voyagerxp Posted April 3, 2016 Posted April 3, 2016 I've been trying to get SSF emulator to run in Hyperspin all day but i keep hitting a brick wall. I have DTLite 10.3 installed & Everything is setup in RLauncher. When i launch a game it starts to unzip the game but after it unzips i get the following error. Mount Switch System Error and then i get "Unmount" switch syntax error when i hit escape.Any ideas folks. The games work fine outside Hyperspin/RLauncher.
voyagerxp Posted April 4, 2016 Author Posted April 4, 2016 All i get is this, any ideas. 18:40:42:517 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.0.1.5a ( 18:40:42:720 | RL | INFO | +203 | Main - System Specs: RocketLauncher Dir: G:\RocketLauncher RocketLauncher is: 32-bit OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home SKU: Windows 8 Total Memory: 8076.41 MB Free Memory: 5145.64 MB Used Memory: 2930.773 MB SystemType: 64-bit Physical Processors: 1 Logical Processors: 8 GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M GPU 1 RAM: -2048.00 MB GPU 1 Driver Version: GPU 2 Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 GPU 2 RAM: 1024.00 MB GPU 2 Driver Version: Sound 1 Device: VIA HD Audio(Win 10) Sound 1 Status: Enabled Sound 2 Device: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM) Sound 2 Status: Enabled Sound 3 Device: High Definition Audio Device Sound 3 Status: Enabled Sound 4 Device: DFX Audio Enhancer Sound 4 Status: Enabled OS Language: English_United_Kingdom System Locale: en-GB Formats Locale: en-GB Windows UI Language: en-GB Text Encoding: Windows-1252 OS Admin Status: Yes Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319 Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work) [32bit] [60hz] [Landscape] (Primary) Current AHK Desktop Width: 1920 Current AHK Desktop Height: 1080 AutoHotkey Path: AHK Version: Unicode: No 18:40:42:720 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists 18:40:42:720 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin" 18:40:42:720 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - RocketLauncher received "Sega Saturn" and "A+M+O+K (USA)" 18:40:42:725 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Did not find a "G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Sega Saturn\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options. 18:40:42:725 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - A+M+O+K (USA) is using the default emulator: SSF 18:40:42:725 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Checking for a [SSF] section in G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Sega Saturn\Emulators.ini 18:40:42:725 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Checking for a [SSF] section in G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini 18:40:42:726 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Found [SSF] in G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini 18:40:42:726 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF\SSF.ahk exists 18:40:42:731 | RL | INFO | +16 | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module. 18:40:42:731 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - A+M+O+K (USA) will use module: G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF\SSF.ahk 18:40:42:741 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks. 18:40:42:743 | RL | INFO | +15 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.exe exists 18:40:42:744 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - INI Keys read 18:40:42:744 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists 18:40:42:744 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists 18:40:42:750 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - "A+M+O+K (USA)" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side 18:40:42:750 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Started 18:40:42:750 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Found rom: G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn\A+M+O+K (USA).7z 18:40:42:750 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Ended 18:40:42:751 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - User Variables: ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INJECTED VARIABLES ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoTrayIcon #InstallKeybdHook DetectHiddenWindows, ON SetTitleMatchMode, 2 SendMode, Event 0 = 12 pluginPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Plugins pluginName = HyperSpin pluginExt = .plugin contextOnExit = 1 rlMode = rlTitle = RocketLauncher rlVersion = rlAuthor = djvj rlURL = langFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini primMonitor = 1 frontendPID = frontendPath = G:\Hyperspin frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe frontendExt = exe frontendName = HyperSpin frontendDrive = G: exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc restoreFE = false exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s toggleCursorKey = ~e & ~t emuFullPath = G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.exe emuPath = G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4 emuName = SSF emuExt = exe baseRomPath = \Sega Saturn romPath = G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn romPathFromIni = G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn romExtension = .7z romExtensionOrig = .7z romExtensions = 7z|zip|cue|ccd|iso|mds|mdf executable = SSF.exe systemDbName = Sega Saturn systemName = Sega Saturn dbPath = dbName = A+M+O+K (USA) dbExt = romName = A+M+O+K (USA) romMapPath = romMappingEnabled = false romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen = 7 romMappingHideParent = false romMappingMenuWidth = 400 romMappingMenuMargin = 65 romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888 romMappingTextSizeDifference = 7 romMappingTextMargin = 15 romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular romMappingGameNameTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingGameNameTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000 romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000 romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000 romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000 romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 55 romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 7 romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false altArchiveNameOnly = altRomNameOnly = altArchiveAndRomName = altArchiveAndManyRomNames = altRomNamesOnly = romMapScenario = skipchecks = false romMatchExt = true blockInputTime = 0 blockInputFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe errorLevelReporting = false lockLaunch = false lockLaunchGame = screenRotationAngle = 0 screenRotationAngleGame = setResolution = logFile = G:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.log logLabel := [" INFO"," WARNING"," ERROR"," DEBUG1"," DEBUG2"] logLevel = 3 logShowDebugConsole = false logIncludeModule = true logIncludeFileProperties = true logShowCommandWindow = false logCommandWindow = false rlDebugConsoleStdout = sysLang = English_United_Kingdom sysType = 64-bit broadcastWindowTitle = navUpKey = Up navDownKey = Down navLeftKey = Left navRightKey = Right navSelectKey = Enter navP2UpKey = Numpad8 navP2DownKey = Numpad2 navP2LeftKey = Numpad4 navP2RightKey = Numpad6 navP2SelectKey = NumpadEnter originalWidth = 1920 originalHeight = 1080 vdEnabled = true vdFullPath = C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe vdUseSCSI = true vdDriveLetter = F vdAddDrive = true servoStikEnabled = false servoStikExitMode = false ledblinkyEnabled = false ledblinkySystemName = ledblinkyFullPath = ledblinkyProfilePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky ledblinkyRLProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher winIPACFullPath = ultraMapEnabled = false ultraMapFullPath = emuIdleShutdown = 0 launchPasswordHash = UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight hideCursor = false hideEmu = false hideFE = false fadeIn = false fadeInDuration = 500 fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn fadeInDelay = 0 fadeInExitDelay = 0 fadeOutExitDelay = 0 fadeOut = false fadeOutExtraScreen = false fadeOutDuration = 500 fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut fadeOutDelay = 0 fadeLyrInterpolation = 7 fadeMuteEmulator = false fadeUseBackgrounds = false fadeClickThrough = false fadeWidthBaseRes = 1920 fadeHeightBaseRes = 1080 fadeLyr1Color = FF000000 fadeLyr1AlignImage = Stretch and Lose Aspect fadeLyr2Pos = Stretch and Lose Aspect fadeLyr2X = 0 fadeLyr2Y = 0 fadeLyr2W = fadeLyr2H = fadeLyr2Adjust = 1 fadeLyr2PicPad = 0 fadeLyr2Prefix = Extra Layer 1 - Console fadeLyr3Pos = Center fadeLyr3X = 450 fadeLyr3Y = 450 fadeLyr3W = fadeLyr3H = fadeLyr3Adjust = 1 fadeLyr3PicPad = 0 fadeLyr3Speed = 750 fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation fadeLyr3Type = image fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true fadeLyr3Repeat = 1 fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency = 30 fadeLyr3StaticPos = No Alignment fadeLyr3StaticX = 0 fadeLyr3StaticY = 870|1575 fadeLyr3StaticW = fadeLyr3StaticH = fadeLyr3StaticAdjust = 1 fadeLyr3StaticPicPad = 0 fadeLyr3StaticPrefix = Info Bar fadeLyr4Adjust = 1 fadeLyr4X = 1792|952 fadeLyr4Y = 891|1596 fadeLyr4W = 128 fadeLyr4H = fadeLyr4Pos = No Alignment fadeLyr4FPS = 50 fadeLyr4PicPad = 0 fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF fadeBarWindow = Image fadeBarWindowX = fadeBarWindowY = fadeBarWindowW = 900 fadeBarWindowH = fadeBarWindowR = 30 fadeBarWindowM = 30 fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8 fadeBar = 7zOnly fadeBarNon7zProgressTime = 0 fadeBarBack = true fadeBarBackColor = FF555555 fadeBarH = 30 fadeBarR = 10 fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF fadeBarHatchStyle = 8 fadeBarPercentageText = true fadeBarInfoText = true fadeBarXOffset = 0 fadeBarYOffset = 150 fadeRomInfoDescription = filtered text fadeRomInfoSystemName = image fadeRomInfoYear = text with label fadeRomInfoDeveloper = text with label fadeRomInfoPublisher = text with label fadeRomInfoGenre = disabled fadeRomInfoRating = image fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = User Defined fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 7 fadeRomInfoText1Options = w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular fadeRomInfoText2Options = w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold fadeRomInfoText3Options = w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular fadeRomInfoText4Options = w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold fadeRomInfoText6Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular fadeRomInfoText7Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = text with label fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topRight fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 7 fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeText1X = 0 fadeText1Y = 0 fadeText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold fadeText1 = Loading Game fadeText2X = 0 fadeText2Y = 0 fadeText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold fadeText2 = Extraction Complete, Ready fadeText3 = Loading Game fadeText4 = Loading Complete fadeFont = Bebas Neue fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false fadeExtractionTime = disabled fadeExtractionTimeTextX = 0 fadeExtractionTimeTextY = 0 fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold fadeInterruptKey = detectFadeErrorEnabled = true fadeImgPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade RLDataPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Data RLMediaPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Media RLErrSoundPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error modulesPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Modules moduleFullName = G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF\SSF.ahk moduleName = SSF modulePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF moduleExtension = ahk moduleExtensionsPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions libPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Lib sevenZEnabled = true sevenZPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe sevenZDllPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll sevenZExtractPath = G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder sevenZExtractPathOrig = sevenZAttachSystemName = false sevenZDelTemp = true sevenZSounds = true sevenZFormats = .zip|.rar|.7z|.lzh|.gzip|.tar sevenZFormatsNoP = zip|rar|7z|lzh|gzip|tar sevenZFormatsRegEx = \.zip|\.rar|\.7z|\.lzh|\.gzip|\.tar 7zExtractPath = G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder mgEnabled = false mgKey = ~NumpadSub mgBackgroundColor = FF000000 mgSidePadding = 0.2 mgWidthBaseRes = 1920 mgHeightBaseRes = 1080 mgYOffset = 500|800 mgFont = Arial mgText1Options = x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic mgText1Text = Please select a game mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic mgText2Offset = 100 mgUseSound = true mgSoundfreq = 300 mgExitEffect = none mgSelectedEffect = rotate mgUseGameArt = false mgCandidate = mgValidTypes = \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side mgOnLaunch = false pauseEnabled = false pauseKey = ~NumpadAdd pauseBackToMenuBarKey = X pauseZoomInKey = C pauseZoomOutKey = V pauseScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen pauseHiToTextPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe pauseSaveStateKeyCodes = pauseLoadStateKeyCodes = keyboardEncoder = keyboardEncoderEnabled = false keymapperEnabled = false keymapperAHKMethod = false keymapper = xpadder xpadderFullPath = G:\Hyperspin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe joyToKeyFullPath = G:\Hyperspin\Utilities\JoyToKey1\JoyToKey.exe profilePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles keymapperProfilePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder keymapperFrontEndProfileName = RocketLauncherUI keymapperFrontEndProfile = false keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled = false joyIDsEnabled = false joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal = joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = use_global joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit = CustomJoyNamesEnabled = false CustomJoyNames = rotateMethod = false FEProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncherUI defaultProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default systemProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn xPadderSystemProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn\_Default emuProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn\SSF romProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn\A+M+O+K (USA) RocketLauncherProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncher blankProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank ahkFEProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncherUI ahkDefaultProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default ahkSystemProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Sega Saturn ahkEmuProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Sega Saturn\SSF ahkRomProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Sega Saturn\A+M+O+K (USA) ahkRocketLauncherProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher bezelEnabled = false bezelICEnabled = false statisticsEnabled = true pressDuration = -1 emuVolume = 1 dxwndIni = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini dxwndFullPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe qResFullPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe mon1O = pacDrivedllFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll userFadeAnimIniFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini 18:40:42:753 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts 18:40:42:753 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts 18:40:42:753 | RL | WARNING | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions Init.ahk" not found 18:40:42:753 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validating module 18:40:42:754 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validation complete 18:40:42:754 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Module: MEmu = SSF MEmuV = v0.12 beta R4 MURL = MAuthor = djvj,brolly MVersion = 2.1.5 MCRC = EEBE0718 iCRC = 918A4E4C MID = 635038268924991452 MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Notes: ; Sega Saturn: ; This only works with DTLite, not DTPro ; Make sure your Virtual Drive Path in RocketLauncherUI is correct ; romExtension should be ccd|mds|cue|iso|cdi|nrg ; You MUST set the path to the 3 different region BIOS files in RocketLauncherUI module's settings. ; If you prefer a region-free bios, extract this bios and set all 3 bios paths to this one file: ; Make sure you have your CDDrive set to whatever number you use for your games. 0 may be your hardware drive, while 1 may be your virtual drive (depending on how many you have). If you get a black screen, try different numbers starting from 0. ; If you keep getting the CD Player BIOS screen, you have the CDDrive variable set wrong below ; If you keep getting the CD Player screen with the message "Game disc unsuitable for this system", you have the incorrect bios set for the region game you are playing and or region is set wrong in the emu options. Or you can just turn off the BIOS below ; If your game's region is (USA), you must use a USA bios and set SSF Area Code to "America, Canada Brazil". For (Japan) games, bios must be a Japan one and SSF Area Code set to Japan. Use the same logic for European games. You will only see a black screen if wrong. ; SSF will use your desktop res as the emu's res if Stretch and EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen are both true when in fullscreen mode. If you turn Stretch off, it forces 1024x768 in fullscreen mode if your GPU supports pixel shader 3.0, otherwise it forces 640x480 if it does not. ; If you are getting clipping, set the vSync variable to true below ; For faster MultiGame switching, keep the BIOS off, otherwise you have to "play" the disc each time you switch discs ; Module will attempt to auto-detect the region for your game by using the region tags in parenthesis on your rom file and set SSF to use the appropriate region settings that match. ; ; Shining Force III - Scenario 2 & 3 (Japan) (Translated En) games crash at chapter 4 and when you use Marki Proserpina spell or using the Abyss Wand. Fix may be to use a different bios if this occurs, but this is untested. Read more about it here: ; ; Custom Config Files: ; You can use custom per game ini files. Just put them in a Configurations folder inside the emulator folder and name them after the rom name. Make sure you also put a file named Default.ini file in there with your default ; settings so the module can revert back to use those. ; ; Data Cartridges: ; These 2 games used a hardware cart in order to play the games, so the module will mount them if found within the same folder as the cd image and named the same as the xml game name with a "rom" extension. ; Ultraman - Hikari no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan) and King of Fighters '95, The (Europe) ; So something like this must exist: "King of Fighters '95, The (Europe).rom" ; Sega ST-V: ; romExtension should be zip ; Extract the stv110.bin bios into the BIOS folder. Run SSF.exe and goto Option->Option and point ST-V BIOS to this file. ; Set fullscreen mode via the variable below ; If you are getting clipping, set the vSync variable to true below ; ; If it seems like it's taking a long time to load, it probably is. You are going to stare at the black screen while SSF is decoding the roms. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini" Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) UseBIOS := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "UseBIOS","false",,1) BilinearFiltering := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BilinearFiltering","true",,1) WideScreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WideScreen","false",,1) Stretch := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Stretch","true",,1) ; default true because SSF will use your desktop res in fullscreen mode as long as EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen is also true AutoFieldSkip := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "AutoFieldSkip","true",,1) EnforceAspectRatioWindow := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EnforceAspectRatioWindow","true",,1) ; enforces aspect even when stretch is true EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen","true",,1) ; enforces aspect even when stretch is true FixedWindowResolution := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FixedWindowResolution","true",,1) FixedFullscreenResolution := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FixedFullscreenResolution","false",,1) VSynchWaitWindow := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "VSynchWaitWindow","true",,1) VSynchWaitFullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "VSynchWaitFullscreen","true",,1) CDDrive := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CDDrive","1",,1) defaultRegion := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DefaultRegion","1",,1) WindowSize := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WindowSize","2",,1) Scanlines := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "Scanlines","false",,1) ScanlineRatio := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ScanlineRatio","70",,1) usBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "USBios","",,1) euBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EUBios","",,1) jpBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "JPBios","",,1) worldBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WorldBios","",,1) SH2enabled := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "SH2enabled","false",,1) deleteCachedSettings := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "DeleteCachedSettings","false",,1) legacyMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "LegacyMode","false",,1) bezelTopOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelTopOffset","0",,1) bezelBottomOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelBottomOffset","24",,1) bezelLeftOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelLeftOffset","0",,1) bezelRightOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelRightOffset","0",,1) forceRegion := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "ForceRegion","",,1) busWait := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "BusWait","false",,1) usBios := GetFullName(usBios) ; convert relative to absolute path euBios := GetFullName(euBios) jpBios := GetFullName(jpBios) worldBios := GetFullName(worldBios) BezelStart("FixResMode") hideEmuObj := Object("Decoding ahk_class #32770",0,"Select ROM file ahk_class #32770",0,"SSF",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, sevenZExtractPath) If InStr(systemName, "Saturn") If !RegExMatch(romExtension,"i)|\.ccd|\.mds|\.cue|\.iso|\.cdi|\.nrg") ScriptError("For Sega Saturn, SSF only supports extensions ""mds|cue|iso|cdi|nrg"" and you are trying to use """ . romExtension . """") specialcfg := emuPath . "\Configurations\" . romName . ".ini" defaultcfg := emuPath . "\Configurations\Default.ini" If