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How to quickly rename my images to match Roms?


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Makes sense, but the problem there is that it doesn't then match the xml at the end... The xml still has the & where as media/rom has 'and', so I then had to manually rename them to match.

In some ways, looking at the xmls I have, I think you'd be better always making them & if you're going to go that route...

Or you could ignore and and & in your match count entirely?

Just thinking out loud, please tell me to shut up if I'm not being helpful ;)


Makes sense, but the problem there is that it doesn't then match the xml at the end... The xml still has the & where as media/rom has 'and', so I then had to manually rename them to match.



Ahh, now I get you. Yes, have not thought about that. Ok, I'll make some changes and see what works best.


Edit: I see the problem. I change the "original name" from & to "and". I should only change the cleaned name, used for matching to "and". Then it will match but retain the & in the original. Silly mistake, sorry


Edit2: 1.11 up. Sorry about that.



* The fix in 1.8 to change "&" to "and" in the XML was actually done in the real name (decides final name) instead of the cleaned name (only used for matching). This caused the final file to get the wrong name. Now changed. Thanks vaderag for the report =)


Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


Ahh, now I get you. Yes, have not thought about that. Ok, I'll make some changes and see what works best.

Edit: I see the problem. I change the "original name" from & to "and". I should only change the cleaned name, used for matching to "and". Then it will match but retain the & in the original. Silly mistake, sorry

Ha, don't apologise mate, this has saved me a ton of time already, and hopefully my comments will help get the best out of an already awesome job

  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so been using TurMatcher for a while now and it's awesome.


BUT, I need some help with something...

Basically I have realised that by renaming the zip files of the roms, it obviously isn't changing the name of the file within the zip and this means that it can't load the game...


Is there a tool out there that can bulk check/rename the contents of the zip to the same name as the zip?


So I tried that a while ago, but unless I missed something it required the CRCs to match (which half of mine don't...)

Is there any way around that?

I fixed the particular issue I was having by using winrar to convert to zip from 7z so that Snes9x can open natively as the contents don't need name match, but that wont work with systems with larger roms/sets as I'll lose too much space


There's a checkbox to disable CRC matching and use fuzzy matching instead.


Awesome - i must have totally missed that... I'll check it out again this eve :)


Okay, so I don't have that checkbox at all... 




Just redownloaded to make sure I wasnt using an old version, but nope - i dont have it...


Yeah, the one in that link is the one I use.

It's a revelation! The version I was using must be 5 versions out of date or something!! Should delete it from the site, it's useless next to this version!!

  • 4 weeks later...

Silly question...just need some confirmation.

I'm in a similar situation, albeit much more drastic than the OP.

I have rom sets for every emulator I plan to configure in HS, these are my rom sets from years which have all been cleaned up to remove all the rom codes.

Would I use Don's tools to create a DB for my rom set, for a respective emulator, then use rom renamer to rename each corresponding media set?

I don't want to re-download rom sets for the sake of matching naming conventions as I've already pruned all my sets down so that they are all playable and neat.


Hey mate,

It'll depend how much your media differs from your roms, but essentially yes...

RocketLauncher will also create a db from your rom folder when adding a system I believe too.

Once you have your db use Dons or Turmatcher to rename the media - they both work in different ways and have found a combination of both to be useful :)


You can generate an xml like that but be aware you'll lose all of the additional information and CRC validation that comes with the official xmls. Regardless, you'd have to use either FatMatch or Tur-Matcher to rename your media files. FatMatch requires you to be a bit more hands on with checking the matches and I believe TurMatcher has considerably stronger automation. I like both but no matter what I always do a final, manual quality control/sanity check to make sure everything's right in HyperSpin.


While I understand not wanting to re-download rom sets strictly for naming conventions, I do want to convey that RomRenamer totally trivializes renaming your entire collection to match the official databases. I personally love the CRC matching as well. All personal preference though. If you're happy with what you're working with any, of these methods will work. I used to feel the same as you but I've come to find having a totally clean, CRC matched set is great in the long run. If your current roms aren't CRC matched, I think it would be worth backing up your romsets and giving it a try as there's nothing to lose.

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You can generate an xml like that but be aware you'll lose all of the additional information and CRC validation that comes with the official xmls. Regardless, you'd have to use either FatMatch or Tur-Matcher to rename your media files. FatMatch requires you to be a bit more hands on with checking the matches and I believe TurMatcher has considerably stronger automation. I like both but no matter what I always do a final, manual quality control/sanity check to make sure everything's right in HyperSpin.

While I understand not wanting to re-download rom sets strictly for naming conventions, I do want to convey that RomRenamer totally trivializes renaming your entire collection to match the official databases. I personally love the CRC matching as well. All personal preference though. If you're happy with what you're working with any, of these methods will work. I used to feel the same as you but I've come to find having a totally clean, CRC matched set is great in the long run. If your current roms aren't CRC matched, I think it would be worth backing up your romsets and giving it a try as there's nothing to lose.

