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    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

Dolphin support!


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Just watching your video it looks like you get the same randome frame drops that I do on default settings.

What all did you change if your settings ?

doesnt hickup at all when in normal usage, it because the system recording turning and ate the performance, didnt realize how much a resource hog that option was....

my setting are uploaded in my post, check it out if you like?


Yea I was looking at them but didn't have mine next to them to compare, was hoping you could discuss a couple changes you made that improved performance.

Does the game lag when you first boot it ?


Connorsdad I haven't had any issues with controls since using the Dolphinbar and Wii motes.

I could not get to the controller mapping otherwise, unless they fixed that in a recent release.


I see these settings work great with the likes of 'Newer super Mario bros' for the wii but not so good for 'Soul Calibur' on the gamecube. Does the Android version of hyperspin allow loading of ini's on the fly, settings for each game if you like, or is there a way of having multiple versions of dolphin exist on 1 device ?

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk


Thanks for sharing these settings, anyone have the controls working correctly for the shield tv ?

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

The only way I figured out was to download the store app and copy over config file after setting up controller then to download latest nightly and copy over config files but then it has lag

I think I read dolphin itself does it on a per game basis, is that right ?

I'm a newb re this version of HS, I haven't even installed it yet I just want to get my head around the emulators first.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk


Dolphin is a stand alone emulator and the last version I used trying to map the controller button was impossible, literally the option was gone.

So I added the Dolphinbar a sensor that works with Wiimotes and Dolphin.

If your family limes the Wii I highly recommend looking into the Dolphinbar.


The only way I figured out was to download the store app and copy over config file after setting up controller then to download latest nightly and copy over config files but then it has lag

I tried this and got the same result. I found the code for the gamecube controller to work, I added just this code to the bottom of the dolphin.ini shared in this thread and that controller is fine, I need the snippet of code that binds the wiimote controls to the shield tv controller.

The code to bind the gamecube controls to the shield tv controller:


ScreenControls = False

InputA_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 96

InputB_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

InputX_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 99

InputY_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 100

InputZ_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 104

InputStart_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 108

DPadUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16+

DPadDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16-

DPadLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15-

DPadRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15+

MainUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 1-

MainDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

MainLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0-

MainRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0+

CStickUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14-

CStickDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14+

CStickLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11-

CStickRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11+

InputL_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 102

InputR_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 103


I tried this and got the same result. I found the code for the gamecube controller to work, I added just this code to the bottom of the dolphin.ini shared in this thread and that controller is fine, I need the snippet of code that binds the wiimote controls to the shield tv controller.

The code to bind the gamecube controls to the shield tv controller:


ScreenControls = False

InputA_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 96

InputB_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

InputX_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 99

InputY_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 100

InputZ_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 104

InputStart_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 108

DPadUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16+

DPadDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16-

DPadLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15-

DPadRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15+

MainUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 1-

MainDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

MainLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0-

MainRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0+

CStickUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14-

CStickDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14+

CStickLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11-

CStickRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11+

InputL_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 102

InputR_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 103

awesome thank you

My Dolphin.ini as it stands at the minute, wiimote dpad now working correctly.

