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Retro Arch & Atari Jaguar


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I've been trying to set Retro Arch & Atari Jaguar but it crashes every time i load rom. Anyone else have this?.







I normally use MAME for Jaguar but RetroArch loaded my Jaguar games fine just now. What version of RA are you using, what core are you using, and do they work in RA outside of HyperSpin/RocketLauncher?


I did not know that you can use MAME for Jaguar. Interesting.

Check out my MAME Arcade classics themes


Do you have the jaguar bios in the system fold and have your retroarch bios path set to that folder? Also make sure your roms have the right rom extension.. Jag is the only one I can think of at the moment. 


But if you load the jaguar core in retroarch and go to info then core it will tell you what extensions will work with that core


I haven't played a whole game to the end on jaguar but most of the games I've started up work ok with retroarch. I haven't tried it with mame or mess yet. 


Having the correct BIOS file in the "system" folder is a must. There are/were some "bad" virtualjaguar cores for RetroArch. I had this issue a while back and needed to move to an older or newer version of this core. Download and try a couple of version of virtualjaguar and one should work properly.


UPDATE: I just looked and I'm running an older virtualjaguar from 3/25/2015 even though most of my cores for from 10/23/2015. Also the BIOS file should be called "jagboot.rom" and placed in the RetroArch "system" folder. Also, "jagcd.rom" is the BIOS for Jaguar CD but that should only be needed for the CD games.


Cheers guys, for 1 i had no bios but even after i did i got the same error. I then updated the core and it worked fine.


...This makes me feel like an imbecile lol. I had it worked on an old retroarch, and reinstalled from scratch and it just wouldn't do it...

I know about the BIOS type issues too, I can't believe that never occured to me.

I eventually just pulled the whole thing off of my system. Outside of the AvP game, I didn't see any reason to keep it since anything worthwhile seemed like it was available on better emulated hardware.

Still, this is good to know if I ever decide to set up the Atari systems (which my build is completely devoid of)



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