FileExist(specialcfg) Filecopy, %specialcfg%, %emuPath%\SSF.ini, 1 Else If FileExist(defaultcfg) Filecopy, %specialcfg%, %emuPath%\SSF.ini, 1 SSFINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\SSF.ini") mySW := A_ScreenWidth mySH := A_ScreenHeight ; Now let's update all our keys if they differ in the ini Fullscreen := If Fullscreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" UseBIOS := If UseBIOS = "true" ? "0" : "1" BilinearFiltering := If BilinearFiltering = "true" ? "1" : "0" WideScreen := If WideScreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" Stretch := If Stretch = "true" ? "0" : "1" ; this setting uses 0 for stretch and 1 for not AutoFieldSkip := If AutoFieldSkip = "true" ? "1" : "0" EnforceAspectRatioWindow := If EnforceAspectRatioWindow = "true" ? "1" : "0" EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen := If EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" FixedWindowResolution := If FixedWindowResolution = "true" ? "1" : "0" FixedFullscreenResolution := If FixedFullscreenResolution = "true" ? "1" : "0" VSynchWaitWindow := If VSynchWaitWindow = "true" ? "1" : "0" VSynchWaitFullscreen := If VSynchWaitFullscreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" Scanlines := If Scanlines = "true" ? "1" : "0" SH2enabled := If SH2enabled = "true" ? "1" : "0" busWait := If busWait = "true" ? "1" : "0" If InStr(systemName, "Saturn") { regionName := romName If (forceRegion) regionName := If forceRegion = "1" ? "(USA)" : (If forceRegion = "2" ? "(Japan)" : (If forceRegion = "3" ? "(Europe)" : "(World)")) ; translating for easier use later If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(U\)|\(USA\)|\(Braz") { Log("Module - This is an American rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "4" ; 1 = Japan, 2 = Taiwan/Korea/Philippines. 4 = America/Canada/Brazil, c = Europe/Australia/South Africa SaturnBIOS := usBios } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "JP|\(J\)|\(Jap") { Log("Module - This is a Japanese rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "1" SaturnBIOS := jpBios } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(Eu\)|\(Eur|\(German") { Log("Module - This is a European rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "c" SaturnBIOS := euBios } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(Kore") { Log("Module - This is a Korean rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "2" SaturnBIOS := jpBios ; don't see a bios for this region, assuming it uses japanese one } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(World") { Log("Module - This is a rom without region. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "4" SaturnBIOS := worldBios } Else { Log("Module - This rom has an UNKNOWN region. Reverting to use your default region. If you get a black screen, please rename your rom to add a proper (Region) tag.",2) Areacode := If defaultRegion = "1" ? "4" : If defaultRegion = "2" ? "1" : "c" SaturnBIOS := If defaultRegion = "1" ? usBios : If defaultRegion = "2" ? jpBios : euBios } CheckFile(SaturnBIOS) DataCartridge := romPath . "\" . romName . ".rom" If FileExist(DataCartridge) { ; Only 2 known games need this, Ultraman - Hikari no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan) and King of Fighters '95, The (Europe). Log("Module - This game requires a data cart in order to play. Trying to mount the cart: """ . DataCartridge . """") If !FileExist(DataCartridge) ScriptError("Could not locate the Data Cart for this game. Please make sure one exists inside the archive of this game or in the folder this game resides and it is called: """ . romName . ".rom""") CartridgeID := "21" DataCartridgeEnable := "1" } Else { ; all other games Log("Module - This game does not require a data cart in order to play.") CartridgeID := "5c" DataCartridgeEnable := "0" DataCartridge := "" } } If (legacyMode = "false") { ; Compare existing settings and if different then desired, write them to the SSF.ini ; Note: On older emulator versions NoBIOS is under Program3 instead of Program4 so we set it on both IniWrite("""" . Fullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "FullSize", 1) IniWrite("""" . BilinearFiltering . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "BilinearFiltering", 1) IniWrite("""" . WideScreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "WideScreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . Stretch . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "StretchScreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . AutoFieldSkip . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "AutoFieldSkip", 1) IniWrite("""" . EnforceAspectRatioWindow . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "EnforceAspectRatioWindow", 1) IniWrite("""" . EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . FixedWindowResolution . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "FixedWindowResolution", 1) IniWrite("""" . FixedFullscreenResolution . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "FixedFullscreenResolution", 1) IniWrite("""" . VSynchWaitWindow . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "VSynchWaitWindow", 1) IniWrite("""" . VSynchWaitFullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "VSynchWaitFullscreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . Scanlines . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "Scanline", 1) IniWrite("""" . ScanlineRatio . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "ScanlineRatio", 1) IniWrite("""" . SaturnBIOS . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "SaturnBIOS", 1) IniWrite("""" . CDDrive . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "CDDrive", 1) IniWrite("""" . Areacode . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "Areacode", 1) IniWrite("""" . CartridgeID . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "CartridgeID", 1) IniWrite("""" . DataCartridgeEnable . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "DataCartridgeEnable", 1) IniWrite("""" . SH2enabled . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "SH2Cache", 1) IniWrite("""" . 0 . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "EnableInstructionCache", 1) IniWrite("""" . busWait . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "SCUDMADelayInterrupt", 1) IniWrite("""" . busWait . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "busWait", 1) IniWrite("""" . UseBIOS . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "NoBIOS", 1) IniWrite("""" . ShowBIOS . """", SSFINI, "Program4", "NoBIOS", 1) IniWrite("""" . Fullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Other", "ScreenMode", 1) IniWrite("""" . WindowSize . """", SSFINI, "Other", "WindowSize", 1) } If InStr(systemName, "Saturn") { ;Delete cached settings if needed If (deleteCachedSettings = "true") { If (romExtension = ".iso" || romExtension = ".bin") { imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension } Else If (romExtension = ".mds") { imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . romName . ".mdf" } Else If (romExtension = ".ccd") { imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . romName . ".img" } Else If (romExtension = ".cue") { datatrack := RL_listCUEFiles(romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension,1) imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . datatrack } If (imagetoCheck) { gameID := RL_readFileData(imagetoCheck,48,10,"UTF8") gameCode := RL_readFileData(imagetoCheck,112,16,"UTF8") gameID := gameID ;To trim leading spaces gameCode := gameCode cachedSettings := emuPath . "\Setting\Saturn\" . gameID . "_" . gameCode . ".ini" Log("Deleting cached settings file at '" . cachedSettings . "'") If FileExist(cachedSettings) FileDelete, %cachedSettings% } } ;Setup Virtual Drive If (vdEnabled = "false") ScriptError("Virtual Drive must be enabled to use this SSF module") usedVD := 1 VirtualDrive("mount",romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension) } HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait ; Run(executable,emuPath,(If Fullscreen = 1 ? ("Hide" ): ("")), ssfPID) ; Worked in R3, not in R4 Run(executable,emuPath,, ssfPID) If (systemName = "Sega ST-V") { Send, {SHIFTDOWN} ; this tells SSF we want to boot in ST-V mode WinWait("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770",,8) ; times out after 8 Seconds If ErrorLevel { Send, {SHIFTUP} WinClose, SSF ScriptError("Module timed out waiting for Select ROM file window. This probably means you did not set your ST-V bios or have an invalid ST-V bios file.") } If !WinActive("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770") WinActivate, Select ROM file WinWaitActive("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770") Send, {SHIFTUP} OpenROM("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension) WinWait("Decoding ahk_class #32770") } WinWait("SSF") WinWaitActive("SSF") If (bezelEnabled = "true") { timeout := A_TickCount Loop { Sleep, 20 WinGetPos, , , , H, SSF If (H > 400) Break If (timeout < A_TickCount - 5000) Break } BezelDraw() } Else Sleep, 1000 ; SSF flashes in real fast before going fullscreen if this is not here HideEmuEnd() FadeInExit() ; WinMove,SSF,,0,0 ; uncomment me if you turned off fullscreen mode and cannot see the emu, but hear it in the background Process("WaitClose", executable) If usedVD VirtualDrive("unmount") 7zCleanUp() BezelExit() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() HaltEmu: disableActivateBlackScreen := "true" If (Fullscreen = 1) ; only have to take the emu out of fullscreen we are using it { ; SSF cannot swap discs in fullscreen mode, so we have to go windowed first, swap, and restore fullscreen WinGet, ssfPID, ID, A WinGetPos,,,ssfW,ssfH,ahk_id %ssfPID% SetKeyDelay(,10) ; change only pressDuration Send, !{Enter} WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_id %ssfPID% If (mySW != ssfW || mySH != ssfH) { ; if our screen not the same size as SSF uses for it's fullscreen, we can detect when it changes While % ssfH = ssfHn { WinGetPos,,,,ssfHn,ahk_id %ssfPID% Sleep, 100 } } Else ; if our screen is the same size as SSF uses for it's fullscreen, use a sleep instead Sleep, 3000 ; increase me if MG GUI is showing tiny instead of the full screen size tempgui() } Return MultiGame: WinMenuSelectItem,ahk_id %ssfID%,,Hardware,CD Open VirtualDrive("unmount") Sleep, 200 ; just in case script moves too fast for DT VirtualDrive("mount",selectedRom) WinMenuSelectItem,ahk_id %ssfID%,,Hardware,CD Close If (Fullscreen = 1) { Loop { ; looping until SSF is done loading the new disc Sleep, 200 WinGetTitle, winTitle, ahk_id %ssfID% StringSplit, T, winTitle, %A_Space%: ; ToolTip, %A_Index%`nT10=%T10%,0,0 If !oldT10 ; get the current T10 as soon as it exists and store it oldT10:=T10 If (T10 > oldT10) ; If T10 starts incrementing, we know SSF has a game loaded and can continue the script Break } WinActivate, ahk_id %ssfID% SetKeyDelay(,10) ; change only pressDuration Send, !{Enter} Sleep, 500 Gui, 69: Destroy WinSet, Transparent, 255, ahk_id %ssfID% WinSet, Transparent, Off, ahk_id %ssfID% } Return RestoreEmu: WinActivate, ahk_id %ssfID% Sleep, 500 SetKeyDelay(,100) ; change only pressDuration Send, !