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Working Games List


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theres a better way to do this and make the xmls more complete rather then half left out.
ive decided what if someone or anyone can post there result that the games work and basically tell which emu works with those games if theres proof the games actually work then we can replace those broken vids  from bad to working and include artwork for them if there is none. All im saying is it would be nice to have new updates from broken games to working. However if the games dont work they will remain with a broken vid but if we do get them working and show proof they run then maybe there will be new updates on vids for games which were broken and avalible for play with proof.
for example atari jaguar - attack of the mutant penguins it shows its broken even so im sure many have played it -
heres a list of working and not working games for virtual jaguar emu


Source http://icculus.org/virtualjaguar/



Title                                                                               Works?          Caveats

Alien vs Predator (1994)                                               Yes                Requires DSP to prevent freezes whenever you try to use an elevator or vent

Arkanna Demo (PD)                                                     Yes ...

Assassin Demo, The Part 1 (1999) (PD)                      Yes ...

Assassin Demo 1.0 Release 2 (PD)                             Yes ...

Asteroid (2000) (PD)                                                    Yes ...

Atari Karts (1995)                                                         Yes                Not extensively tested

Attack of the Mutant Penguins (1996)                          Yes                Not extensively tested

BadCode0 by Badcoder (1999) (PD)                           Yes ...

BadCode1 by Badcoder (1999) (PD)                           Yes ...

BadCode2 by Badcoder (2000) (PD)                           Yes ...

BadCode3 by Badcoder (2000) (PD)                           Yes ...

BadCode4 by Badcoder (2000) (PD)                           Yes ...

BadCode4 C by Badcoder (2000) (PD)                       Yes ...

BadCode4 (Metal) by Badcoder (2000) (PD)              Yes ...

BadCode4 (New Metal) by Badcoder (2000) (PD)      Yes ...

Baldies (CD)                                                                ?                     CD support coming soon!

Battlemorph (CD)                                                        ?                     CD support coming soon!

Battlesphere                                                               Yes                  Require BIOS

Battlesphere Gold                                                       Yes                 Require BIOS

Beebris Yes ...

Brain Dead 13 (CD)                                                     ?                   CD support coming soon!

Brutal Sports Football (1994) (Telegames)                Yes ...

Bubsy - Fractured Furry Tails (1994)                         Yes                 Not extensively tested

Cannon Fodder (1995) (Computer West) Yes ...

Checkered Flag (1994)                                             Yes                 Requires DSP to play, has small graphical glitch

Chroma-Luma Colors Picker (1996) (PD)                 Yes ...

Chroma-Luma Colors Picker for Mouse (1996) (PD) Yes ...

Club Drive (1994)                                                       Yes               Can play a little before it dumps out

Cybermorph (1993)                                                    No                Requires DSP

Defender 2000 (1996)                                               Yes                Not extensively tested

Degz                                                                          Yes ...

Degz +                                                                       Yes ...

Doom - Evil Unleashed (1994)                                  No                  Requires DSP. In game, the screen is horizontally compressed to half its size (we know what the problem is, we’re just not sure how to fix it without introducing crappy hacks)

Double Dragon V (1995) (Williams)                           Yes                Not extensively tested

Downfall                                                                     Yes ...

Downfall +                                                                 Yes ...

Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (1994)                      Yes                 Not extensively tested

Dragon’s Lair (CD)                                                    ?                    CD support coming soon!

Evolution - Dino Dudes (1993)                                  Yes                Not extensively tested

Expressway                                                               Yes ...

Fever Pitch Soccer (1995)                                        Yes ...

Fight For Life (1996)                                                 Yes                Not extensively tested

Flashback (1995) (U.S. Gold)                                   Yes                Some glitches still happen in the game

Flip Out (1995)                                                          Yes ...

FORCE Design - Legion Force Jidai Intro Demo 0! (2001) (PD) Yes ...

Gorf 2000 (PD)                                                           Yes ...

HMS Raptor                                                               Yes ...

Hover Strike (1995)                                                    Yes ...

I-War (1995)                                                               Yes                    Not extensively tested

Impulse X                                                                   Yes                    Not extensively tested

International Sensible Soccer (1995)                         Yes                    Not extensively tested

Iron Soldier (1994)                                                     Yes                    Intro screens work, but it seems the actual game itself doesn’t

JagFest Demo (2001) (PD)                                       Yes ...

JagMania (Jan 06) (2001) (PD)                                Yes ...

JagMarble (2000) (PD)                                             Yes ...

Jaguar Tetris (1995) (PD)                                         No                       Shows game screen for 1 second before going black

JDC Demo V1 (2000) (PD)                                       Yes ...

JDC Demo V2 (2000) (PD)                                       Yes ...