While I agree in principle, in practice CRCs add nothing and create a mine field of trying to find the right set. When i started I wasted hours hunting down rooms that despite coming from a good source didn't match the CRC. So long as the game works I'm now happy!

Plus half the lists don't have CRCs...

That said, ur definitely right that they can make some things easier and I'm very happy when I get a set that does match!!

Oh and I'm sure rom renamer is good, bit I can't get it to load -missing dlls or something - dons seems to do the same job?


By the way, if you don't mind I would like to know what the benefits of a clean CRC set are.

I've grappled with the idea and really the main reason is I don't want to manually prune down all my sets again. Especially the insanely, unweildly sets like MAME, Apple II and Commodore 64.

But if the pros outweight the cons I suppose it's worth considering.


Thanks much. Time to get my hands dirty

Also, goes without saying, but BACKUP.

Number of times I've made a mistake or something went wrong. If you have a copy its no worries, but getting back to what you had is more of a nightmare than getting where you want to be!!

In the past two months I've done this for about 30 systems for my build, so any questions, reach out!


By the way, if you don't mind I would like to know what the benefits of a clean CRC set are.

I've grappled with the idea and really the main reason is I don't want to manually prune down all my sets again. Especially the insanely, unweildly sets like MAME, Apple II and Commodore 64.

But if the pros outweigh the cons I suppose it's worth considering.

The only pro is that when running these tools, you know that rom is the rom you are looking at with 100% accuracy. Everything else is a best guess.

For you, it sounds like it wouldn't be worth messing with imho... It's not going to help with your artwork naming

Once youre done, I'd be interested in seeing your C64 list - I'm in the process of setting that up now and it really is unwieldy!!


While I agree in principle, in practice CRCs add nothing and create a mine field of trying to find the right set. When i started I wasted hours hunting down rooms that despite coming from a good source didn't match the CRC. So long as the game works I'm now happy!

Plus half the lists don't have CRCs...

That said, ur definitely right that they can make some things easier and I'm very happy when I get a set that does match!!

Oh and I'm sure rom renamer is good, bit I can't get it to load -missing dlls or something - dons seems to do the same job?

Yeah, sorry, that's what I mean. Don's Rom Renamer. You got a working dl for that right? If not lemme know and I'll upload.


Your CRC statement is totally valid. If someone's having no luck hunting down a CRC match but what they do have works, they'll be fine. That said, most of the sets that use CRCs are relatively small data wise and it seems most updated bulk sets are good ones these days.


By the way, if you don't mind I would like to know what the benefits of a clean CRC set are.

I've grappled with the idea and really the main reason is I don't want to manually prune down all my sets again. Especially the insanely, unweildly sets like MAME, Apple II and Commodore 64.

But if the pros outweight the cons I suppose it's worth considering.


What vaderag said is correct. However, CRC matched roms do have added value for games that have been translated. It's the easiest way to know you have a working English-patched rom aside from manually patching and verifying the rom yourself. Some patched roms have enough broken versions floating around that it can be a real pain. It can also be a pain manually patching as it's time consuming and there are header issues, so you often need a specific CRC rom to even manually patch the the game Seeing the magic CRC match tells you you can rest easy. A CRC match effectively means that you have the exact rom that was used to build the XML. It's an additional confidence check.


Edit: They're also extremely beneficial when you're dealing with those massive computer-based sets (eg. Atari ST) for the same reason. It takes out the guess-work and the struggle that comes with slogging through all of the bad, quasi-good, or poorly hacked roms.

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Yeah, I got a good version of Don's - for a long time I was using v1 which is what comes up first in a search on here, and required crcs. found the most recent version recently which is miles better!!

Good point about translated roms... I've patched quite a few myself so know they are working and figure I'll deal with others if they are broken as I go along. Hopefully they won't be as most of my roms are from sets which are likely to have had issues picked up...

Edit: One other thing, crc's in xml are only as good as the person who made the xml. You'd hope that it's been checked, but it's not a 100% guarantee of a non broken rom, only a guarantee that it's the same rom the xml creator had


Old response to the "while Tur-Matcher renames the .zip files, it does not rename the files inside" question.


I usually only rename a set once so I never built any "rename files inside .zip" function into Tur-Matcher. I simply just...


  • Extract all zip files to a new folder
  • Run the match with Tur-Matcher on the extracted files
  • Select all renamed files
  • Right click. Winrar / Add to Archive
  • Select Archive Format: ZIP
  • Files tab, check "Put each file into seperate archive"
  • OK


You now have the set renamed. .zip file is called the same as the rom file inside it.

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


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