chillinwater Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 Now on the HyperSpin Wiki! Thanks to Tricky! Click here for, "FatMatch", in the HyperSpin Wiki, or Search "FatMatch" Should make for easier reading! This post, will always be more current than the Wiki as far as updated info and for new links. [Example Below] MAKE BACKUPS! [DOWNLOAD FATMATCH HERE!] [GENERAL NOTES and BACKGROUND] - (This Post) is intended to be a work in progress or “seed” post and hopefully something to build on. It is not the “End All”, “Be All” “Know it All” for File renaming. In no way is it complete and most likely not 100% accurate. So, feel free to post and make it 100% accurate and complete! I’m still learning this and would like to learn More……. - (About FATMATCH) "This program exists to facilitate the tedious process of renaming “Image” files to match the names of your "ROMS". - FatMatch DOES NOT CONVERT file extension FORMATS !!!! - FatMatch DOES NOT SEARCH SUB-FOLDERS !!!! Makes it diffcult to rename Roms for systems that have more than 1 file like cd's (Amiga CD32, 3DO, Sega Saturn, PS1, Sega Dreamcast, SegaCD, NullDC etc.) (I will update this section for workaround when completed.) FOR NOW SEE THIS POST: - Mame, AAE, Model2, Zinc, NeoGeo files have a “Mame” style format and it isn’t necessary to rename or make conversions as HyperSpin media is already in that format. - Systems that use carts in Hyperspin are prefered in the [No-Into] format. - Systems that use CD's in Hyperspin are preferred in the [Tosec] format. - Zinc media should match what’s in your HyperSpin\database\zinc.xml in the numbered style format of Your Artwork and zincfe.exe. Don’t rename your ROMs, edit your zinc.xml to match your Artwork. - [No-Intro] is not “Required” by HyperSpin, it is “Preferred”. - What is "No-Intro"? “What "No-Intro" does is fill some .dat files, to be used with ROM-Managers, with information about the known ROMS released. Often there are more versions of the same ROM dump, but most of them are garbage, some examples may include: bad dumps, hacks, fakes, overdumps, underdump, and so on. "No-Intro" lists only the best available ROM; it must be a full dump with no faults and no changes to the file, basically just the ROMS that are the closest as possible to the original licensed cartridges”. -No-Intro Preservation Society. - [No-Intro] [Project-Preservation Society] - [No-Intro] [Official Naming Convention] [PDF File] - [No-Intro] [Forums] - [Rom Sets De-Mystified] (See following posts) - [GoodSet] naming conventions (See following posts) - [Tosec] naming conventions (See following posts) - I haven’t used FatMatch’ “List Missing Images” so I haven’t mentioned anything about it yet, Remember this post is not complete! I’m sure it can be used to speed up the following process. Please post if you have tips! [Other Useful Programs] - ImTOO FLV Converter avi to flv batch conversion $$$ Information\Download - HS Total Editor for .jpg, .bmp, .gif batch conversion. Information\Download - HyperList .xml database creator Information\Download - Itunes for .mp3 batch conversion…maybe?) - Audacity *** to mp3 conversion not batch Information\Download The following information is more for console and minor systems that use “No-Intro”, “GoodSet”, “Tosec”, or other file naming conventions: [FatMatch] "Out of the box" When you start the FatMatch wizard and plug in the names of the roms and the images where FatMatch tells you, it does what it says and renames the images to match your roms. In most cases if you’re ROMs are "GoodSet" or any set other than [No-Intro] this is probably NOT what you want. [No-Intro] is not the “required” format of HyperSpin, it is the “preferred” format. Most of the themes for HyperSpin and the console systems are already available in the [No-Intro] format. If you rename your image files to match your “other set” ROMs then you may have to rename some if not ALL of the media inside the subfolders of your HyperSpin\media\”your system”\image, folders i.e. (artwork1, artwork2, artwork3, artwork4, background, wheel, themes, particle, sounds, video) and any others that may become available in the future. That’s a lot of work! The terms "ROMS" and "IMAGES" or “ART” seem interchangeable in FatMatch. It’s easier to think of the "ROMs directory" as the "Source directory" and the "Images directory" as the "Destination directory" or "Renamed directory". FatMatch will only rename the images (ROMs or ART), that you’ve designated in the FatMatch "Image/Destination/Renamed directory". With that being said, FatMatch also doesn’t seem to care what kind of “Image” file you put in either directory and can do more than rename "Images". It can rename or extract EVERY file type. As long as you have at least (1) set of [No-Intro] files, (ROM or ART) for each system that you are trying to set up with Themes or ART, then you have everything you need to rename most if not all of your ROMs or other ART to a [No-Intro] set. (NOTE) (There will almost certainly be some manual file renaming due to FatMatches limitations or us HyperNewbies not knowing how to use FatMatch, but after some experimenting, your success rate will become much better). FatMatch can rename or extract, any of the following, “IMAGES”,(.png, .flv, .rom, .bin, .zip, .mp3, .swf, .xml, .jpg, .bmp, .avi, .mpg) and more, but you will have to convert some of those files to the media HyperSpin “prefers”, (.png, .flv, .mp3, .swf, .xml), in some other (batch) converting programs. [see Other Useful Programs] above. [EXAMPLE]**************[EXAMPLE********************EXAMPLE] [Renaming Your ROMs to [No-Intro] [EDIT] (renaming your Roms to [No-Intro] doesn't truly mean they are [No-Intro]. You are "renaming" them NOT changing their contents. They will work with HyperSpin art until you can get a "TRUE" [No-Intro] rom. Use the following posts to see how to get as close to "TRUE" [No-Intro] as you can! If you already have a set of, say [No-Intro] (wheel) images that HyperSpin has available for your “your system”, then rename your ROMs like this........ (TIP) (If your ROMs are in the "Good Set" Rom naming convention, weed through them now, if you haven’t already, and remove all unnecessary ROMs to a separate “temp” or “ROMS_extra” folder for best results. It will confuse FatMatch if you don’t). (See “ROMs De-Mystified”,“Goodset”,”Tosec” , posts below...way below). [sTEP 1] -Start the FatMatch Wizard. (This assumes you are going to rename your actual "ROMs" to [No-Intro]) [sTEP 2] -Point your [No-Intro] ART files to the "ROMs/Source Directory". In this case, HyperSpin\media\”your system”\images\Wheel\. (TIP) (If you have more than (1) [No-Intro] ART set for “your system” then pick the set with the most ART images for best results) i.e. if (wheel)=75 images, (video)=40 images and (ARTwork2)=52 images then choose (wheel). The more images FatMatch has to work with the easier it is for you.) [sTEP 3] -Point the ROM files you want to "Rename" to [No-Intro], to the "Images/Destination/Renamed Directory”. In this case, HyperSpin\emulators\”your system”\ROMs\ or wherever they are.... (TIP) If you’re ROMs are [No-Intro] and you want to rename your ART to [No-Intro], designate them to the proper, “Source” and “Destination”, directories. (NOTE) (FatMatch won’t create anything for you. If you have 57 ROMs and 75 (wheel) ART images, you will still only have 57 or less matched ROMs. FatMatch IS doing its job, you just don’t have the required ROMs to make the match and vice-versa). [sTEP 4] -Leave all settings at default, for now. [sTEP 5] -Press START and wait… (No files are "renamed" yet), (if you don’t get any results double check where you designated your “Source an Destination” folders). After the Scan is finished....Then [sTEP 6] -Select "Results" \expand all. [sTEP 7] -Select "Selecting Options" \Best Matched. [sTEP 8] -Thoroughly look through the results then select/deselect your best matches. (NOTE) (You can change your default settings now under the options tab. Maybe change "Matches Greater than: 65%" to something else. Then select "START" again. These settings only affect your scan. They DO NOT rename your files, so it’s ok to play with them now. When you’re satisfied with the results...Then [CAUTION] The following WILL rename your files so, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKUPS!!!!! [sTEP 9] -Select "Rename Files" under the “Results” tab and wait… Now in your actual “Destination/Renamed Directory”, HyperSpin\emulators\”your system”\ROMs\ Folder, you will have a new folder called "FM_Renamed" with (2) batch files in it. "_ReverseRename.bat" and "_CopyScript.bat" and All of your new "renamed" ROMs. The "_ReverseRename.bat" file will rename your files back to the original names if you didn’t like your results but won’t move them back to your original ROMs folder. You have to do that yourself. [CAUTION] The, "_CopyScript.bat" WILL DELETE ALL of the new "renamed" files in the "FM_Renamed directory if you run it... Treat it like a virus! (NOTE) (When FatMatch created and ran this script originally, it copied, moved and renamed your old ROMs to the "FM_Renamed" folder. It also deleted them from your original ROMs folder and left behind all of the “unmatched” ROMS. If YOU manually run this batch file again it will DELETE your “renamed” ROMs PERMANENTLY! Again once you’re satisfied with your results.........Then [sTEP 10] -Create an "unmatched" folder in your, HyperSpin\emulators\”your system”\ROMs\unmatched folder. [sTEP 11] -Move all your remaining "unmatched" ROMs into the "unmatched folder" [sTEP 12] -Move your new "renamed" ROMs back to their original ROMs folder. [sTEP 13] -Delete the"FM_Renamed" folder along with the (2) batch files inside. (Be sure you’ve already moved your ROMS!) [sTEP 14] -Manually rename your ROMS in your “unmatched” folder or refine your FatMatch default settings and point FatMatch to the "unmatched" "destination" folder [sTEP 15] -run FatMatch again. [sTEP 16] -Rinse, Repeat until you’re satisfied. Once you have all of your matches the way you want them and all of your renamed files have been placed back into their "original" folders...........Then [sTEP 17] -Run HyperList and point it to your HyperSpin\emulators\”your system”\ROMs folder, your HyperSpin\database\”your system” folder and rename “dir2xml” to “your system”. Use Hyperion if “your system” is listed. Now all your FatMatched [No-Intro] "ART" and "Roms" should pop up in HyperSpin if you have the proper file extensions. See [Other Useful Programs] above. If anyone has any extra tips, other programs, additions, corrections, suggestions, tweaks or new ideas to speed up, clarify or simplify this process, please post. There is no need to flame me, I know my place as a HyperNewbie. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
