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need advice for the best way to play hyper spin PC


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I was wondering what would be the best set-up for playing hyper spin.

I use to play M.A.M.E a lot and liked it on my pc, and had the Hanaho controller for the arcade feel.

Now its 2016 and saw that Hyperspin exist.


So I have 2 choices, order a bartop "weecade" arcade with roms already included ($1500) or do one myself.


If I take option 2, what monitor(20 to 22 inches) would be best and VGA card and OS?

I would use  a controller with happ buttons.

Basically I need the MAME games, and Daphne, Neo Geo and Sega, and LOVE SHMUPS!!!!!!!!!!


since you guys have experience, tell me what and what not to do for a fun experience!





The best setup is whatever you choose. I don't have a cab. My setup is a couch and a 60" TV.


Nothing like sitting down after work and enjoying some games. The idea of a cab never appealed to me.


Why not just keep hyperspin on your PC instead of getting a Cab? It will give you more choices in terms of systems unless you are set on arcade games only.


I agree with Styphelus but it's ultimately personal preference. I was mulling over what to do about authentic arcade controls for a while but ultimately settled on using SNES Advantages connected via Bliss-Box 4-play. I get the arcade feel without having to do any additional work, it can be played from any position and it's very cost effective.

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The first point that I would want to stress is you should most definitely set it up yourself. A lot of the pre-made solutions are sloppy, outdated, and just of poor quality. I know there are tons of people on here that will agree with the DIY method.

The monitor is going to depend on what kind of visual experience you are going for. LCDs are great, but a CRT will give you that screen curve, and are better for the 'retro' feel. CRTs are also more compatible with light-guns if you are going to use those games (Though there ARE some LCD compatible light guns).

Video card is going to depend on what kind of systems you want to emulate. I would take some time to make a definitive list of what you are going for; Sega Dreamcast is going to require more power than a Sega Genesis.

Operating system is a bit of a debate, I've seen some people swear by Windows 7, but I have used Windows 10 since almost the beginning and had 0 issue. Again I think it comes down to what you are looking for. (If I remember correctly, a big point of Windows 7 was the ability to 'shell' the operating system... but I'm not familiar with that sort of thing)

As far as the other comments regarding going with a couch/tv setup it is something to consider. You can always start out that way and then migrate the system into an arcade cabinet too once you get everything running how you like.

Personally, I'm not going with the Arcade because I don't have the space to set it up, or keep it. Plus I really liked the 'console experience'. You can see more of my build in my signature if you're interested.


The best setup is whatever you choose. I don't have a cab. My setup is a couch and a 60" TV.


Nothing like sitting down after work and enjoying some games. The idea of a cab never appealed to me.


Why not just keep hyperspin on your PC instead of getting a Cab? It will give you more choices in terms of systems unless you are set on arcade games only.



I have a actual PC (windows 7) and a iMac for making music ....

But I would not mind getting another PC with a proper graphic card for low resolution so older games dont look crappy!

At home I prefer old arcade games and if I can get my hands on Dreamcast roms ( I own the original and Sega Saturn and 3Do) cause I would

live to play all Sega arcade games!


I have seen a huge list of games here but its pretty expensive ($2700) sure its worth it!


that would be great on hyper spin, but lets talk hardware first!


There is also a arcade builder in Canada that makes em for ($1500)


I am checking everything to see if I could make mine for a little less!


The first point that I would want to stress is you should most definitely set it up yourself. A lot of the pre-made solutions are sloppy, outdated, and just of poor quality. I know there are tons of people on here that will agree with the DIY method.

The monitor is going to depend on what kind of visual experience you are going for. LCDs are great, but a CRT will give you that screen curve, and are better for the 'retro' feel. CRTs are also more compatible with light-guns if you are going to use those games (Though there ARE some LCD compatible light guns).

Video card is going to depend on what kind of systems you want to emulate. I would take some time to make a definitive list of what you are going for; Sega Dreamcast is going to require more power than a Sega Genesis.

Operating system is a bit of a debate, I've seen some people swear by Windows 7, but I have used Windows 10 since almost the beginning and had 0 issue. Again I think it comes down to what you are looking for. (If I remember correctly, a big point of Windows 7 was the ability to 'shell' the operating system... but I'm not familiar with that sort of thing)

As far as the other comments regarding going with a couch/tv setup it is something to consider. You can always start out that way and then migrate the system into an arcade cabinet too once you get everything running how you like.

