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Simpsons & Turtles 4player & 2Player rom setup help


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anyone? Was hoping someone just copy and paste the entire turtles section from someone's mame file so I can see exactly what was done. I'm not clear if all of the turtle entries needs to be changed or just the 2p version that I picked and the 4 player TMNT. Also if someone can confirm if they changed the theme to match the name of the 2p version.

Sorry if this sounds repetitive but I still can't get this to work.

I wonder if this also needs to be done to the fighter xml as well or just the mame .xml


I am making the mame top 500 and the whole set is 2 player versions only. like stated before give a theme the 2 player version name. don't edit your MAME.xml. you are giving yourself more hassle for a simple solution






If I give the theme a two player name I need to also filter to themes only on the wheel right? If so, it ends up removing mame games where I don't have a theme which is not what I want to do. I feel like others have a solution to keep it so hyperspin shows all the mame games you have and doesn't limit it to themes only.

Also - my wheel seems to go slower when filtering theme only.....


another hour and no luck. Im starting to think this is impossible to do IF YOU WANT to not limit to themes only. I've tried renaming everything to the 2p rom but no luck. Tried renaming just the tmnt no luck. Doing this on the fighter xml file since I usually go to categories when choosing. Can someone who has this working help out here or PM me with exactly what their update xml file looks like?


I'm not really sure what you are doing wrong. if you have 20 minutes to kill, you can watch the video of me updating to the .160 XML

(I actually make a mistake at 00:01:30 by coping the description info)

Download the latest version of MAME exe, roms and XML.

0:00:00 - 0:16:00 : manually update latest XML based on my cheat sheet

(make sure to use notepad++)

00:17:00 - 00:17:20 : Open HyperHQ make sure you have

Clones Use Parent Videos --> Un-checked

Clones Use Parent Themes --> Un-checked

Wheel Filters: Parents Only --> CHECKED!!!

00:17:20 : 00:20:00 --> Parent Only wheel with 2 Player games showing.

I'm not really sure what you are doing wrong. if you have 20 minutes to kill, you can watch the video of me updating to the .160 XML

(I actually make a mistake at 00:01:30 by coping the description info)

Download the latest version of MAME exe, roms and XML.

0:00:00 - 0:16:00 : manually update latest XML based on my cheat sheet

(make sure to use notepad++)

00:17:00 - 00:17:20 : Open HyperHQ make sure you have

Clones Use Parent Videos --> Un-checked

Clones Use Parent Themes --> Un-checked

Wheel Filters: Parents Only --> CHECKED!!!

00:17:20 : 00:20:00 --> Parent Only wheel with 2 Player games showing.

This worked! Thanks! I believe my issue was that I had checked clone uses parents videos and I had wheel only checked which I switched to parents only.

The right game loads which is nice and I don't lose any games b/c themes only is not checked. Not sure why wheel checked was done - not even sure what wheel only checked means....


your problem was that you had wheels checked,


Clones Uses Parent Videos/Themes is optional.



I Wheels Only filter work similar to the Themes Filter, if you don't have the wheel image the game will not show in your game list.



their is a bug when, if you use the "Roms Only" filter,  HyperSpin will not find any game you have in sub-folders.

Because of this the "Wheels Only filter is how I filter all my other systems.  I have a full rom sets, if I don't want the game on the wheel, I move the wheel art to a sub-folder, make sure "Wheel Filter" is on.

And the game is removed from the list.  I have all my CD based games in sub-folders (uncompressed for faster loading)

System Name/

/Game Name

/Game Name 2


the wheel only filter is the only method of removing unwanted games, aside from manually removing all unwanted games from the XML.


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