JDC Demo V3 - E-JagFest Demo by Lars Hannig (2000) (PD) Yes ...

Joypad-TeamTap Test Program (2000) (PD)            Yes ...

Kasumi Ninja (1994)                                                 Yes                      Requires DSP. Graphical glitches on the shadows

Kobayashi Maru                                                       Yes ...

Missile Command 3D (1995)                                   Yes                       Not extensively tested

Music Demo (2002) (ScatoLOGIC)                         No ...

Myst (demo) (CD)                                                    ?                           CD suport coming soon!

Native (Demo) (1997)                                             Yes                        Requires DSP (note that even so, the demo has no sound whatsoever--it was written this way). Has graphical glitches in game

NBA Jam TE (1996)                                                Yes                        Requires DSP. Has graphical glitches

Painter (1996) (PD)                                                 Yes ...

Phase Zero (2000) (PD)                                          Yes                       Not extensively tested

Pinball Fantasies (1995) (Computer West)             Yes                       Not extensively tested

Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (1995)                     Yes ...

Power Drive Rally (1995) (TWI) Yes ...

Primal Rage (CD)                                                   ?                           CD support coming soon!

Project One Yes ...

Protector                                                                Yes                        Not extensively tested

Protector SE                                                           Yes                       Not extensively tested

Raiden (1994)                                                        Yes ...

Rayman (1995) (UBI Soft)                                      Yes ...

Rebooteroids                                                          Yes ...

Rocketeer: Full Circle                                             Yes ...

Rocks Off                                                               Yes ...

Ruiner Pinball (1995)                                              No ...

Super Burnout (1995)                                            No                         Requires DSP. Gets past the title screen and track selection, but then hangs

Super Cross 3D (1995)                                         Yes ...

Superfly DX                                                           Yes ...

Syndicate (1995) (Ocean)                                     Yes                        Has graphical glitches. Not extensively tested

Tapperesque                                                         Yes ...

Tempest 2000 (1994)                                            Yes                        Has problems in the demo: Dumps to the game selection screen after playing the demo for a few seconds. Probably other problems as well

Theme Park (1995) (Ocean)                                 Yes                        Minor graphical glitches

Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy (1993)        Yes                        Not extensively tested

Troy Aikman NFL Football (1995) (Williams)         Yes                        Not extensively tested

Ultra Vortek (1995)                                                No                         Requires DSP

Ultra Vortek (Beta)                                                 Yes                        Requires DSP

Val D’Isere Skiing & Snowboarding (1994)            Yes                        Not extensively tested

White Men Can’t Jump (1995)                               No                        Requires BIOS. Hangs at demo screen

Wolfenstein 3D (1994)                                           No                        Requires DSP. The old DSP core works, but to hear any sound it needs the new pipelined DSP core

Zool 2 (1994)                                                         Yes                      Not extensively tested

Zoop! (1996)                                                         Yes                       Requires DSP


sig.png 100%


You may want to format that text, otherwise I doubt anyone is going to read it.

i used to be able to do that but now i dont remember how

sig.png 100%


i used to be able to do that but now i dont remember how

If you created that then put the games in a list, press Return (Enter) after each game.



Great work relic!!!  I took the time to  format it for you hope you don't mind. You might want to double check it.