Personally, I'm not going with the Arcade because I don't have the space to set it up, or keep it. Plus I really liked the 'console experience'. You can see more of my build in my signature if you're interested.

I just looked at you set up, which is real nice.

Personally I would get a arcade controller or mode the one I have, a Hanaho with PS2 port into a USB!

thx for these infos guys, really appreciate!


If you are looking for a cabinet, RecRoomMasters.com make a decent cab. I have their sit down cabinet and love it.

​As far as Hyperspin drives go, I would stay away. I've seen plenty people online talk about how many problems they have with theirs. Watch Simply Austin's videos on youtube and try making it yourself.


Thank you, I worked pretty hard on it (still working on it) lol

If you are going for cheap, I'd definitely go your own route. I've spent all of about 0$ on the digital games lol and you can build a PC for this for fairly cheap.

I think Simply Austin (who has a number of fantastic tutorials on youtube) has a video on what kind of hardware you may need.

Plus, when you do it yourself it's a TON of fun, you get to learn a lot, and there are always lots of helpful people here on the forums. (I couldn't have made mine without all the help I got here)


If you are looking for a cabinet, RecRoomMasters.com make a decent cab. I have their sit down cabinet and love it.

​As far as Hyperspin drives go, I would stay away. I've seen plenty people online talk about how many problems they have with theirs.


so what do you suggest!

I know there is a few of them !!!!



As people have mentioned, avoid pre-configured drives like the plague. They are worst than garbage. At the end of the day you can expect to spend way more time getting a pre-config to work quasi-properly than it takes to just do it from scratch.

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As people have mentioned, avoid pre-configured drives like the plague. They are worst than garbage. At the end of the day you can expect to spend way more time getting a pre-config to work quasi-properly than it takes to just do it from scratch.


sorry, I dont know what you mean by "preconfigured".

care to tell me plz!



The hard drives people sell on YouTube sometimes or other sites which claim to come with roms included and HyperSpin "setup." It's a big con.

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The hard drives people sell on YouTube sometimes or other sites which claim to come with roms included and HyperSpin "setup." It's a big con.

OK nice to know this.

Got lots.of roms already.i will look for the other ones in time



Right now I've got my HyperSpin setup HTPC style on a projection screen with surround sound. I control everything with a wiimote and dolphin bar.


Someday, I'd like to create a setup dedicated exclusively to gaming. Have two chairs for 1P and 2P with speakers built in. I'd love to add a bliss box to the mix, too, so players could choose any controller they want to control any of the available systems. It'll have to wait until I finish my basement I think. :-P


Right now I've got my HyperSpin setup HTPC style on a projection screen with surround sound. I control everything with a wiimote and dolphin bar.

Someday, I'd like to create a setup dedicated exclusively to gaming. Have two chairs for 1P and 2P with speakers built in. I'd love to add a bliss box to the mix, too, so players could choose any controller they want to control any of the available systems. It'll have to wait until I finish my basement I think. :-P

Nice. Same here. ...one of these days


Right now I've got my HyperSpin setup HTPC style on a projection screen with surround sound. I control everything with a wiimote and dolphin bar.


Someday, I'd like to create a setup dedicated exclusively to gaming. Have two chairs for 1P and 2P with speakers built in. I'd love to add a bliss box to the mix, too, so players could choose any controller they want to control any of the available systems. It'll have to wait until I finish my basement I think. :-P

I love the idea for P1 and P2 chairs, even though I'd never switch my couch out haha. Especially the built-in speaker idea.

I'm curious what you mean when you say you control everything with a wiimote. I can't see that working with something like PS2.

Also, the universal controller idea is a great one. I've actually got my setup running that kind of thing. However, mine is run through USB controllers using Xpadder. (Rather than a bliss-box) But you can plug/unplug any controller for any controller at any point. You can checkout my signature for info on how I set that up if you're interested. It's a cheaper method, mostly because USB controllers are dirt cheap. (but not quite as good as the OEM originals)

The controller post is a little ways down the page.



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