do this.

virtual button A = 4-play A button and arcade controller button 1

virtual button up  = 4-play button up and arcade controller up

virtual button down = 4-play button down and arcade controller down 




get the idea? With a virtual joystick you get many inputs and configs all put in to one place. So set up with HS is a breeze.


Don't we want to translate it into virtual keyboard presses so we can map it in the emulators? 


That is what xpadder does. It has a few draw backs. The main being no analog support. If you map the analog up to key W then it's either all the way up or not pressed. So this means you have to map two things in emulators and you can't do that. With a v-joystick you can map many inputs to it. 



I think there are a few v-joysticks out there

http://www.headsoft.com.au/index.php?category=vjoy     -     Don't think this has multiple inputs to one action.

http://wiki.mechlivinglegends.net/index.php?title=PPJoy_for_using_multiple_joysticks  -     Don't think this has multiple inputs to one action either.

http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/         -     have not checked it out yet. 

http://sixense.com/forum/vbulletin/showthread.php?3203-DirectInput-virtual-gamepad-(version-0-4f)      -    looks sub-par.

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/22898-tutorial-joystick-settings-for-ppjoy-and-glovepie-originally-by-bedazzled/   - if you're technical you can use this combo.

http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/index.php/dev/87-writing-a-feeder-application2   - This can be used to build a v-joy in to HyperSpin.Best option IMO.


With that last option, you can tell all the emus to use the v-joy with in HS. I know HS is flash, but you should be able to create a hook.  Then you only have to config in one place like open emu or retroarch.



fsancu bb.png



If I'm reading vjoy correctly and after doing the mapping it should work

I'm going to to shut off xpadder and turn on vjoy in hyperspin

Vjoy when you open it you see like 20 buttons. Yesterday I plugged in bliss and checked a number of controllers to see if all the buttons were the same (like all the a buttons were number 2) they were so ulao did an excellent job there. With vjoy I had to go to button two and map a keystroke, in my case 7. Therefore when I press on blissbox A which is button 2, vjoy would press 7 on the keyboard. This was all the emulators are still mapped with my original set up. When you set up vjoy, just go straight to the n64 controller since it has so many buttons or ps2. Everything is uniform. If I get vjoy running in rocketlauncher things should just work. It's a marvelous piece of software that will make the hardware work for us I think. I'll write up a tutorial when I'm able to test it. I'm sure newoski, the English major will simplify it to something more tangible. Thanks again for all the support, it's so close

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If I'm reading vjoy correctly and after doing the mapping it should work

I'm going to to shut off xpadder and turn on vjoy in hyperspin

Vjoy when you open it you see like 20 buttons. Yesterday I plugged in bliss and checked a number of controllers to see if all the buttons were the same (like all the a buttons were number 2) they were so ulao did an excellent job there. With vjoy I had to go to button two and map a keystroke, in my case 7. Therefore when I press on blissbox A which is button 2, vjoy would press 7 on the keyboard. This was all the emulators are still mapped with my original set up. When you set up vjoy, just go straight to the n64 controller since it has so many buttons or ps2. Everything is uniform. If I get vjoy running in rocketlauncher things should just work. It's a marvelous piece of software that will make the hardware work for us I think. I'll write up a tutorial when I'm able to test it. I'm sure newoski, the English major will simplify it to something more tangible. Thanks again for all the support, it's so close

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Ha, I'm not going to live that down, eh? This stuff is confusing. Clear language is a beautiful thing


If I could simplify things

Xpadder is like controller to keyboard

Vjoy is like joystick to controller to keystroke

Vjoy is like an addition layer to things and folks in general should probably get away from xpadder as vjoy is so much more effective and its free :-)

Tapatalk signature


If I could simplify things

Xpadder is like controller to keyboard

Vjoy is like joystick to controller to keystroke

Vjoy is like an addition layer to things and folks in general should probably get away from xpadder as vjoy is so much more effective and its free :-)

Tapatalk signature

How are you differentiating between a joystick and a controller in this example?

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When you set up vjoy, just go straight to the n64 controller since it has so many buttons or ps2. Everything is uniform.


There I told you you would figure it out uniform = global mapping ;) See it's just that darn language barrier. 



Xpadder is like controller to keyboard

Vjoy is like joystick to controller to keystroke




Xpadder is like controller to keyboard

Vjoy  is like  joystick or keyboard or mouse to joystick. 


vjoy does not out put keyboard ;)



fsancu bb.png


There I told you you would figure it out uniform = global mapping ;) See it's just that darn language barrier.


Xpadder is like controller to keyboard

Vjoy is like joystick or keyboard or mouse to joystick.

vjoy does not out put keyboard ;)

So, exact opposite. I still fail to see how this solves the problem were discussing...

