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    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

i can't get hyperspin to work


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hi people i tryed playing games from hyperspin and they don't work, all i get is a black screen. i've put the roms in the database file and the emulator but the damn thing still will not work. can somebody help me please? bless.


You put the roms in the database file? What exactly do you mean? Did you edit the XML file with the names of your roms, or did you actually place the .zip of the roms into the Database directory?


i put the v64 roms for n64 in N:\Hyperspin\Databases\Nintendo 64\roms\ but when i run hyperspin and select the game all i get is a black screen that says roms can't be found. i don't know how to edit xml files, i need a step by step tutorial for everything in hyperspin.


Make sure the roms match the xml. You can open/edit the xml with notepad/wordpad. Also you can dump dir2xml in your rom folder (just search forum for it) hit enter and it creates the xml for you. It probably wont match your artwork. Roms can be converted to their correct format/naming convention by a tool like clrmamepro or romcenter in combination with the correct DAT-file. User created xml's (with clones and stuff filtered out/genre specific) can be found on Hyperion. No-Intro is the official hyperspin naming convention, so while it's a bit of a hassle, making all roms/artwork/movies match it will make your life easier in the future though.

Images/roms can further be renamed with a bulk renaming tool like, well, Bulk Rename Utility. To convert AVI emumovies that arent the flv hyperspin standard I use Video4Web. Imagicon to convert multiple picture art to the png hyperspin standard. To edit/create your own hyperlaunch, you'll need autohotkey.

dir2xml > http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1647&highlight=dir2xml

clrmamepro > http://www.clrmame.com/download.htm

Romcenter > http://www.romcenter.com/romcenter/

DAT files > http://datomatic.no-intro.org/

Bulk Rename Utility > http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Download.php

Video4Web > http://www.brothersoft.com/moyea-video4web-converter-105151.html

Imagicon > http://www.deviouscodeworks.co.uk/imagicon.html

User Created xml's > http://hyperion.xeraweb.com/

Video previews/Artwork > http://www.emumovies.com (down atm)

Autohotkey > http://www.autohotkey.com/

The xml layout should be something like this:


<game name="[rom name]">

<description>[game title]</description>







<game name="cosmogng">

<description>Cosmo Gang the Video (US)</description>








Also make sure that in HyperSpin\Settings your Nintendo 64.ini is set up correctly. U should also have the latest stable version of each emulator to ensure compatibility. (something like this, haven't set it up myself yet)

[exe info]

path = N:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Project64\

rompath = N:\Hyperspin\Databases\Nintendo 64\roms\

userompath = true

exe = Project64.exe

romextension = zip

parameters =

searchsubfolders = false

pcgame = false

winstate = HIDDEN

hyperlaunch = alse

(in case u've ran your roms through clrmamepro, they should be in zip, otherwise use the extension your roms are in without a point, like v64 or z64)


Umm.. this is not where you put your roms:

N:\Hyperspin\Databases\Nintendo 64\roms\

Only xml files go in the databases folder. Those are your game lists.

You have to point your paths to your nintendo 64 roms folder wherever you have them in your hard drive in your settings/nintendo 64.ini file. Or setup your paths with HyperHQ.

Also you have to make sure your extension is properly placed here "v64".


You have to install these yourself to where ever you want on the computer, then you edit the Settings\MAME.ini (or use HyperHQ) to specify the EXE Path, and ROMS path.

This should be self explanatory within HyperHQ once opened. :)


the rom list shows up on the hyperspin wheel thing in the nintendo64 section but when i hit enter to play the games nothing happens. what do u thinks wrong with it?


Nintendo64 games require Byteswapping, and being in the No-intro naming format to work properly.

There is also a wiki article on this as well (click Wiki at the top, and browse through it for the Nintendo64 information).

To make sure your games are in No-intro format, after unzipping ALL your n64 roms, run the Tool64 program to byteswap them, then use ROM Center or Clrmamepro with the No-intro dat (link to this also in wiki), to rename them.

Forum/Wiki searching is your friend, as is google. The answers are there, just need to find them. ;)


Chances are, it's launching Project64 then hanging, which would make it a problem with either A) The roms you are using, or B) Project64 configuration.

For A, you would need a better set of ROM's, for B, you would need to check it's configuration. Project 64 is one I personally haven't setup yet, but the symptoms are the same for any emulator.

Sadly, I won't be of much further help as I've only gotten so far as to fixing my ROM's and won't be setting Project64 up until this upcoming weekend. :(


whoops, I done fcked up. Oversaw that mistake. How did I get that in..... roms in database folder :banghead:

  • 6 years later...

Hit there I have tried to get hyperspin to work for about 6 months with no luck, I have checked the forums, looked at every you tube and seen every generic link to the same how to guide I can't get to work (http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?29481-How-to-install-HyperSpin). I have also paid for so called pre done hyperspin builds to de construct so I can figure out where I have gone wrong yet still I can't get the software to work. My only guess it is made this way so you have to pay the platinum membership, I have no problem paying the membership fee but will I get a guarantee they will teach how to use this software as it looks amazing when I have seen it working. Many thanks guy pulling his hair out with frustration.


Yeah theres no guarantee and no handholding or live tech support.

Do you have any emulators working by themselves? Download Nestopia and start there.

Do you have a speaker plugged into your computer? That was my problem and it took me about three months until I happened to have headphones plugged in before anything worked.


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