**Backup yours before trying this**


LoopReplay = True


DumpAudio = False

DumpUCode = False

CaptureLog = False

Volume = 100

EnableJIT = True

Backend = OpenSLES


MainWindowHeight = 600

AutoHideCursor = False

ExtendedFPSInfo = False

Language = 0

PauseOnFocusLost = False

OnScreenDisplayMessages = True

ShowToolbar = True

ShowLogWindow = False

ThemeName40 = Clean

ShowLogConfigWindow = False

HideCursor = False

ShowStatusbar = True

MainWindowWidth = 800

MainWindowPosY = 100

ConfirmStop = True

UsePanicHandlers = True

MainWindowPosX = 100


BackgroundInput = False


ListSortSecondary = 0

ColorCompressed = True

ListWad = True

ListSpain = True

ListUnknown = True

ListGermany = True

ColumnFileName = False

ListGC = True

ColumnBanner = True

ListUsa = True

ColumnNotes = True

ListRussia = True

ColumnID = False

ColumnSize = True

ListItaly = True

ListDrives = False

ListWii = True

ListJap = True

ListWorld = True

ListElfDol = True

ColumnRegion = True

ListSort = 3

ListNetherlands = True

ListFrance = True

ColumnPlatform = True

ColumnState = True

ListAustralia = True

ListKorea = True

ListTaiwan = True

ListPal = True


SerialPort1 = 255

WiiKeyboard = False

SelectedLanguage = 0

AdapterRumble1 = True

SlotA = 1

SlotB = 255

EnableCheats = False


SimulateKonga0 = False

EmulationSpeed = 1.00000000

AgpCartBPath =

SyncGPU = False

RunCompareClient = False

DPL2Decoder = False

GPUDeterminismMode = auto

OverrideGCLang = False

AdapterRumble3 = True

Fastmem = True

FPRF = False

Overclock = 2.00000000

CPUThread = True

SIDevice3 = 0

Apploader =

AgpCartAPath =

WiimoteContinuousScanning = True

MemcardBPath = //sdcard/dolphin-emu/GC/MemoryCardB.USA.raw

SimulateKonga2 = False

SyncOnSkipIdle = True

HLE_BS2 = True

Latency = 2

SIDevice0 = 6

OverclockEnable = True

DefaultISO =

GFXBackend =

TimingVariance = 40

SimulateKonga1 = False

AdapterRumble2 = True

PerfMapDir =


SyncGpuMinDistance = -200000

AccurateNaNs = False

SkipIdle = True

RunCompareServer = False

FrameSkip = 0x00000000

SIDevice2 = 0

CPUCore = 4

DVDRoot =

MemcardAPath = //sdcard/dolphin-emu/GC/MemoryCardA.USA.raw

WiiSDCard = False

SimulateKonga3 = False

AdapterRumble0 = True

WiimoteEnableSpeaker = True

SyncGpuMaxDistance = 200000

SyncGpuOverclock = 1.00000000

SIDevice1 = 0


ForceNTSCJ = False

KeepWindowOnTop = False

Fullscreen = False

PAL60 = False

DisableScreenSaver = True

RenderWindowAutoSize = False

ProgressiveScan = False

FullscreenResolution = Auto

RenderWindowXPos = -1

RenderToMain = False

RenderWindowWidth = 640

RenderWindowYPos = -1

RenderWindowHeight = 480


ShowInputDisplay = False

Author =

DumpFrames = False

DumpFramesSilent = False

PauseMovie = False


ShowLag = False

ShowFrameCount = False

LastFilename = /storage/emulated/0/Hyperspin/Roms/Nintendo Wii/New SUPER MARIO BROS. Wii.iso

WirelessMac =

RecursiveISOPaths = False

ISOPaths = 0

NANDRootPath =


ScreenControls = False

InputA_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 96

InputB_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

InputX_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 99

InputY_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 100

InputZ_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 104

InputStart_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 108

DPadUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16+

DPadDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16-

DPadLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15-

DPadRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15+

MainUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 1-

MainDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

MainLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0-

MainRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0+

CStickUp_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14-

CStickDown_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14+

CStickLeft_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11-

CStickRight_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11+

InputL_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 102

InputR_0 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 103

WiimoteA_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 99

WiimoteB_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 100

Wiimote1_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 96

Wiimote2_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

WiimoteHome_4 = Device 'a718a782d34bc767f4689c232d64d527998ea7fd'-Button 84

WiimoteUp_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15-

WiimoteDown_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15+

WiimoteLeft_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16+

WiimoteRight_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16-

WiimoteMinus_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 23-

WiimotePlus_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 22+

ClassicA_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 96

ClassicB_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 97

ClassicX_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 99

ClassicY_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 100

ClassicHome_4 = Device 'a718a782d34bc767f4689c232d64d527998ea7fd'-Button 84

ClassicUp_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16+

ClassicDown_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 16-

ClassicLeft_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15+

ClassicRight_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 15-

ClassicLeftStickUp_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 1-

ClassicLeftStickDown_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 1+

ClassicLeftStickLeft_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0-

ClassicLeftStickRight_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 0+

ClassicRightStickUp_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14-

ClassicRightStickDown_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 14+

ClassicRightStickLeft_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11-

ClassicRightStickRight_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 11+

ClassicTriggerL_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 23+

ClassicTriggerR_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Axis 22+

ClassicMinus_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 102

ClassicPlus_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 103

ClassicZL_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 106

ClassicZR_4 = Device 'a691ea53a0f5aabd5e2dd0674f6ce7c0c6aca61f'-Button 107

ScreenControls = True

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

I don't know where this stands but I figured I'd post the latest settings that work, just to keep it simple for the next person.  



I have the latest dolphin nightly downloaded through f-droid


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