{Enter} Return BezelLabel: disableHideToggleMenuScreen := "true" Return tempgui(){ Gui, 69:Color, 000000 Gui, 69:-Caption +ToolWindow Gui, 69:Show, x0 y0 W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%, BlackScreen } CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() WinClose("SSF") Return 18:40:42:762 | RL | INFO | +16 | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts 18:40:42:763 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script 18:40:42:763 | RL | WARNING | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions.ahk" not found 18:40:42:763 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module 18:40:42:764 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Module is built 18:40:42:764 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists 18:40:42:765 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Running module 18:40:42:882 | MD | INFO | +N/A | Module initialized 18:40:42:904 | MD | INFO | +32 | StartModule - Started 18:40:42:904 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - MEmu: SSF MEmuV: v0.12 beta R4 MURL: MAuthor: djvj,brolly MVersion: 2.1.5 MCRC: EEBE0718 iCRC: 918A4E4C MID: MSystem: "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V" 18:40:42:904 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Sega Saturn" 18:40:42:904 | MD | INFO | +0 | PluginInit - Started 18:40:42:904 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Databases\Sega Saturn\Sega Saturn.xml exists 18:40:42:940 | MD | INFO | +31 | PluginInit - Ended 18:40:42:942 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - Ended 18:40:42:942 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - Fullscreen: true 18:40:42:942 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - UseBIOS: false 18:40:42:942 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - BilinearFiltering: true 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - WideScreen: false 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - Stretch: true 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - AutoFieldSkip: true 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - EnforceAspectRatioWindow: false 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen: true 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - FixedWindowResolution: true 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - FixedFullscreenResolution: false 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - VSynchWaitWindow: true 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - VSynchWaitFullscreen: false 18:40:42:943 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - CDDrive: 1 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - DefaultRegion: 1 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - WindowSize: 2 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - Scanlines: false 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - Scanlines: false 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - ScanlineRatio: 70 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - ScanlineRatio: 70 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - USBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - EUBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.01a (1995)(Sega)(EU).bin 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - JPBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.01 (1995)(Sega)(JP).bin 18:40:42:944 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - WorldBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn BIOS v1.01 (multinorm).bin 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - SH2enabled: false 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - DeleteCachedSettings: false 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - DeleteCachedSettings: false 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - LegacyMode: false 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - LegacyMode: false 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelTopOffset: 0 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - bezelTopOffset: 0 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelBottomOffset: 24 18:40:42:945 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - bezelBottomOffset: 24 18:40:42:946 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelLeftOffset: 0 18:40:42:946 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - bezelLeftOffset: 0 18:40:42:946 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelRightOffset: 0 18:40:42:946 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - bezelRightOffset: 0 18:40:42:946 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - ForceRegion: 18:40:42:965 | MD | INFO | +31 | Module Setting - [A+M+O+K (USA)] - BusWait: false 18:40:42:965 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - Started, received G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn\A+M+O+K (USA).7z. If rom is an archive, it will extract to G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder 18:40:42:965 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn\A+M+O+K (USA).7z exists 18:40:43:042 | MD | INFO | +78 | 7z - Archive name matches rom name; DLL found rom inside archive using "findFileInZip": "A+M+O+K (USA).mds" 18:40:43:043 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - Extracted path of rom will be 69 in length and within the 255 character limit. 18:40:43:044 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - The sevenZExtractPath has 288522 MB of free space which is enough to extract this game: 582 MB 18:41:18:432 | MD | INFO | +35391 | 7z - Ended 18:41:18:432 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.ini exists 18:41:18:433 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - This is an American rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region. 18:41:18:433 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin exists 18:41:18:433 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - This game does not require a data cart in order to play. 18:41:18:434 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: FullSize - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:435 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: BilinearFiltering - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:436 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: WideScreen - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:436 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: StretchScreen - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:437 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: AutoFieldSkip - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:438 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: EnforceAspectRatioWindow - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:439 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:440 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: FixedWindowResolution - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:441 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: FixedFullscreenResolution - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:441 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: VSynchWaitWindow - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:442 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: VSynchWaitFullscreen - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:443 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: Scanline - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:444 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: ScanlineRatio - Old: 70 | New: "70" 18:41:18:444 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: SaturnBIOS - Old: G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin | New: "G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin" 18:41:18:445 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: CDDrive - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:446 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: Areacode - Old: 4 | New: "4" 18:41:18:465 | MD | INFO | +31 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: CartridgeID - Old: 5c | New: "5c" 18:41:18:466 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: DataCartridgeEnable - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:467 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: SH2Cache - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:468 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: EnableInstructionCache - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:468 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: SCUDMADelayInterrupt - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:469 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: busWait - Old: 0 | New: "0" 18:41:18:470 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: NoBIOS - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:471 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program4] - KEY: NoBIOS - Old: 0 | New: "" 18:41:18:472 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Other] - KEY: ScreenMode - Old: 1 | New: "1" 18:41:18:473 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Other] - KEY: WindowSize - Old: 2 | New: "2" 18:41:18:473 | MD | INFO | +0 | VirtualDrive - Started - action is mount 18:41:18:473 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe exists 18:41:18:476 | MD | INFO | +0 | RunWait - Started - running: C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe -mount scsi, F, "G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder\A+M+O+K (USA)\A+M+O+K (USA).mds" 18:41:26:014 | MD | WARNING | +7547 | VirtualDrive - Error reported by DAEMON Tools Lite during a mount operation: -1 18:41:26:014 | MD | INFO | +0 | VirtualDrive - Ended 18:41:26:014 | MD | INFO | +0 | Run - Running: G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.exe 18:41:26:044 | MD | INFO | +31 | WinWait - Waiting for "SSF" 18:41:26:181 | MD | INFO | +141 | WinWaitActive - Waiting for "SSF" 18:41:27:328 | MD | INFO | +1141 | Process - WaitClose SSF.exe 18:41:39:186 | MD | INFO | +11859 | WinClose - Closing: SSF 18:41:40:688 | MD | INFO | +1500 | VirtualDrive - Started - action is unmount 18:41:40:688 | MD | INFO | +0 | RunWait - Started - running: C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe -unmount scsi, F 18:42:24:606 | MD | WARNING | +43922 | VirtualDrive - Error reported by DAEMON Tools Lite during a unmount operation: -1 18:42:24:606 | MD | INFO | +0 | VirtualDrive - Ended 18:42:24:606 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7zCleanUp - Started 18:42:24:790 | MD | INFO | +187 | 7zCleanUp - Ended 18:42:24:790 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Started 18:42:24:790 | MD | INFO | +0 | Starting Updating Statistics: 18:42:24:967 | MD | INFO | +172 | Game section statistics updated. 18:42:24:968 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Ended 18:42:24:968 | MD | INFO | +0 | End of Module Logs 18:42:24:993 | RL | INFO | +102234 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally 18:42:24:993 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started 18:42:25:117 | RL | INFO | +110 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor 18:42:25:126 | RL | INFO | +15 | ExitScript - Ended
SkyHighGam3r Posted April 4, 2016 Posted April 4, 2016 Not sure if it would help, but I had insane amounts of trouble getting newer versions of DT to work with RocketLauncher on Windows 10I downgraded to 4 or 5 (I'd have to check, but it's posted on the RL website) and It's been smooth sailing ever since.
voyagerxp Posted April 5, 2016 Author Posted April 5, 2016 Any chance you can post the changes I made to the Virtual Drive.ahk
Feanor7777 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 I posted on the RL forums last night, so if I don't hear anything from them in a few days I'll post it. I'd rather wait for a response from them first to see if they already fixed it and will be pushing an update soon. I know I've seen them mention on a few threads over there that some problems have been fixed and will be pushed with the next update. I'm having the exact same problem. Looking forward to your solution.
voyagerxp Posted April 11, 2016 Author Posted April 11, 2016 I could really do with someone edit a Virtual Drive.ahk for me to use 10.3.