Title Works?
Caveats Alien vs Predator (1994) Yes Requires DSP to prevent freezes whenever you try to use an elevator or vent
Arkanna Demo (PD) Yes ...
Assassin Demo, The Part 1 (1999) (PD) Yes ...
Assassin Demo 1.0 Release 2 (PD) Yes ...
Asteroid (2000) (PD) Yes ...
Atari Karts (1995) Yes Not extensively tested
Attack of the Mutant Penguins (1996) Yes Not extensively tested
BadCode0 by Badcoder (1999) (PD) Yes ...
BadCode1 by Badcoder (1999) (PD) Yes ...
BadCode2 by Badcoder (2000) (PD) Yes ...
BadCode3 by Badcoder (2000) (PD) Yes ...
BadCode4 by Badcoder (2000) (PD) Yes ...
BadCode4 C by Badcoder (2000) (PD) Yes ...
BadCode4 (Metal) by Badcoder (2000) (PD) Yes ...
BadCode4 (New Metal) by Badcoder (2000) (PD) Yes ...
Baldies (CD) ? CD support coming soon!
Battlemorph (CD) ? CD support coming soon!
Battlesphere Yes Require BIOS
Battlesphere Gold Yes Require BIOS
Beebris Yes ...
Brain Dead 13 (CD) ? CD support coming soon!
Brutal Sports Football (1994) (Telegames) Yes ...
Bubsy - Fractured Furry Tails (1994) Yes Not extensively tested
Cannon Fodder (1995) (Computer West) Yes ...
Checkered Flag (1994) Yes Requires DSP to play, has small graphical glitch
Chroma-Luma Colors Picker (1996) (PD) Yes ...
Chroma-Luma Colors Picker for Mouse (1996) (PD) Yes ...
Club Drive (1994) Yes Can play a little before it dumps out
Cybermorph (1993) No Requires DSP
Defender 2000 (1996) Yes Not extensively tested
Degz Yes ...
Degz + Yes ...
Doom - Evil Unleashed (1994) No Requires DSP. In game, the screen is horizontally compressed to half its size (we know what the problem is, we’re just not sure how to fix it without introducing crappy hacks)
Double Dragon V (1995) (Williams) Yes Not extensively tested
Downfall Yes ...
Downfall + Yes ...
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (1994) Yes Not extensively tested
Dragon’s Lair (CD) ? CD support coming soon!
Evolution - Dino Dudes (1993) Yes Not extensively tested
Expressway Yes ...
Fever Pitch Soccer (1995) Yes ...
Fight For Life (1996) Yes Not extensively tested
Flashback (1995) (U.S. Gold) Yes Some glitches still happen in the game
Flip Out (1995) Yes ...
FORCE Design - Legion Force Jidai Intro Demo 0! (2001) (PD) Yes ...
Gorf 2000 (PD) Yes ...
HMS Raptor Yes ...
Hover Strike (1995) Yes ...
I-War (1995) Yes Not extensively tested
Impulse X Yes Not extensively tested
International Sensible Soccer (1995) Yes Not extensively tested
Iron Soldier (1994) Yes Intro screens work, but it seems the actual game itself doesn’t
JagFest Demo (2001) (PD) Yes ...
JagMania (Jan 06) (2001) (PD) Yes ...
JagMarble (2000) (PD) Yes ...
Jaguar Tetris (1995) (PD) No Shows game screen for 1 second before going black
JDC Demo V1 (2000) (PD) Yes ...
JDC Demo V2 (2000) (PD) Yes ...
JDC Demo V3 - E-JagFest Demo by Lars Hannig (2000) (PD) Yes ...
Joypad-TeamTap Test Program (2000) (PD) Yes ...
Kasumi Ninja (1994) Yes Requires DSP. Graphical glitches on the shadows
Kobayashi Maru Yes ...
Missile Command 3D (1995) Yes Not extensively tested
Music Demo (2002) (ScatoLOGIC) No ...
Myst (demo) (CD) ? CD suport coming soon!
Native (Demo) (1997) Yes Requires DSP (note that even so, the demo has no sound whatsoever--it was written this way). Has graphical glitches in game
NBA Jam TE (1996) Yes Requires DSP. Has graphical glitches
Painter (1996) (PD) Yes ...
Phase Zero (2000) (PD) Yes Not extensively tested
Pinball Fantasies (1995) (Computer West) Yes Not extensively tested
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (1995) Yes ...
Power Drive Rally (1995) (TWI) Yes ...
Primal Rage (CD) ? CD support coming soon!
Project One Yes ...
Protector Yes Not extensively tested
Protector SE Yes Not extensively tested
Raiden (1994) Yes ...
Rayman (1995) (UBI Soft) Yes ...
Rebooteroids Yes ...
Rocketeer: Full Circle Yes ...
Rocks Off Yes ...
Ruiner Pinball (1995) No ...
Super Burnout (1995) No Requires DSP. Gets past the title screen and track selection, but then hangs
Super Cross 3D (1995) Yes ...
Superfly DX Yes ...
Syndicate (1995) (Ocean) Yes Has graphical glitches. Not extensively tested
Tapperesque Yes ...
Tempest 2000 (1994) Yes Has problems in the demo: Dumps to the game selection screen after playing the demo for a few seconds. Probably other problems as well
Theme Park (1995) (Ocean) Yes Minor graphical glitches
Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy (1993) Yes Not extensively tested
Troy Aikman NFL Football (1995) (Williams) Yes Not extensively tested
Ultra Vortek (1995) No Requires DSP
Ultra Vortek (Beta) Yes Requires DSP
Val D’Isere Skiing & Snowboarding (1994) Yes Not extensively tested
White Men Can’t Jump (1995) No Requires BIOS. Hangs at demo screen
Wolfenstein 3D (1994) No Requires DSP. The old DSP core works, but to hear any sound it needs the new pipelined DSP core
Zool 2 (1994) Yes Not extensively tested
Zoop! (1996) Yes Requires DSP


Club Drive (1994)                                                       Yes                   Can play a little before it dumps out

Iron Soldier (1994)                                                     Yes                    Intro screens work, but it seems the actual game itself doesn’t


So...it doesn't work. Why does it say it works?


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