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VJoy Virtual Joystick is a software application and virtual driver system that allows keyboard input to be translated to joystick input. Exact quote from the site above. It should work right?


VJoy provides two virtual joysticks that can be configured with 30 inputs each. A button can be assigned to each type of joystick input. To configure a joystick function either select the key to assign from the combo box or use the button to input the key from the keyboard.

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You just said the same thing newoski said. newoski, is right but you have to thing further and understand the problem. 


The main issue here is no one clearly defined the problem. 


1) arcade controls need to be mapped to keyboard. 

Fix A, use HDMI break with 4-play (controls->4-play->joystick input->Xpadder->keyboard input) This will work and also fixes the issue below. 

Fix B use i-pac (controls->i-pac->keybard input) and use 4-play as Joystick input. This is bad because of the issue below. 


2) Can not map two inputs to emulators.

fix A Map everything to a virtual joystick and use xpadder. 

   arcade conrtols -> ipac->keyboard-vJoystick -> Xpadder -> keyboard input

   4-play -> vJoystick -> Xpadder -> keyboard input

    Now you dont need two mappings (This should be what ninja2bceen is thinking )


AFAIK, HS will require keyboard inputs to do stuff. IF not then it gets much simpler. 



As I said 10 times before, if you do the break out board you do not need the virtual joystick. Its just for people that can not figure out the hardware and the fact you can not use the arcade controls at the same time as the joystick. 



fsancu bb.png


You just said the same thing newoski said. newoski, is right but you have to thing further and understand the problem. 


The main issue here is no one clearly defined the problem. 


1) arcade controls need to be mapped to keyboard. 

Fix A, use HDMI break with 4-play (controls->4-play->joystick input->Xpadder->keyboard input) This will work and also fixes the issue below. 

Fix B use i-pac (controls->i-pac->keybard input) and use 4-play as Joystick input. This is bad because of the below problem. 


2) Can not map two inputs to emulators.

fix A Map everything to a virtual joystick and use xpadder. 

   arcade conrtoller -> ipac->keyboard-v joystick -> Xpadder -> keyboard input

   4-play v joystick -> Xpadder -> keyboard input

    Now you dont need two mappings 


As I said 10 times before, if you do the break out board you do not need the virtual joystick. Its just for people that can not figure out the hardware and the fact you can not use the arcade controls at the same time as the joystick. 


Sorta kinda. 


The problem with:

   4-play v joystick -> Xpadder -> keyboard input

Is that using the Unofficial Firmware, each input is seen as a different USB device. Therefore, you can't really create xpadder profiles appropriately. I spent a few hours trying last night. If anyone can correct me, I'd be thrilled!

Sorry I updated that post a bit on you...


No xpadder uses the v-joystick. So the mappings you do in the v-joystick is what see the 4-play ports. As far as xpadder is concerned you point it to the v-joystick. 


Also, as ninja pointed out  "VJoy provides two virtual joysticks that can be configured with 30 inputs each. " So you could combined joystick inputs to one v-joy.  If that is what you desire. 



fsancu bb.png


Sorry I updated that post a bit on you...


No xpadder uses the v-joystick.


Right, but xpadder sees each port as an individual USB. So it's not possible to "put them all on one". At least I don't think so. That's the problem that we need to solve


You can make a profile for each v-joystick. You only get two with the one ninja is talking about. So you combine arcade controller 1 with 4-play port 1 on one profile  and arcade controller 2 with 4-play port 2 on the other. Then set up keys differently.  And using the unofficial 4-play fix so that it remember the ports. I don't see the issue? 



fsancu bb.png


Newoski so did you try vjoy? I don't think it's much more effort for me to test what I was thinking would work I'm using vjoy sort of like xpadder but maybe in understanding poorly there. I still think it will work but it may be false hope. I'm definitely going to let you know though. Man we are so close... Newoski you and I are pioneers, we have to think of something, there has to be something out there software wise. Sure that USB iPac looks and sounds cool. Personally I don't want to take apart stuff and hope it works sort of thing. This feels like something that has to have been developed, I mean we have everything else you know?

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You can make a profile for each v-joystick. You only get two with the one ninja is talking about. So you combine arcade controller 1 with 4-play port 1 on one profile and arcade controller 2 with 4-play port 2 on the other. Then set up keys differently. And using the unofficial 4-play fix so that it remember the ports. I don't see the issue?

yes this is exactly what I'm going to do and test. I think it will work. Only problem is player 3 and 4 but we will worry about that once we get 1 and 2 working [emoji24]

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I'm testing out joytokey as an alternate to xpadder.

Seems to work well so far with the 4 play. You just need to know the button order.

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:


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