voyagerxp Posted April 11, 2016 Author Posted April 11, 2016 Ok i've installed DTlite 10.1& the errors have now gone but for some reason .mds games mount and play fine but cue.bin files don't. It just loads to saturn menu. Any help would be great. 21:03:17:902 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.0.1.5a ( 21:03:17:993 | RL | INFO | +78 | Main - System Specs: RocketLauncher Dir: G:\RocketLauncher RocketLauncher is: 32-bit OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home SKU: Windows 8 Total Memory: 8076.41 MB Free Memory: 4590.24 MB Used Memory: 3486.168 MB SystemType: 64-bit Physical Processors: 1 Logical Processors: 8 GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M GPU 1 RAM: -2048.00 MB GPU 1 Driver Version: GPU 2 Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 GPU 2 RAM: 1024.00 MB GPU 2 Driver Version: Sound 1 Device: VIA HD Audio(Win 10) Sound 1 Status: Enabled Sound 2 Device: NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM) Sound 2 Status: Enabled Sound 3 Device: DFX Audio Enhancer Sound 3 Status: Enabled OS Language: English_United_Kingdom System Locale: en-GB Formats Locale: en-GB Windows UI Language: en-GB Text Encoding: Windows-1252 OS Admin Status: Yes Latest .Net Version: v4.0.30319 Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work) [32bit] [60hz] [Landscape] (Primary) Current AHK Desktop Width: 1920 Current AHK Desktop Height: 1080 AutoHotkey Path: AHK Version: Unicode: No 21:03:17:993 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists 21:03:17:994 | RL | INFO | +15 | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin" 21:03:17:994 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - RocketLauncher received "Sega Saturn" and "Alien Trilogy (USA)" 21:03:17:999 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Did not find a "G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Sega Saturn\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options. 21:03:17:999 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Alien Trilogy (USA) is using the default emulator: SSF 21:03:17:999 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Checking for a [SSF] section in G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Sega Saturn\Emulators.ini 21:03:17:999 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Checking for a [SSF] section in G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini 21:03:17:000 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Found [SSF] in G:\RocketLauncher\Settings\Global Emulators.ini 21:03:18:000 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF\SSF.ahk exists 21:03:18:004 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module. 21:03:18:004 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Alien Trilogy (USA) will use module: G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF\SSF.ahk 21:03:18:014 | RL | INFO | +16 | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks. 21:03:18:018 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.exe exists 21:03:18:019 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - INI Keys read 21:03:18:019 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists 21:03:18:019 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists 21:03:18:025 | RL | INFO | +16 | Main - "Alien Trilogy (USA)" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side 21:03:18:025 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Started 21:03:18:025 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Found rom: G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn\Alien Trilogy (USA).7z 21:03:18:025 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckPaths - Ended 21:03:18:026 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - User Variables: ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INJECTED VARIABLES ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoTrayIcon #InstallKeybdHook DetectHiddenWindows, ON SetTitleMatchMode, 2 SendMode, Event 0 = 12 pluginPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Plugins pluginName = HyperSpin pluginExt = .plugin contextOnExit = 1 rlMode = rlTitle = RocketLauncher rlVersion = rlAuthor = djvj rlURL = langFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Data\Language\Localization.ini primMonitor = 1 frontendPID = frontendPath = G:\Hyperspin frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe frontendExt = exe frontendName = HyperSpin frontendDrive = G: exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc restoreFE = false exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s toggleCursorKey = ~e & ~t emuFullPath = G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.exe emuPath = G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4 emuName = SSF emuExt = exe baseRomPath = \Sega Saturn romPath = G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn romPathFromIni = G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn romExtension = .7z romExtensionOrig = .7z romExtensions = 7z|zip|cue|ccd|iso|mds|md|cdi|rar executable = SSF.exe systemDbName = Sega Saturn systemName = Sega Saturn dbPath = dbName = Alien Trilogy (USA) dbExt = romName = Alien Trilogy (USA) romMapPath = romMappingEnabled = false romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen = 7 romMappingHideParent = false romMappingMenuWidth = 400 romMappingMenuMargin = 65 romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888 romMappingTextSizeDifference = 7 romMappingTextMargin = 15 romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular romMappingGameNameTextFont = Bebas Neue romMappingGameNameTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Regular romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000 romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000 romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000 romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000 romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 55 romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 7 romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false altArchiveNameOnly = altRomNameOnly = altArchiveAndRomName = altArchiveAndManyRomNames = altRomNamesOnly = romMapScenario = skipchecks = false romMatchExt = true blockInputTime = 0 blockInputFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe errorLevelReporting = false lockLaunch = false lockLaunchGame = screenRotationAngle = 0 screenRotationAngleGame = setResolution = logFile = G:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.log logLabel := [" INFO"," WARNING"," ERROR"," DEBUG1"," DEBUG2"] logLevel = 3 logShowDebugConsole = false logIncludeModule = true logIncludeFileProperties = true logShowCommandWindow = false logCommandWindow = false rlDebugConsoleStdout = sysLang = English_United_Kingdom sysType = 64-bit broadcastWindowTitle = navUpKey = Up navDownKey = Down navLeftKey = Left navRightKey = Right navSelectKey = Enter navP2UpKey = Numpad8 navP2DownKey = Numpad2 navP2LeftKey = Numpad4 navP2RightKey = Numpad6 navP2SelectKey = NumpadEnter originalWidth = 1920 originalHeight = 1080 vdEnabled = true vdFullPath = C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe vdUseSCSI = true vdDriveLetter = F vdAddDrive = true servoStikEnabled = false servoStikExitMode = false ledblinkyEnabled = false ledblinkySystemName = ledblinkyFullPath = ledblinkyProfilePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky ledblinkyRLProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\LEDBlinky\RocketLauncher winIPACFullPath = ultraMapEnabled = false ultraMapFullPath = emuIdleShutdown = 0 launchPasswordHash = UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight hideCursor = false hideEmu = false hideFE = false fadeIn = false fadeInDuration = 500 fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn fadeInDelay = 0 fadeInExitDelay = 0 fadeOutExitDelay = 0 fadeOut = false fadeOutExtraScreen = false fadeOutDuration = 500 fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut fadeOutDelay = 0 fadeLyrInterpolation = 7 fadeMuteEmulator = false fadeUseBackgrounds = false fadeClickThrough = false fadeWidthBaseRes = 1920 fadeHeightBaseRes = 1080 fadeLyr1Color = FF000000 fadeLyr1AlignImage = Stretch and Lose Aspect fadeLyr2Pos = Stretch and Lose Aspect fadeLyr2X = 0 fadeLyr2Y = 0 fadeLyr2W = fadeLyr2H = fadeLyr2Adjust = 1 fadeLyr2PicPad = 0 fadeLyr2Prefix = Extra Layer 1 - Console fadeLyr3Pos = Center fadeLyr3X = 450 fadeLyr3Y = 450 fadeLyr3W = fadeLyr3H = fadeLyr3Adjust = 1 fadeLyr3PicPad = 0 fadeLyr3Speed = 750 fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation fadeLyr3Type = image fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true fadeLyr3Repeat = 1 fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency = 30 fadeLyr3StaticPos = No Alignment fadeLyr3StaticX = 0 fadeLyr3StaticY = 870|1575 fadeLyr3StaticW = fadeLyr3StaticH = fadeLyr3StaticAdjust = 1 fadeLyr3StaticPicPad = 0 fadeLyr3StaticPrefix = Info Bar fadeLyr4Adjust = 1 fadeLyr4X = 1792|952 fadeLyr4Y = 891|1596 fadeLyr4W = 128 fadeLyr4H = fadeLyr4Pos = No Alignment fadeLyr4FPS = 50 fadeLyr4PicPad = 0 fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF fadeBarWindow = Image fadeBarWindowX = fadeBarWindowY = fadeBarWindowW = 900 fadeBarWindowH = fadeBarWindowR = 30 fadeBarWindowM = 30 fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8 fadeBar = 7zOnly fadeBarNon7zProgressTime = 0 fadeBarBack = true fadeBarBackColor = FF555555 fadeBarH = 30 fadeBarR = 10 fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF fadeBarHatchStyle = 8 fadeBarPercentageText = true fadeBarInfoText = true fadeBarXOffset = 0 fadeBarYOffset = 150 fadeRomInfoDescription = filtered text fadeRomInfoSystemName = image fadeRomInfoYear = text with label fadeRomInfoDeveloper = text with label fadeRomInfoPublisher = text with label fadeRomInfoGenre = disabled fadeRomInfoRating = image fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = User Defined fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 7 fadeRomInfoText1Options = w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular fadeRomInfoText2Options = w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold fadeRomInfoText3Options = w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular fadeRomInfoText4Options = w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold fadeRomInfoText6Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular fadeRomInfoText7Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = text with label fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topRight fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 7 fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold fadeText1X = 0 fadeText1Y = 0 fadeText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold fadeText1 = Loading Game fadeText2X = 0 fadeText2Y = 0 fadeText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold fadeText2 = Extraction Complete, Ready fadeText3 = Loading Game fadeText4 = Loading Complete fadeFont = Bebas Neue fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false fadeExtractionTime = disabled fadeExtractionTimeTextX = 0 fadeExtractionTimeTextY = 0 fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold fadeInterruptKey = detectFadeErrorEnabled = true fadeImgPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Media\Fade RLDataPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Data RLMediaPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Media RLErrSoundPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Media\Sounds\Error modulesPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Modules moduleFullName = G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF\SSF.ahk moduleName = SSF modulePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Modules\SSF moduleExtension = ahk moduleExtensionsPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions libPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Lib sevenZEnabled = true sevenZPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe sevenZDllPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll sevenZExtractPath = G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder sevenZExtractPathOrig = sevenZAttachSystemName = false sevenZDelTemp = true sevenZSounds = true sevenZFormats = .zip|.rar|.7z|.lzh|.gzip|.tar sevenZFormatsNoP = zip|rar|7z|lzh|gzip|tar sevenZFormatsRegEx = \.zip|\.rar|\.7z|\.lzh|\.gzip|\.tar 7zExtractPath = G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder mgEnabled = false mgKey = ~NumpadSub mgBackgroundColor = FF000000 mgSidePadding = 0.2 mgWidthBaseRes = 1920 mgHeightBaseRes = 1080 mgYOffset = 500|800 mgFont = Arial mgText1Options = x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic mgText1Text = Please select a game mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic mgText2Offset = 100 mgUseSound = true mgSoundfreq = 300 mgExitEffect = none mgSelectedEffect = rotate mgUseGameArt = false mgCandidate = mgValidTypes = \(Disc|\(Disk|\(Cart|\(Tape|\(Cassette|\(Part|\(Side mgOnLaunch = false pauseEnabled = false pauseKey = ~NumpadAdd pauseBackToMenuBarKey = X pauseZoomInKey = C pauseZoomOutKey = V pauseScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen pauseHiToTextPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe pauseSaveStateKeyCodes = pauseLoadStateKeyCodes = keyboardEncoder = keyboardEncoderEnabled = false keymapperEnabled = false keymapperAHKMethod = false keymapper = xpadder xpadderFullPath = G:\Hyperspin\Utilities\Xpadder\Xpadder.exe joyToKeyFullPath = G:\Hyperspin\Utilities\JoyToKey1\JoyToKey.exe profilePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles keymapperProfilePath = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder keymapperFrontEndProfileName = RocketLauncherUI keymapperFrontEndProfile = false keymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled = false joyIDsEnabled = false joyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal = joyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = use_global joyIDsPreferredControllersOnExit = CustomJoyNamesEnabled = false CustomJoyNames = rotateMethod = false FEProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncherUI defaultProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default systemProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn xPadderSystemProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn\_Default emuProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn\SSF romProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\Sega Saturn\Alien Trilogy (USA) RocketLauncherProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\RocketLauncher blankProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank ahkFEProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncherUI ahkDefaultProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\_Default ahkSystemProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Sega Saturn ahkEmuProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Sega Saturn\SSF ahkRomProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\Sega Saturn\Alien Trilogy (USA) ahkRocketLauncherProfile = G:\RocketLauncher\Profiles\AHK\RocketLauncher bezelEnabled = false bezelICEnabled = false statisticsEnabled = true pressDuration = -1 emuVolume = 1 dxwndIni = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini dxwndFullPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe qResFullPath = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\QRes.exe mon1O = pacDrivedllFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll userFadeAnimIniFile = G:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini 21:03:18:028 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts 21:03:18:028 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts 21:03:18:028 | RL | WARNING | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions Init.ahk" not found 21:03:18:028 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validating module 21:03:18:030 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Validation complete 21:03:18:030 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Module: MEmu = SSF MEmuV = v0.12 beta R4 MURL = MAuthor = djvj,brolly MVersion = 2.1.5 MCRC = EEBE0718 iCRC = 918A4E4C MID = 635038268924991452 MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Notes: ; Sega Saturn: ; This only works with DTLite, not DTPro ; Make sure your Virtual Drive Path in RocketLauncherUI is correct ; romExtension should be ccd|mds|cue|iso|cdi|nrg ; You MUST set the path to the 3 different region BIOS files in RocketLauncherUI module's settings. ; If you prefer a region-free bios, extract this bios and set all 3 bios paths to this one file: ; Make sure you have your CDDrive set to whatever number you use for your games. 0 may be your hardware drive, while 1 may be your virtual drive (depending on how many you have). If you get a black screen, try different numbers starting from 0. ; If you keep getting the CD Player BIOS screen, you have the CDDrive variable set wrong below ; If you keep getting the CD Player screen with the message "Game disc unsuitable for this system", you have the incorrect bios set for the region game you are playing and or region is set wrong in the emu options. Or you can just turn off the BIOS below ; If your game's region is (USA), you must use a USA bios and set SSF Area Code to "America, Canada Brazil". For (Japan) games, bios must be a Japan one and SSF Area Code set to Japan. Use the same logic for European games. You will only see a black screen if wrong. ; SSF will use your desktop res as the emu's res if Stretch and EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen are both true when in fullscreen mode. If you turn Stretch off, it forces 1024x768 in fullscreen mode if your GPU supports pixel shader 3.0, otherwise it forces 640x480 if it does not. ; If you are getting clipping, set the vSync variable to true below ; For faster MultiGame switching, keep the BIOS off, otherwise you have to "play" the disc each time you switch discs ; Module will attempt to auto-detect the region for your game by using the region tags in parenthesis on your rom file and set SSF to use the appropriate region settings that match. ; ; Shining Force III - Scenario 2 & 3 (Japan) (Translated En) games crash at chapter 4 and when you use Marki Proserpina spell or using the Abyss Wand. Fix may be to use a different bios if this occurs, but this is untested. Read more about it here: ; ; Custom Config Files: ; You can use custom per game ini files. Just put them in a Configurations folder inside the emulator folder and name them after the rom name. Make sure you also put a file named Default.ini file in there with your default ; settings so the module can revert back to use those. ; ; Data Cartridges: ; These 2 games used a hardware cart in order to play the games, so the module will mount them if found within the same folder as the cd image and named the same as the xml game name with a "rom" extension. ; Ultraman - Hikari no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan) and King of Fighters '95, The (Europe) ; So something like this must exist: "King of Fighters '95, The (Europe).rom" ; Sega ST-V: ; romExtension should be zip ; Extract the stv110.bin bios into the BIOS folder. Run SSF.exe and goto Option->Option and point ST-V BIOS to this file. ; Set fullscreen mode via the variable below ; If you are getting clipping, set the vSync variable to true below ; ; If it seems like it's taking a long time to load, it probably is. You are going to stare at the black screen while SSF is decoding the roms. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini" Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) UseBIOS := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "UseBIOS","false",,1) BilinearFiltering := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BilinearFiltering","true",,1) WideScreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WideScreen","false",,1) Stretch := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Stretch","true",,1) ; default true because SSF will use your desktop res in fullscreen mode as long as EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen is also true AutoFieldSkip := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "AutoFieldSkip","true",,1) EnforceAspectRatioWindow := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EnforceAspectRatioWindow","true",,1) ; enforces aspect even when stretch is true EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen","true",,1) ; enforces aspect even when stretch is true FixedWindowResolution := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FixedWindowResolution","true",,1) FixedFullscreenResolution := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FixedFullscreenResolution","false",,1) VSynchWaitWindow := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "VSynchWaitWindow","true",,1) VSynchWaitFullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "VSynchWaitFullscreen","true",,1) CDDrive := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CDDrive","1",,1) defaultRegion := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DefaultRegion","1",,1) WindowSize := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WindowSize","2",,1) Scanlines := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "Scanlines","false",,1) ScanlineRatio := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ScanlineRatio","70",,1) usBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "USBios","",,1) euBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "EUBios","",,1) jpBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "JPBios","",,1) worldBios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WorldBios","",,1) SH2enabled := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "SH2enabled","false",,1) deleteCachedSettings := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "DeleteCachedSettings","false",,1) legacyMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "LegacyMode","false",,1) bezelTopOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelTopOffset","0",,1) bezelBottomOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelBottomOffset","24",,1) bezelLeftOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelLeftOffset","0",,1) bezelRightOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "bezelRightOffset","0",,1) forceRegion := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "ForceRegion","",,1) busWait := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "BusWait","false",,1) usBios := GetFullName(usBios) ; convert relative to absolute path euBios := GetFullName(euBios) jpBios := GetFullName(jpBios) worldBios := GetFullName(worldBios) BezelStart("FixResMode") hideEmuObj := Object("Decoding ahk_class #32770",0,"Select ROM file ahk_class #32770",0,"SSF",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, sevenZExtractPath) If InStr(systemName, "Saturn") If !RegExMatch(romExtension,"i)|\.ccd|\.mds|\.cue|\.iso|\.cdi|\.nrg") ScriptError("For Sega Saturn, SSF only supports extensions ""mds|cue|iso|cdi|nrg"" and you are trying to use """ . romExtension . """") specialcfg := emuPath . "\Configurations\" . romName . ".ini" defaultcfg := emuPath . "\Configurations\Default.ini" If FileExist(specialcfg) Filecopy, %specialcfg%, %emuPath%\SSF.ini, 1 Else If FileExist(defaultcfg) Filecopy, %specialcfg%, %emuPath%\SSF.ini, 1 SSFINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\SSF.ini") mySW := A_ScreenWidth mySH := A_ScreenHeight ; Now let's update all our keys if they differ in the ini Fullscreen := If Fullscreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" UseBIOS := If UseBIOS = "true" ? "0" : "1" BilinearFiltering := If BilinearFiltering = "true" ? "1" : "0" WideScreen := If WideScreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" Stretch := If Stretch = "true" ? "0" : "1" ; this setting uses 0 for stretch and 1 for not AutoFieldSkip := If AutoFieldSkip = "true" ? "1" : "0" EnforceAspectRatioWindow := If EnforceAspectRatioWindow = "true" ? "1" : "0" EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen := If EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" FixedWindowResolution := If FixedWindowResolution = "true" ? "1" : "0" FixedFullscreenResolution := If FixedFullscreenResolution = "true" ? "1" : "0" VSynchWaitWindow := If VSynchWaitWindow = "true" ? "1" : "0" VSynchWaitFullscreen := If VSynchWaitFullscreen = "true" ? "1" : "0" Scanlines := If Scanlines = "true" ? "1" : "0" SH2enabled := If SH2enabled = "true" ? "1" : "0" busWait := If busWait = "true" ? "1" : "0" If InStr(systemName, "Saturn") { regionName := romName If (forceRegion) regionName := If forceRegion = "1" ? "(USA)" : (If forceRegion = "2" ? "(Japan)" : (If forceRegion = "3" ? "(Europe)" : "(World)")) ; translating for easier use later If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(U\)|\(USA\)|\(Braz") { Log("Module - This is an American rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "4" ; 1 = Japan, 2 = Taiwan/Korea/Philippines. 