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Single main wheel with games?


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I am fairly new to Hyperspin (or any other front ends for that matter), da hell, all I ever hear of was Gens and ePSx (as emulators). It's amazing that even in this internet age of sorts you can still find huge communities responsible for even bigger projects about stuff that would not knowingly would be considered quantum (makes sense only when you find out about it). And boy do HyperSpin and everything that powers it makes sense !! I don't know what kind of rock I have been living under..


OK, I would like one question to be answered if possible..


Open Hyperspin. One single Wheel (no sub wheels). List of games of one particular franchise (lets say Sonic). All games from all (possible to emulate) systems. Executionable.


Once again: after opening Hyperspin, after themed intro appears one single wheel with all the executionable games listed on it, with no sub or upper (whats the opposite of sub? lol) wheels.


Is that possible? If so, could someone get me on the right track?


Huge thanks !!


probably possible with .bat files to launch the emulators like PC games... that's the only way I can think of. I actually used to launch my American Laser games from the main wheel so definitely possible to do it like that.


Open Hyperspin. One single Wheel (no sub wheels). List of games of one particular franchise (lets say Sonic). All games from all (possible to emulate) systems. Executionable.


Once again: after opening Hyperspin, after themed intro appears one single wheel with all the executionable games listed on it, with no sub or upper (whats the opposite of sub? lol) wheels.


Is that possible? If so, could someone get me on the right track?


Huge thanks !!


It's just delivered in a more sign-language way, with subject first.  Teachers Office,..where?   :sorcerer:


Nope the new version allows you to export to main menus it's amazing. Not sure if Romano has released the final version but I've tested it, have a copy and love it. I'm soon going to use it to create a main menu of the best 100 games of all times wheel. It's going to be amazing

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I understood what he meant.... he just wanted sonic games (or whatever game) from all the systems that have sonic (sega, wii, etc.)

definitely possible but...I can only think of making .bat files for each game/emulator and to be honest doing it that way you probably be better off using a FRONT end that caters more to have a list of games from multiple systems(emulators)


I understood what he meant.... he just wanted sonic games (or whatever game) from all the systems that have sonic (sega, wii, etc.)

definitely possible but...I can only think of making .bat files for each game/emulator and to be honest doing it that way you probably be better off using a FRONT end that caters more to have a list of games from multiple systems(emulators)


Almost ..

I don't want any other games in Hyperspin.
I am using an example..

Lets say I want all the sonic games and sonic games only ever created.
But i want them all listed on the wheel as soon as i launch the hyperspin.

I don't want to have a custom wheel "Sonic Collection" among other wheels.

Imagine an arcade, that you turn on and it boots straight into GAME selection wheel.


I understood what he meant.... he just wanted sonic games (or whatever game) from all the systems that have sonic (sega, wii, etc.) definitely possible but...I can only think of making .bat files for each game/emulator and to be honest doing it that way you probably be better off using a FRONT end that caters more to have a list of games from multiple systems(emulators)



what he said.


it's probably gonna be more trouble to set it up the way you want on the main wheel..... maybe I'm wrong but I still think using .bat files is the only to do what you want to do for the main wheel.. ex: .bat file to launch your NES game, SNES, MAME, etc.... you could do a .bat file for every SONIC game on every system for various emulators but that would take some time and may not be worth it. I think another front end is probably best for you.. if you just want to launch every SONIC (whatever game) one that probably has a search feature or a rom filter by name.


Almost ..

I don't want any other games in Hyperspin.

I am using an example..

Lets say I want all the sonic games and sonic games only ever created.

But i want them all listed on the wheel as soon as i launch the hyperspin.

I don't want to have a custom wheel "Sonic Collection" among other wheels.

Imagine an arcade, that you turn on and it boots straight into GAME selection wheel.



what he said.


are you comfortable with making BAT files? that's your best option for what you want...


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