chillinwater Posted July 23, 2009 Author Posted July 23, 2009 Rom Sets De-Mystified From [redacted] Jump to: navigation, search So, you are new or maybe even old hat to the Romming Hobby and you are wondering what all of these sets are. Here is an attempt to clarify. Contents [hide] • 1 TOSEC • 2 TOSEC ISO • 3 GoodSets • 4 No-Intro • 5 NonGood • 6 Garbage • 7 BestSet • 8 Overlaps • 9 No-Intro vs. GoodSet Overlap Comparison [edit] TOSEC TOSEC is a project designed to rename and catalog as much information on as many systems as possible. TOSEC uses a long filename (TNC filename) in addition to a database/renamer program (TIM) which can export XML or CMPro Dats. The TIM program is still a bit buggy and the project is a major work in progress. It will likely eventually cover all roms in the other sets (Good, No-Intro, etc). Tosec covers several hundred console and old-school Computer systems. TOSEC has fairly strict filenaming requirements, as well as forcing many ROMs into a Headerless raw binary format. Also Some disk image formats may be standardized. This may be why some of your ROMs will not rebuild. TOSEC plans to include Manuals, Cover art and Books/Magazines as part of its database. Website: [edit] TOSEC ISO a child/side project of TOSEC which attempts to provide the best dumps of Console/Computer CDs in ISO/WAV/CUE format. All Discs are dumped and verified using seperate dumpers/media/drives before release. TOSEC ISO grows by the day. [edit] GoodSets Goodsets are sets created by Cowering's GoodTools, a renamer program that has the ability to "see past" the headers attached to many console ROMs. These tools are fairly comprehensive but have not had many updates in the last year. File naming is not always accurate, but these are great "starter sets". They look to catalogue every known ROM of every game. Since each game can be packaged with goodmerge, there's is usually a very small increase in the collection size. Since No-intro uses zip, their sets tend to be larger than the 7zipped goodsets ( great example of this is the N64 set... the no-intro set is ~10gb where the goodset can fit on a dvdr ). Website: [edit] No-Intro No-Intro sets are, as their website states: "Basically, our goal is to conquer the world. But in our free time, we fill catalogues about games and their relative ROM images. Often there are more ROM version of the same game title, most of the time they are useless: bad dumps, hacked games, fakes, overdumped/underdumped and so on. no-intro lists only the best version available i.e. the ROM’s that are as close as to the original as possible. We provide DAT files that people can use in their rommanagers (f.e. ClrMamePro or RomCenter)." Website: As of (2007-01-08 23:11:08) all romsets have been uploaded and are up-to-date on UG. See [edit] NonGood NonGoodsets these contain files not included in the Goodsets. They are updated fairly regularly and contain ROMs that overlap other sets. Many, if not all of these ROMs end up in TOSEC, GoodTools, or Both. There are 31 NonGoodsets. [edit] Garbage Garbage files are just that. Most of these files are not in any DAT, are bad Dumps, or are rejects from other sets that happen during upgrades. [edit] BestSet These are put together by Yori Yoshizuki and are a collection of just the best rom for each game. So you don't have all the alternatives, bad dumps, over dumps etc, just a clean copy of each game. Good if you only want the roms to play with. Website - [edit] Overlaps All of the above sets will contain overlapping files. Several TOSEC sets contain most/all of the GoodSet, NonGoodSet and No-Intro ROMs for a particular system. Other sets are not as complete (but may become so as the project moves along), or use standardised file formats that may not match directly to a different Set's ROM. (as mentioned above) So are you playing or just collecting? A serious collector will most likely have all of the above sets, while someone simply looking for a Playable set would probably be best collecting No-Intro or Best Sets. (My opinion of course) FAQ Fodder? edited by coombsb to add in BestSet stuff edited by madmagician to add in Overlap blurb This guide was ripped from the Pleasuredome forums [edit] No-Intro vs. GoodSet Overlap Comparison Many people often ask what are the exact differences between No-Intro sets and GoodSets. The qualitative answer is the one given above (and on No-Intro's website): the No-Intro project aims to provide only the best available version of each rom. When you get a GoodSet, you get every rom known to be out there in the wild. This includes many, many bad dumps, alternative dumps, overdumps, underdumps, hacks, etc, which are not exact copies of the original rom. There are two general categories of these "extra" (not original) roms. The first are those roms specifically altered by third parties (hackers and translators). Note that these can be created ad-infinitum over time. The second are those that have something wrong with them because of the dumping process/rom quality (bad/over/under dumps). These roms are essentially useless to the end user (one can, however, make arguments on why they are useful for identification, rather than