4 = America/Canada/Brazil, c = Europe/Australia/South Africa SaturnBIOS := usBios } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "JP|\(J\)|\(Jap") { Log("Module - This is a Japanese rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "1" SaturnBIOS := jpBios } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(Eu\)|\(Eur|\(German") { Log("Module - This is a European rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "c" SaturnBIOS := euBios } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(Kore") { Log("Module - This is a Korean rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "2" SaturnBIOS := jpBios ; don't see a bios for this region, assuming it uses japanese one } Else If RegExMatch(regionName, "\(World") { Log("Module - This is a rom without region. Setting SSF's settings to this region.") Areacode := "4" SaturnBIOS := worldBios } Else { Log("Module - This rom has an UNKNOWN region. Reverting to use your default region. If you get a black screen, please rename your rom to add a proper (Region) tag.",2) Areacode := If defaultRegion = "1" ? "4" : If defaultRegion = "2" ? "1" : "c" SaturnBIOS := If defaultRegion = "1" ? usBios : If defaultRegion = "2" ? jpBios : euBios } CheckFile(SaturnBIOS) DataCartridge := romPath . "\" . romName . ".rom" If FileExist(DataCartridge) { ; Only 2 known games need this, Ultraman - Hikari no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan) and King of Fighters '95, The (Europe). Log("Module - This game requires a data cart in order to play. Trying to mount the cart: """ . DataCartridge . """") If !FileExist(DataCartridge) ScriptError("Could not locate the Data Cart for this game. Please make sure one exists inside the archive of this game or in the folder this game resides and it is called: """ . romName . ".rom""") CartridgeID := "21" DataCartridgeEnable := "1" } Else { ; all other games Log("Module - This game does not require a data cart in order to play.") CartridgeID := "5c" DataCartridgeEnable := "0" DataCartridge := "" } } If (legacyMode = "false") { ; Compare existing settings and if different then desired, write them to the SSF.ini ; Note: On older emulator versions NoBIOS is under Program3 instead of Program4 so we set it on both IniWrite("""" . Fullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "FullSize", 1) IniWrite("""" . BilinearFiltering . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "BilinearFiltering", 1) IniWrite("""" . WideScreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "WideScreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . Stretch . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "StretchScreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . AutoFieldSkip . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "AutoFieldSkip", 1) IniWrite("""" . EnforceAspectRatioWindow . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "EnforceAspectRatioWindow", 1) IniWrite("""" . EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . FixedWindowResolution . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "FixedWindowResolution", 1) IniWrite("""" . FixedFullscreenResolution . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "FixedFullscreenResolution", 1) IniWrite("""" . VSynchWaitWindow . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "VSynchWaitWindow", 1) IniWrite("""" . VSynchWaitFullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "VSynchWaitFullscreen", 1) IniWrite("""" . Scanlines . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "Scanline", 1) IniWrite("""" . ScanlineRatio . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "ScanlineRatio", 1) IniWrite("""" . SaturnBIOS . """", SSFINI, "Screen", "SaturnBIOS", 1) IniWrite("""" . CDDrive . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "CDDrive", 1) IniWrite("""" . Areacode . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "Areacode", 1) IniWrite("""" . CartridgeID . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "CartridgeID", 1) IniWrite("""" . DataCartridgeEnable . """", SSFINI, "Peripheral", "DataCartridgeEnable", 1) IniWrite("""" . SH2enabled . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "SH2Cache", 1) IniWrite("""" . 0 . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "EnableInstructionCache", 1) IniWrite("""" . busWait . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "SCUDMADelayInterrupt", 1) IniWrite("""" . busWait . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "busWait", 1) IniWrite("""" . UseBIOS . """", SSFINI, "Program3", "NoBIOS", 1) IniWrite("""" . ShowBIOS . """", SSFINI, "Program4", "NoBIOS", 1) IniWrite("""" . Fullscreen . """", SSFINI, "Other", "ScreenMode", 1) IniWrite("""" . WindowSize . """", SSFINI, "Other", "WindowSize", 1) } If InStr(systemName, "Saturn") { ;Delete cached settings if needed If (deleteCachedSettings = "true") { If (romExtension = ".iso" || romExtension = ".bin") { imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension } Else If (romExtension = ".mds") { imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . romName . ".mdf" } Else If (romExtension = ".ccd") { imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . romName . ".img" } Else If (romExtension = ".cue") { datatrack := RL_listCUEFiles(romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension,1) imagetoCheck := romPath . "\" . datatrack } If (imagetoCheck) { gameID := RL_readFileData(imagetoCheck,48,10,"UTF8") gameCode := RL_readFileData(imagetoCheck,112,16,"UTF8") gameID := gameID ;To trim leading spaces gameCode := gameCode cachedSettings := emuPath . "\Setting\Saturn\" . gameID . "_" . gameCode . ".ini" Log("Deleting cached settings file at '" . cachedSettings . "'") If FileExist(cachedSettings) FileDelete, %cachedSettings% } } ;Setup Virtual Drive If (vdEnabled = "false") ScriptError("Virtual Drive must be enabled to use this SSF module") usedVD := 1 VirtualDrive("mount",romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension) } HideEmuStart() ; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait ; Run(executable,emuPath,(If Fullscreen = 1 ? ("Hide" ): ("")), ssfPID) ; Worked in R3, not in R4 Run(executable,emuPath,, ssfPID) If (systemName = "Sega ST-V") { Send, {SHIFTDOWN} ; this tells SSF we want to boot in ST-V mode WinWait("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770",,8) ; times out after 8 Seconds If ErrorLevel { Send, {SHIFTUP} WinClose, SSF ScriptError("Module timed out waiting for Select ROM file window. This probably means you did not set your ST-V bios or have an invalid ST-V bios file.") } If !WinActive("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770") WinActivate, Select ROM file WinWaitActive("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770") Send, {SHIFTUP} OpenROM("Select ROM file ahk_class #32770", romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension) WinWait("Decoding ahk_class #32770") } WinWait("SSF") WinWaitActive("SSF") If (bezelEnabled = "true") { timeout := A_TickCount Loop { Sleep, 20 WinGetPos, , , , H, SSF If (H > 400) Break If (timeout < A_TickCount - 5000) Break } BezelDraw() } Else Sleep, 1000 ; SSF flashes in real fast before going fullscreen if this is not here HideEmuEnd() FadeInExit() ; WinMove,SSF,,0,0 ; uncomment me if you turned off fullscreen mode and cannot see the emu, but hear it in the background Process("WaitClose", executable) If usedVD VirtualDrive("unmount") 7zCleanUp() BezelExit() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() HaltEmu: disableActivateBlackScreen := "true" If (Fullscreen = 1) ; only have to take the emu out of fullscreen we are using it { ; SSF cannot swap discs in fullscreen mode, so we have to go windowed first, swap, and restore fullscreen WinGet, ssfPID, ID, A WinGetPos,,,ssfW,ssfH,ahk_id %ssfPID% SetKeyDelay(,10) ; change only pressDuration Send, !{Enter} WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_id %ssfPID% If (mySW != ssfW || mySH != ssfH) { ; if our screen not the same size as SSF uses for it's fullscreen, we can detect when it changes While % ssfH = ssfHn { WinGetPos,,,,ssfHn,ahk_id %ssfPID% Sleep, 100 } } Else ; if our screen is the same size as SSF uses for it's fullscreen, use a sleep instead Sleep, 3000 ; increase me if MG GUI is showing tiny instead of the full screen size tempgui() } Return MultiGame: WinMenuSelectItem,ahk_id %ssfID%,,Hardware,CD Open VirtualDrive("unmount") Sleep, 200 ; just in case script moves too fast for DT VirtualDrive("mount",selectedRom) WinMenuSelectItem,ahk_id %ssfID%,,Hardware,CD Close If (Fullscreen = 1) { Loop { ; looping until SSF is done loading the new disc Sleep, 200 WinGetTitle, winTitle, ahk_id %ssfID% StringSplit, T, winTitle, %A_Space%: ; ToolTip, %A_Index%`nT10=%T10%,0,0 If !oldT10 ; get the current T10 as soon as it exists and store it oldT10:=T10 If (T10 > oldT10) ; If T10 starts incrementing, we know SSF has a game loaded and can continue the script Break } WinActivate, ahk_id %ssfID% SetKeyDelay(,10) ; change only pressDuration Send, !{Enter} Sleep, 500 Gui, 69: Destroy WinSet, Transparent, 255, ahk_id %ssfID% WinSet, Transparent, Off, ahk_id %ssfID% } Return RestoreEmu: WinActivate, ahk_id %ssfID% Sleep, 500 SetKeyDelay(,100) ; change only pressDuration Send, !{Enter} Return BezelLabel: disableHideToggleMenuScreen := "true" Return tempgui(){ Gui, 69:Color, 000000 Gui, 69:-Caption +ToolWindow Gui, 69:Show, x0 y0 W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%, BlackScreen } CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() WinClose("SSF") Return 21:03:18:038 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts 21:03:18:039 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script 21:03:18:039 | RL | WARNING | +0 | BuildScript - "G:\RocketLauncher\Lib\User Functions.ahk" not found 21:03:18:039 | RL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module 21:03:18:040 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Module is built 21:03:18:040 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\RocketLauncher\AutoHotkey.dll exists 21:03:18:041 | RL | INFO | +15 | Main - Running module 21:03:18:156 | MD | INFO | +N/A | Module initialized 21:03:18:159 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - Started 21:03:18:159 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - MEmu: SSF MEmuV: v0.12 beta R4 MURL: MAuthor: djvj,brolly MVersion: 2.1.5 MCRC: EEBE0718 iCRC: 918A4E4C MID: MSystem: "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V" 21:03:18:159 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Sega Saturn" 21:03:18:159 | MD | INFO | +0 | PluginInit - Started 21:03:18:159 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Databases\Sega Saturn\Sega Saturn.xml exists 21:03:18:192 | MD | INFO | +31 | PluginInit - Ended 21:03:18:215 | MD | INFO | +31 | StartModule - Ended 21:03:18:216 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - Fullscreen: true 21:03:18:216 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - UseBIOS: false 21:03:18:216 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - BilinearFiltering: true 21:03:18:216 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - WideScreen: false 21:03:18:217 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - Stretch: true 21:03:18:217 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - AutoFieldSkip: true 21:03:18:217 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - EnforceAspectRatioWindow: false 21:03:18:217 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen: true 21:03:18:217 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - FixedWindowResolution: true 21:03:18:217 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - FixedFullscreenResolution: false 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - VSynchWaitWindow: true 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - VSynchWaitFullscreen: false 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - CDDrive: 1 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - DefaultRegion: 1 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - WindowSize: 2 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - Scanlines: false 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - Scanlines: false 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - ScanlineRatio: 70 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - ScanlineRatio: 70 21:03:18:218 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - USBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - EUBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.01a (1995)(Sega)(EU).bin 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - JPBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.01 (1995)(Sega)(JP).bin 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - WorldBios: ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn BIOS v1.01 (multinorm).bin 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - SH2enabled: false 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - DeleteCachedSettings: false 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - DeleteCachedSettings: false 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - LegacyMode: false 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - LegacyMode: false 21:03:18:219 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelTopOffset: 0 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - bezelTopOffset: 0 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelBottomOffset: 24 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - bezelBottomOffset: 24 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelLeftOffset: 0 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - bezelLeftOffset: 0 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Settings] - bezelRightOffset: 0 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - bezelRightOffset: 0 21:03:18:220 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - ForceRegion: 21:03:18:221 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [Alien Trilogy (USA)] - BusWait: false 21:03:18:221 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - Started, received G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn\Alien Trilogy (USA).7z. If rom is an archive, it will extract to G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder 21:03:18:221 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Games\Sega Saturn\Alien Trilogy (USA).7z exists 21:03:18:297 | MD | INFO | +78 | 7z - Archive name matches rom name; DLL found rom inside archive using "findFileInZip": "Alien Trilogy (USA).cue" 21:03:18:299 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - Extracted path of rom will be 81 in length and within the 255 character limit. 21:03:18:300 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - The sevenZExtractPath has 241802 MB of free space which is enough to extract this game: 537 MB 21:03:41:684 | MD | INFO | +23391 | 7z - Ended 21:03:41:684 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.ini exists 21:03:41:685 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - This is an American rom. Setting SSF's settings to this region. 21:03:41:685 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin exists 21:03:41:686 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module - This game does not require a data cart in order to play. 21:03:41:687 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: FullSize - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:687 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: BilinearFiltering - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:688 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: WideScreen - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:689 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: StretchScreen - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:690 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: AutoFieldSkip - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:691 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: EnforceAspectRatioWindow - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:691 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: EnforceAspectRatioFullscreen - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:692 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: FixedWindowResolution - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:693 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: FixedFullscreenResolution - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:693 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: VSynchWaitWindow - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:694 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: VSynchWaitFullscreen - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:695 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: Scanline - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:695 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: ScanlineRatio - Old: 70 | New: "70" 21:03:41:713 | MD | INFO | +31 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Screen] - KEY: SaturnBIOS - Old: G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin | New: "G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\bios\Sega Saturn v1.00a (1994)(Sega)(US).bin" 21:03:41:714 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: CDDrive - Old: 0 | New: "1" 21:03:41:715 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: Areacode - Old: 4 | New: "4" 21:03:41:716 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: CartridgeID - Old: 5c | New: "5c" 21:03:41:717 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Peripheral] - KEY: DataCartridgeEnable - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:717 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: SH2Cache - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:718 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: EnableInstructionCache - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:719 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: SCUDMADelayInterrupt - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:720 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: busWait - Old: 0 | New: "0" 21:03:41:720 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program3] - KEY: NoBIOS - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:721 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Program4] - KEY: NoBIOS - Old: 0 | New: "" 21:03:41:722 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Other] - KEY: ScreenMode - Old: 1 | New: "1" 21:03:41:723 | MD | INFO | +0 | IniWrite - ini updated due to differed value. SECTION: [Other] - KEY: WindowSize - Old: 2 | New: "2" 21:03:41:723 | MD | INFO | +0 | VirtualDrive - Started - action is mount 21:03:41:723 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe exists 21:03:41:727 | MD | ERROR | +0 | VirtualDrive - validateCUE returned an invalid error code. Please check the RocketLauncher.DLL.log for additional info. 21:03:41:727 | MD | INFO | +0 | RunWait - Started - running: C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe -mount scsi, F, "G:\Hyperspin\7 Zip Exstraction Folder\Alien Trilogy (USA)\Alien Trilogy (USA).cue" 21:03:41:917 | MD | INFO | +203 | VirtualDrive - Ended 21:03:41:917 | MD | INFO | +0 | Run - Running: G:\Hyperspin\Emulators\SSF Vers 0.12 R4\SSF.exe 21:03:41:927 | MD | INFO | +0 | WinWait - Waiting for "SSF" 21:03:42:029 | MD | INFO | +110 | WinWaitActive - Waiting for "SSF" 21:03:43:137 | MD | INFO | +1109 | Process - WaitClose SSF.exe 21:04:01:053 | MD | INFO | +17906 | WinClose - Closing: SSF 21:04:04:427 | MD | INFO | +3375 | VirtualDrive - Started - action is unmount 21:04:04:427 | MD | INFO | +0 | RunWait - Started - running: C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe -unmount F 21:04:04:484 | MD | WARNING | +63 | VirtualDrive - Error reported by DAEMON Tools Lite during a unmount operation: -1 21:04:04:484 | MD | INFO | +0 | VirtualDrive - Ended 21:04:04:484 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7zCleanUp - Started 21:04:04:699 | MD | INFO | +219 | 7zCleanUp - Ended 21:04:04:699 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Started 21:04:04:699 | MD | INFO | +0 | Starting Updating Statistics: 21:04:04:823 | MD | INFO | +125 | Game section statistics updated. 21:04:04:826 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Ended 21:04:04:826 | MD | INFO | +0 | End of Module Logs 21:04:04:931 | RL | INFO | +46891 | Main - Module ended, exiting RocketLauncher normally 21:04:04:931 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started 21:04:05:054 | RL | INFO | +109 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor 21:04:05:063 | RL | INFO | +16 | ExitScript - Ended
voyagerxp Posted April 11, 2016 Author Posted April 11, 2016 Open the cue file in notepad or another text editor and make sure the name of the bin file in there matches the name of your bin file exactly. Ha ha cheers thats it, i've been renaming my roms but forgot the cue info
badboo Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Suddenly my SSF emulator stopped working and I don't know why. My solution was to go with the RetroArch (latest update 1.3.2 or 1.3.3). This worked out for me as that emulator is stable.
Feanor7777 Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 I posted on the RL forums last night, so if I don't hear anything from them in a few days I'll post it. I'd rather wait for a response from them first to see if they already fixed it and will be pushing an update soon. I know I've seen them mention on a few threads over there that some problems have been fixed and will be pushed with the next update. The RocketLauncher developer said now in the RL thread that he wont fix it and people should downgrade, instead. Can you share the fix with us?
Melu Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 Use Alcohol 120. Is perfect.
gigapig Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 If they're not going to support 10.3 (and I don't blame them) then you should just use an older version of DT10. If you were to use my workaround any changes they make to that file would break the fix, and other related changes could break it as well. Using an older version would ensure that everything works properly and doesn't cause any future issues. I'm sure you know this but you can create a user modified module which won't be updated when you update, I have a few in my 51 system build. I can see why they won't update the module as well if DT is constantly updated. The problem is when those older versions are hard to find. I would suggest hosting a working one in the downloads section but I don't think that would be allowed? It would be the free version but I bet there is some issue. I might try Alcohol.
Feanor7777 Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 It's not a module in the sense of an emulator module, it's the Virtual Drive.ahk library. Running custom code in there that's not supported has the potential to cause issues down the line if it conflicts with the RL stuff, which I would rather avoid if there are other alternatives. Apparently DT constantly changes syntax between versions and since there's no benefit to update DT for emulation purposes it's not worth it to keep updating the RL code because it will either break functionality for anyone running DT10 < 10.3 or they would have to add code to handle multiple sub-versions which can get messy. I'm still running DT 4 or 5 something on my main build (Win8.1) but Win10 users can use DT10-10.2 or DT6. Then like you mentioned, there are a bunch of other alternative virtual disks that are supported. As far as hosting a version, I know RL hosts a version of DT4 and DT5 in their downloads section so I don't think there would be an issue hosting one. I couldn't find versions DT10 - 10.2 even on that oldapps website. I wanted a version that is Win10 capable because I'm on the brink of installing it, and I generally steer away from unofficial websites for download of those (exception made to oldapps). Do you know any reputable website that has links to version 10.2 for download?
SkyHighGam3r Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 I'm sure you know this but you can create a user modified module which won't be updated when you update, I have a few in my 51 system build. How does this work? I've edited a couple of my modules. Was thinking I'd be screwed if they ever updated.
gigapig Posted April 16, 2016 Posted April 16, 2016 I have uploaded DT 10.2 to the downloads section.
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