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Database Metadata? (year, genre, manufacturer, rating, etc...)


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Hey everyone,


Apologies if this has all ready been discussed (or if it is a silly question).  A number of the XML databases I have for different systems in my setup are missing some/all metadata (things like the genre, rating, manufacturer, etc...).  Is there any way for me to obtain/add this data into the XML files without doing it totally by hand?  I realize it isn't a necessity to have this data, but I'd really like to polish my setup a bit and add it in if I can.


Does anyone know of a way for me to do this, or am I stuck doing it totally by hand?


chances are that you have an XML that was build by scanning a rom folder. And it probably has custom names.

the only way to correctly add the info is manually.


if you post what XMLs you need their is a high chance someone already made an XML with all the info you are missing.


Hey 32assassin, thanks for taking the time to reply!


The XML databases I have were almost exclusively downloaded from the HyperList databases available on this website.  The three in particular that I'd love to get metadata for are the Nintendo DS, Sony PlayStation, and Sony PlayStation 2 (both PlayStation systems are really just missing the game ratings.  The DS is missing virtually all Metadata).


It would be great is someone had all ready created XMLs with some of this missing metadata, but if not, I suppose I'll have to look into adding everything by hand.   :sweat:  


Honestly before I saw the Aeon Nox theme, I didn't understand the point of the Metadata. I don't use any of it in my build, and I actually took the absurd amount of time necessary to delete it all from my XMLs. I use custom naming schemes, and it made working in the XMLs about a billion times easier haha.

Either way, gotta give props to those who take the time to gather that data. I know from the last 2 years I've spent with my nose in the XMLs that it is a LOT of data to gather, and enter, and ensure is formatted properly.


here is the new official PSX database ( it might get another update)



you might also want to update your wheel images,  this database was released with a new HQ wheel set.



the NDS does not have it,  You can use mine if you like,   but note that

- I only have US  games in my database

- XML has not been updated in a long time

- CRCs  will not match the No-Intro roms,   you will have to use the "Guess" method to rename your roms


Nintendo DS.xml



if that works for you,  my PS2 XML is also a US only and it includes the ratings


Thanks for all the help everyone!


agent47, the PS2 has metadata, but appears to be lacking the game ratings if I'm not mistaken (everything is listed as NR, not rated).  This was also the case with the PSX, but not anymore with the newest database available (which is awesome!).


32assassin, thank you for pointing out that the newest PSX database now has the game ratings (this is very helpful).  Also, thank you for posting your DS XML.  Unfortunately, I would need US and Europe for my setup.  However, my PS2 setup is only USA.  If you'd be willing to post your PS2 XML, I'd really appreciate it.   


I added meta data to my DS top 100 list, might be enough if you just want the top for that system (there is a LOT of rubbish on the DS)

Personally I use it on my fades, so I like it there if possible!!


Honestly before I saw the Aeon Nox theme, I didn't understand the point of the Metadata. I don't use any of it in my build, and I actually took the absurd amount of time necessary to delete it all from my XMLs. I use custom naming schemes, and it made working in the XMLs about a billion times easier haha.

Either way, gotta give props to those who take the time to gather that data. I know from the last 2 years I've spent with my nose in the XMLs that it is a LOT of data to gather, and enter, and ensure is formatted properly.



 if you would of asked you can disable that from view,   I did.


Hypespin/Settings/SYSTEM NAME.ini


toward the end of the document



[Game Text]

game_text_active=true  Set to false
show_year=true         Set to false
show_manf=true         Set to false
show_description=true           Set to false

 if you would of asked you can disable that from view,   I did.


Hypespin/Settings/SYSTEM NAME.ini


toward the end of the document

I had considered it, but since I wasn't using it, and I had to go through and completely rename every single game in every single XML anyway it just really cut down on the clutter so all I have is the game names listed. It was a lot of work, but when I have to go in to change, add, or delete something it's a LOT easier to look through.

Certainly not a solution for everyone lol, but it made sense with the extremely high level of customization I am using.



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