collection purposes). Now, the other part of the No-Intro project, other than providing only original dumps, is the process of verifying dumps that are thought to be good. The process of verifying whether a GoodSet rom dump is good or not is not open to the public. The No-Intro project attempts to open up the verification process. This means that the No-Intro project has to redump a lot of roms thought to be good (which, with fairly decent probability, are good). The following data attempts to quantify the difference between No-Intro and GoodSet roms. Note that this does NOT take into account that many of the No-Intro roms are redumps, not just swiped from GoodSets. I don't have the numbers on how many (if someone else does, please send to me or post it). Presumably this number is very very high. This data is simply an example of what happens when you try to take a complete GoodSet collection and attempt to convert it to a No-Intro collection. This data uses full sets from the most recent GoodTools, and the most recent No-Intro dats (as of 4/4/2007). Note that I only included data for No-Intro sets that have corresponding GoodSets (i.e. no Nokia, GP32, etc sets). I also excluded GBA sets simply because I don't have them. Take what you will from these numbers. Some may use them to say "Look! 90% of No-Intro roms are already in GoodSets!". Others may say "Look! No-Intro corrected over a thousand errors from the GoodSets!". Whatever your conclusion is, I thought these numbers were interesting. Results from rebuilding No-Intro sets from GoodSets No-Intro Set Have Roms Miss Roms Total Roms Have % Miss % Atari 5200 101 6 107 94.4 5.6 Atari Lynx 0 87 87 0.0 100.0 Atari Jaguar 46 6 52 88.5 11.5 Bandai WonderSwan 109 2 111 98.2 1.8 Bandai WonderSwan Color 77 18 95 81.1 18.9 Coleco ColecoVision 145 29 174 83.3 16.7 Fairchild Channel F 26 11 37 70.3 29.7 GCE Vectrex 40 0 40 100.0 0.0 MSX 584 354 938 62.3 37.7 MSX2 165 32 197 83.8 16.2 NEC PC Engine / TurboGrafx 16 107 318 425 25.2 74.8 Nintendo 64 886 2 888 99.8 0.2 Nintendo Game Boy 1458 77 1535 95.0 5.0 Nintendo Game Boy Color 1193 137 1330 89.7 10.3 Nintendo NES / Famicom 2270 94 2364 96.0 4.0 Nintendo Super NES / Super Famicom 3312 39 3351 98.8 1.2 Nintendo Virtual Boy 24 0 24 100.0 0.0 Sega GameGear 378 39 417 90.6 9.4 Sega Genesis / Mega Drive / 32X 1556 3 1559 99.8 0.2 Sega Master System - Sega Mark III 375 74 449 83.5 16.5 Sega Game 1000 58 20 78 74.4 25.6 SNK Neo Geo Pocket 10 1 11 90.9 9.1 SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color 94 0 94 100.0 0.0 Tiger Game.Com 23 0 23 100.0 0.0 Watara Supervision 44 0 44 100.0 0.0 Total 13081 1349 14430 90.7 9.3 Average 84.5 15.5 this section added by daishadar ROMs Sets Set Types • Naming Conventions Tutorials Using GoodMerged ROMsets • ClrMame Pro/TORRENTZIP Tutorial • How to make a good romset Related Subjects Emulators • Recommended Emulators • Fullsets/Collections Retrieved from "" Category: Guides & Tutorials Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
chillinwater Posted July 23, 2009 Author Posted July 23, 2009 Goodset ROM Naming Conventions: .................. ...............: STANDARD CODES ::............... : :\ : [a] Alternate [p] Pirate :\ : Bad Dump [t] Trained :\ : [f] Fixed [T-] OldTranslation :\ : [T+] NewerTranslation :\ : [h] Hack (-) Unknown Year :\ : [o] Overdump [!] Verified Good Dump :\ : (M#) Multilanguage (# of Languages) :\ : (###) Checksum (??k) ROM Size :\ : ZZZ_ Unclassified (Unl) Unlicensed :\ :...............................................:\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ................. ................: SPECIAL CODES ::............... : :\ : .-----Gameboy-----. .----Super Nintendo----. :\ : [ [C] Color ] [ (BS) BS ROMs ] :\ : [ Super ] [ (ST) Sufami Turbo ] :\ : [ [bF] Bung Fix ] [ (NP) Nintendo Power ] :\ : `-----------------' `----------------------' :\ : .--------Atari---------. :\ : .-----Genesis-----. [ (PAL) Euro Version ] :\ : [ (1) Japan ] `----------------------' :\ : [ (4) USA ] .---------GBA----------. :\ : [ (5) NTSC Only ] [ [hI??] Intro hacks ] :\ : [ (8) PAL Only ] `----------------------' :\ : [ ( non USA ] .--------Coleco--------. :\ : [ [c] Checksum ] [ (Adam) ADAM Version ] :\ : [ [x] Bad Checksum] `----------------------' :\ : [ [R-] Countries ] :\ : `-----------------' :\ : .--------NES/FC--------. :\ : .--NeoGeo Pocket--. [ (PC10) PlayChoice 10 ] :\ : [ [M] Mono Only ] [ (VS) Versus ] :\ : `-----------------' [ [hFFE] FFE Copier fmt] :\ : `----------------------' :\ :...............................................:\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ................. ................: COUNTRY CODES ::............... : :\ : (1) Japan & Korea (4) USA & BrazilNTSC :\ : (A) Australia (J) Japan :\ : ( non USA (Genesis) (K) Korea :\ : © China (NL) Netherlands :\ : (E) Europe (PD) Public Domain :\ : (F) France (S) Spain :\ : (F) World (Genesis) :\ : (FC) French Canadian (SW) Sweden :\ : (FN) Finland (U) USA :\ : (G) Germany (UK) United Kingdom :\ : (GR) Greece (Unk) Unknown Country :\ : (HK) Hong Kong (I) Italy :\ : (H) Holland (Unl) Unlicensed :\ :...............................................:\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ....................... .............: STANDARD CODE NOTES ::............ : :\ : [a] This is simply an alternate version of a :\ : ROM. Many games have been re-released to :\ : fix bugs or even to eliminate Game Genie :\ : codes (Yes, Nintendo hates that device). :\ : ------------------- :\ : A bad dump often occurs with an older :\ : game or a faulty dumper (bad connection). :\ : Another common source of ROMs is a :\ : corrupted upload to a release FTP. :\ : ------------------- :\ : [f] A fixed game has been altered in some way :\ : so that it will run better on a copier :\ : or emulator. :\ : ------------------- :\ : [h] Something in this ROM is not quite as it :\ : should be. Often a hacked ROM simply has :\ : a changed header or has been enabled to :\ : run in different regions. Other times it :\ : could be a release group intro, or just :\ : some kind of cheating or funny hack. :\ : ------------------- :\ : [o] An overdumped ROM image has more data :\ : than is actually in the cart. The extra :\ : information means nothing and is removed :\ : from the true image. :\ : ------------------- :\ : [t] A trainer is special code which executes :\ : before the game is begun. It allows you :\ : to access cheats from a menu. :\ : ------------------- :\ : [!] Verified good dump. Thank God for these! :\ :...............................................:\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ...................... .............: SPECIAL CODE NOTES ::............. : :\ : **** SNES **** :\ : (BS) These Japanese ROMs were distributed :\ : through a satellite system in Japan :\ : known as the Broadcast Satellaview. :\ : They were transmitted along with a TV :\ : show which was connected to the game in :\ : some way. These games were only playable :\ : during the show, and thus stop after an :\ : hour, and many were timed so that only :\ : certain time periods were playable. :\ : ------------------- :\ : (ST) The Sufami Turbo device allowed two :\ : GameBoy sized carts to be plugged into :\ : the SNES. Certain carts combined into :\ : new games much like the Sonic & Knuckles :\ : lock-on technology by Sega. :\ : ------------------- :\ : (NP) Nintendo Power has been known to release :\ : games only available to its subscribers. :\ : Most of these ROMs are Japanese, as this :\ : practice occured mainly in Japan. :\ : ------------------- :\ : :\ : **** Genesis **** :\ : (1) Carts with this code will run on both :\ : Japanese and Korean machines. :\ : ------------------- :\ : (4) While this code is technically the same :\ : as a (U) code, it is a newer header :\ : format and represents that the cart will :\ : run on USA and Brazil NTSC machines. :\ : ------------------- :\ : ( This country code indicates that the :\ : cart will run on any non US machine. :\ : ------------------- :\ : [c] This code represents a cart with known :\ : faulty checksum routines. :\ : ------------------- :\ : :\ : **** GameBoy **** :\ : [bF] Bung released a programmable cartridge :\ : compatable with the GameBoy which could :\ : hold any data you wished to play. :\ : However, many games do not function on :\ : Bung v1.0 carts and have to be 'fixed.' :\ : ------------------- :\ : :\ : **** Nintendo **** :\ : PC10 The PlayChoice 10 was an arcade unit :\ : which played exact copies of NES games :\ : in an arcade cabinet. The machines had a :\ : choice of 10 games to choose from and :\ : ran for about 3 minutes on 25 cents. :\ : ------------------- :\ : :\ : VS The Versus system ran on similar hard- :\ : ware to the PC10 machines, but simply :\ : allowed you to play against each other. :\ :...............................................:\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ........... ...................: Credits ::.................. : :\ : Document written by Psych0phobiA / q^-o|o-^p :\ : :\ : All codes developed by Cowering for the :\ : Goodxxxx series ROM file renaming utilities. :\ : :\ : Visit #rareroms on NewNet in IRC! :\ :...............................................:\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
chillinwater Posted July 23, 2009 Author Posted July 23, 2009 TOSEC Naming convention {===============//---------------] : The TOSEC Naming Convention v1 : [---------------//===============} {===============//===============} {=====/*** Introduction ***/=====} {===============//===============} TOSEC, The Old School Emulation Centre, is a group of people dedicated to the preservation of classic home computer and console systems. The TOSEC Naming Convention is our attempt to create a clear, concise, and consistent naming scheme for the cataloging of disk, tape, and ROM-based images for classic computer and console systems. It has undergone numerous revisions in its short lifespan, and along the way has evolved to better define these images. It is with this goal in mind that we present you with the TOSEC Naming Convention v1 (TNC v1). {===============//===============} {=/*** The Format- Overview ***/=} {===============//===============} Filename version (demo) (year)(publisher)(system)(video)(country/language)(PD)(development status)[dump info flags](Disk/File/Tape x of y Side A/B)(disk label)[more info] All entries contained in parenthesis "()" or brackets "[]" are flags for a file, and used for classifying the image. * Filename The name of the game. It should match the publisher's released title (if known), or the title screen. In cases where the title begins with the word "The", it should be moved to the end of the Filename, and preceded by a comma. Ex: "The Legend of TOSEC" would become "Legend of TOSEC, The" * version The version info is considered an extension of the filename. It is mainly used for BIOS revisions, DOS versions, and other program updates. There are no parenthesis involved, and the format should be "vx.xx". Ex: "Legend of TOSEC v1.0, The" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC v1.03b, The" * (demo) Whether or not a game is a demo, preview, or playable preview version. