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Login not accepted for HyperSpin OR Emumovies in Hyperspin


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Hi All


I got it that I need the $50 membership as I am new to the site.

However, that is a hefty price for me to pay if you convert the us$ to the South African Rand.

In our terms, $50 is about 40 liters of petrol. So won't be doing that, Will go with out the vids I guess



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1 hour ago, DerikPelser said:

Hi All


I got it that I need the $50 membership as I am new to the site.

However, that is a hefty price for me to pay if you convert the us$ to the South African Rand.

In our terms, $50 is about 40 liters of petrol. So won't be doing that, Will go with out the vids I guess



If that cost is too high, consider joining our content creator team. You get a free membership along with additional perks:


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  • 2 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, jbalicki10 said:

Hyperspin won't let me login for Hyperspin account.  Says it can't login, my emu account works fine.  Any ideas?

HyperSync is what I'm assuming you're talking about... won't work with special characters in your password. Try changing your PW.

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5 hours ago, gstav said:

I have the same problem, can log in to Emu though.

Tried just for the sake of it to change to different passwords three times(!)

No luck with the credential error.

Help me mister Pig :empathy2:

It is working and so is the ftp, so other things to try.

Download the new version and place it in an empty folder. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12582-hypersync/

If that does not work then go to C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\HyperSync and delete the application.ini file and try again.

As far as I'm aware special characters are no longer a problem with the new version.


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  • 3 weeks later...
10 hours ago, timowj03 said:

Im also having an issue with making he connection to HS. Like others, Im able to connect to EMU. I've tried deleting the app.ini file but still no luck. I signed up for platinum status a few days ago. 

Do you have an Asus router? 

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