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360 Controller


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Hi guys..

Hopefully someone can help me and point me in the right direction..

I am having trouble with Retroarch,for some reason it will not pick up my 360 controller.

I am using the latest build,1.2.2.

The yellow scrip shows up,once a game starts,but the controller doesn't do anything.

I've tried running Retroarch outside Hyperspin and it's still doesn't work...

It's been weeks now,with me trying different things,still now joy.

Hopefully someone out there can help....


Very odd. Is it selected in the User 1 Device Index in the RetroArch menu under Settings > Input > User 1 Binds? Usually 360 controllers play very nicely with RetroArch.


Ive checked everything again.

The controller works within RetroArch,on is own.

It detects it ok.

But when I launch a game, Crash Bandicoot for example, the controller doesnt seem to work.


Did you try using the pad instead of the analog stick? There's a setting in Retroarch under the control settings to enable the analog sticks. If you are using a different emulator like epsxe for the PSX, you need to press one of the F keys (F5 I think) to change between pad a dn sticks.


I've rebinded the pad and got it to work.

I then saved the settings,which I can see in the Config file.

Though when I exit out and restart,I have to rebind the pad again.

I've tried different cores and renamed them once they are saved in the Config file,so they are tied to the system.

But these still are not being loaded when I restart Retroarch..

Any further pointers on where I am going wrong?

I even revisited Austins Video and followed everything on there,even though it's for the earlier version,but that still not helping..


Still no joy.

Still having to rebond the Pad before i can use it.

It just seems the settings don't want to be saved.


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