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    The HyperSpin 2 beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

AV Archivist - Ongoing Web Series


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I'm starting an ongoing web series and some of my goals include the promotion of HyperSpin and HyperSpin contributors. Whenever possible I'll be plugging HS content creators. In addition, in various episodes I'll be giving out some self-made or modified (typically widescreen converted) HS media for use in your cabs. I hope people enjoy it :D


In addition to my AV Archivist YouTube channel and FaceBook, I'll post new episodes here and in whatever other section of the forums any appicable downloads would be associated with. My first episode is on a game I've been wanting to try for a while now, Transformers: Devestation. Widescreen modification/redo of samVSsami's game theme included along with a true widescreen intro video.


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  • 2 weeks later...

New episode! Due to the size of this stage I've broken it up into a just-for-fun video and a seperate one for serious commentary. As always, I've uploaded raw gameplay footage as well. Enjoy!



New Tutorially Awesome episode. Will also disseminate to appropriate forum sections.



To anyone using the AAE theme set, I noticed today that I failed to set forceaspect="both" in warrior.zip's theme.xml. You can manually fix this and rezip or you can replace your warrior.zip with this fixed one. Sorry the inconvenience.


More Tutorially Awesome. Will post in theme announcement section so people are aware of the widescreen Atari Classics attached to it.



In stead of using the Smudge tool, use Content Aware Fill. This'll often give a similar or better result and is less finicky & time consuming (CS5 or newer required)


> make a selection around the blemished part (rectangular/circular/freehand selection tools will all do just fine) > Shift + F5 (make sure the Fill is set to Content-Aware, this should be standard) > Enter to let PS do the work for you > inspect if result is satisfactory (if else, try again with a modified selection)


In stead of using the Smudge tool, use Content Aware Fill. This'll often give a similar or better result and is less finicky & time consuming (CS5 or newer required)


> make a selection around the blemished part (rectangular/circular/freehand selection tools will all do just fine) > Shift + F5 (make sure the Fill is set to Content-Aware, this should be standard) > Enter to let PS do the work for you > inspect if result is satisfactory (if else, try again with a modified selection)


The content aware tool and I don't get along lol but it would be ideal for that. You're right though as most people will likely find it more convenient to work with. I'll cover it as an option in the next vid.


Edit: I added a comment to the video with your advice. Thanks for the feedback.


Hehe, yeah, it's the way you make the selection that makes the result perfect or garbage, you'll learn ;)


It's such a time saver on touching up artwork,  in stead of using the clone stamp tool etc, sometimes you have to repeat the process or a do over, but once you get the hang of it, you can't live without.


More of a PSA than a tutorial this time but I've included my set of widescreen genre backgrounds in the description for those who are interested. (Note: The genre menu does not tolerate .SWF files with smoothing, so these backgrounds will never be as crisp as others I provide, unfortunately).


  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

For anyone trying to get the files in these, I ran an audit and most of the encryption on my Mega links was dead. Was confirmed working last week so I think it might be falling off the DL links if I edit video descriptions at a later date. At any rate, it's all working now. Please let me know if in the video comments if it's ever dead for you and I'll fix it... If it happens again though I'm changing download providers.


Yeah it's me haha waiting for a better camera to arrive before I shoot more gaming vids and getting some tuts done in the meantime. Thanks man!


I have been very reluctant to make this new tutorial series but I've acquiesced upon repeated pressure for it. Sub-Zero and I have dedicated a great deal of time and effort to polishing the hell out these and the videos that are to come. It's been an honour working with him. He's firing up a channel of his own and I hope people show him their support. The videos are uploaded to the tutorial section and I'm posting here for the standard archiving purposes, as always. More to follow.



Thank u very much for all ur nice Videos. I can't believe how peoplecan dislike them. They are made really well and I can understand everything clearly. They are as short as they can get without any unnessesary stuff.

Pls people Show him some love!!!


I can't believe how peoplecan dislike them.


LoL, have you been on the internets before? It's the place where everyone can vent their inner aholes. People dislike, hate or disagree on anything just for the fck of it xD


Thanks guys lol I'm not sweating it in the least though. While YouTube doesn't tell you who, specifically, has downvoted you it does provide creators with the geographic and demographic specifics of where each individual downvote comes from. With a channel in its infancy, as mine is, this makes for extremely easy to analyze data. Pretty much 100% of the negative feedback is from a single person/source and it doesn't dissuade me from being productive in any way. I believe in the work we're doing and I'll keep moving forward with it.


Subscriptions and positive feedback always help a lot and it gives creators a big boost so everyone's support is deeply appreciate. Starting a project like this, creating things, and putting yourself out there for the world to judge was definitely a challenging and eye-opening experience when I first started this. It's given me a new perspective and a new-found respect for honest and hardworking artists and creators everywhere.


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