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (demo)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (playable preview)" * (year) The year the program was released (preferably), or the on-screen release year. Use (199x) if from the '90s, (197x) from the 70's, etc. if no exact year is known, but the decade can be determined. If no information is available, use (19xx) or (200x) until a release year can be verified. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (19xx)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (200x)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (199x)" * (publisher) The publisher field generally describes what company produced the game. Lacking this, the programmer's name is used. If that is not available, a (-) is used. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(-)" ** NOTE: "Filename (year)(publisher)" is the *bare minimum* for a renamed image. Use "Filename (19xx)(-)" if needed. ** * (system) This field is reserved for collections that *require* multiple system support, such as Amiga, which would require (A500) or (A1000), to address compatibility issues. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(A500)" * (video) The video field is only used in cases where the images cannot be classified by countries or language, but only by the PAL or NTSC video formats they were released in. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(PAL)" * (country/language) This field is used to classify the country of origin, or language variation. Most systems have a standard country or language- this should be omitted from individual entries, and a comment should be placed in an included text file or comment field of a .dat to reflect it. For example, Oric is a predominantly French system, so only non-French games need this field. A list of common country / language codes is listed later. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(Jp)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(De)" * (PD) If an image has been made available to the Public Domain by the copyright holder, this is the place to note it. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(PD)" * (development status) This field is for marking betas, alphas, unreleased, and prototypes. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(beta)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(proto)" * [dump info flags] This is the "alphabet soup" used to describe the nature, quality, and condition of the *image* of the game. This is where dumps that are bad, alternates, cracks, hacks, trainers, fixes, translations, etc. are noted. A large, detailed list of options is listed later. Note that these are in brackets []. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[a]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[tr Fr]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[h Fairlight]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[o]" * (Disk/File/Tape x of y Side A/B) This field is used if the game spans more than one disk, or is comprised of multiple files. When there are 9 or less disks, the format of (Disk 1 of 3) is used. If there are 10 or more disks, then the entry needs to change to (Disk 01 of 13) to maintain consistency. In cases where double sided tapes or disks are involved, the "Side A/B" entry is also included. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(File 1 of 2)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(File 2 of 2)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Side A)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Side B)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 01 of 11)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 08 of 11)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 10 of 11)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2 Side A)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2 Side B)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2 Side A)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2 Side B)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 1 of 2 Side A)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 1 of 2 Side B)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 2 of 2 Side A)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 2 of 2 Side B)" ** NOTE: In cases where multi-file zips are used, the parent's zipname should reflect the contents of the zip. The files : "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2).bin" "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2).bin" would be included in the zip called: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[2 Disks].zip" * (disk label) If the disk label is known, this field following the (Disk x of y) entry should contain it. This is mainly used when save, program, install, or other custom names might be requested by the game itself. (Disk 2 of 3) is not useful by itself when the program asks you to "Insert Character Disk". Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2)(Program)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2)(Data)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)" * [more info] This field also contains any miscellaneous information about the image that is not covered by any of the prior flag fields. Examples include, but are not limited to: [docs], [EEPROM], old 8.3 DOS names - [sF2Turbo.bin], [requires TRS-DOS], [non working], [dumped to disk], [source code], etc etc. {===============//===============} {*** Country / Language Codes ***} {===============//===============} (US) United States (English) (Jp) Japan / Japanese (UK) United Kingdom (English) (En) English (not country specific) (Fr) France / French (De) Germany / German (Sp) Spain / Spanish (Nl) Netherlands / Dutch (It) Italy / Italian (Cz) Czechoslovakia / Czech (Sw) Sweden / Swedish (HK) Hong Kong (Au) Australia (Pl) Poland (Br) Brazil (Eu) European ... This is only a partial list, but should cover most images. In case of 2 languages or countries, use those codes separated by a hyphen. (En-Fr) contains English and French versions (En-De) contains English and German versions (US-Eu) released in the US and Europe In case of more than 2 languages or countries, (Mx) is used to represent multiple languages. (M3) for three languages, (M4) for 4 languages, etc. {===============//===============} {/*** Dump Information Flags ***/} {===============//===============} [a] Alternate version Bad dump [cr] Cracked [cr Crack Group] Cracked by Crack Group [f] Fixed [f save] - fixed to allow saving [f copier] - fixed for use on a copier [f NTSC] - fixed for NTSC systems [h] Hacked [h Hacker Group] - Hacked by Hacker Group [m] Modified [m Modifier] - Modified by Modifier [o] Overdump [p] Pirate (non-licensed) [t] Trained [t Trainer Group] - Trained by Trainer Group [t +5] - Plus five trainer [tr] Translation [tr Fr] - Translated to French [tr En] - Translated to English Underdump [!] Verified Good dump {========/* Duplicates.../=======} In cases where multiple images exist that need the same Dump Information Flags, the flag is numbered as follows: Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[a]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[a2]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[a3]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[a4]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[b2]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[b3]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr2]" Note there is NO [a1], and you will need to have a for a [b2] to exist. When dealing with flags that can relay more information, be sure to not add numbers if it is not necessary to remain unique. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr Paradox]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr TRSI]" That is the correct way adding such extended flags. Do NOT do: Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr2]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr3 Paradox]" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[cr TRSI]" {====/* Multigame Images.../=====} The format for multigame images is as follows: Filename1 (year)(publisher)[flags] & Filename2 (year)(publisher)[flags] & Filename3 (year)(publisher)[flags] etc. In cases where there are identical multigame images, use a - character as a separator after the last game in the image, followed by any dump info flags specific to the *entire* image. Ex: "Amidar (19xx)(Bleh) & Amigos (19xx)(Blah).dsk" Ex: "Amidar (19xx)(Bleh) & Amigos (19xx)(Blah)-[a].dsk" Ex: "Amidar (19xx)(Bleh) & Amigos (19xx)(Blah)-[a2].dsk" Ex: "Amidar (19xx)(Bleh) & Amigos (19xx)(Blah)-.dsk" In cases where more than 3 games are on an image, it would be nice if a separate text file is included with the .dat that contains a breakdown of games on each image, and the files themselves renamed to something like "Amiga Multigames Disk #1" In the included readme.txt (or multigame.txt), use entries like: Amiga Multigames Disk #1 Amidar (19xx)(Bleh) Amigos (19xx)(Blah) Attack from Above (19xx)(Blek) Amiga Multigames Disk #2 Lost in Space (19xx)(Bleh) etc. etc. {======/* Special Flags.../======} These would be listed immediately before the (Disk x of y): [DD] Double Density [HD] High Density [32K] 32K image (or [16K] for a 16K image, etc.) {======/* Unknown files.../======} Place a "ZZZ-UNK-" prefix on the filename if you have yet to rename it. This gets it included in the list and shows it has yet to be fully renamed. {===============//===============} {=/* Common renaming issues.../==} {===============//===============} In cases where there are subtitles, separate the titles with a dash. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC - Lost Histories, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)" Ex: "TOSEC 2 - More of the Same (1988)(DevStudio)(De)" In cases where "Mr." or "Mrs." are in the title, a period is always used. Ex: "Mr. TOSEC's Adventure (1986)(DevStudio)(US)" Do NOT use "Mr TOSEC's Adventure (1986)(DevStudio)(US)" In cases where the title has a colon (, a dash is used in its place. "Codename: TOSEC" would become: Ex: "Codename- TOSEC (1988)(DevStudio)(US)" In most cases, "and", "the", and "of" are lowercase in titles. Be sure to verify with the title screen, release lists, or other sources, though. Do not use underscores (_) in the filenames, as some DOS emulators will refuse to run with these characters in the filename. When renaming, spaces are not to be used between flags. The only situation in which a space will occur between items in parenthesis is when the game is a demo. In this case only, a space goes between the (demo) and (year). Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (demo) (1986)(DevStudio)(US)" Also, do not have double spaces in a filename, or trailing spaces before the file extension. Do NOT have: Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio).rom" <- double space Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio) .rom" <- trailing space And once again, "Filename (year)(publisher)" is the *bare minimum* for a renamed image. Use "Filename (19xx)(-)" if needed. Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)" Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (19xx)(-)" Generally, file extensions are all lowercase. Notes in the [more info] field should be lowercased unless capitalization is necessary. {===============//===============} {===/ For further reading... /===} {===============//===============} ** About non working files... TOSEC considers a file "non working" if it will not run in an emulator. Of course, it's hard to tell if a ROM is bad if there isn't a working emulator for it, so we won't put bad or non-working flags on unemulated games. We usually use the most common or most advanced emulator available. When we're not sure about a game, we will try an alternative emulator for renaming purposes. If the game still seems to be not working, we mark it [non working] in the [more info] field until we get it running in an emulator or can confirm that the image is bad, and mark it as such. ** About multiple zips... We usually don't work with multiple file zips- we prefer to zip files individually to make cataloging easier, although the nature of some systems makes this impossible. Usually on multiple file games we use a (Part 1 of 2) flag. In some cases a game exists with multiple disk images, in which case we use (Disk 2 of 3). ** About renaming problems... In some cases renaming might turn out to be a bad thing. There are emulators that only work with 8.3 filenames (8 character name, 3 character extension) or only recognize game names they have in the internal datfile for that emulator. In these cases, we usually add the original filename as a flag since the files will not work without their original dumping name (ti99/4a+ for example). The same problem with some non-working files might occur when we have a game that uses a loader. The loader looks for a very specific filename and will not work if it is changed from its original naming. In these cases we will also add a flag with the original filename. There is a work-around for this problem, but it will not work with all systems or all emulators. If the system and emulator support it, we put games like this on a 'disk-image', like D64 for Commodore 8 bit programs. We rename the disk to TOSEC standard, while the files themselves keep their original name. Renamers: Don't forget to include the original files in the .dat or you will find yourself checking the same file over and over again! Give them a header like ZZZ-UNK-<filename> if you must, so that it will be included in the list. ** About finding rename info... Occasionally we come across games with no start up screens, on-screen year, publisher, or country info. In these cases we usually check the file with a hex editor. Nine out of 10 times you can find info inside the file itself. Besides, it's fun reading all those hidden messages from the programmers :-) ** If you only have a game name... There are loads of system specific pages on the internet, and a lot of release information can be found there. What we usually do before we start renaming is to try and find release lists on the internet, since these lists often contain information you won't find in the game itself. ** If you don't even have that! Most of the time, you will be able to 'guess' the name of the game from the filename it had when you received it, and the type of game it is. If the original filename gives no indication of what the game title is, and you really don't know what to make of it, use "ZZZ-UNK-<filename>" i.e. add "ZZZ-UNK-" to the filename. "ZZZ" to make sure these files end up grouped together on the end of all lists, and "UNK" stands for UNKnown. Ex: "ZZZ-UNK-TOSEC1" ** So what do we call these unknown files... If we really can't find any information on a file, we use the following to let people know we need some help here. ZZZ-UNK-<file> This file is yet to be properly renamed. (UNK-Lang) The language is unknown. (19xx) or (200x) No year is known for sure. (-) No software house/publisher is known. {===============//===============} If there is no "misc info", omit the parenthesis. If there is no "dump info", omit the brackets. {===============//===============} ** About using RomCenter and Datafile Maker Don't write all sort of information in its "comment" field. Remember, .DAT files are *not* supposed to be read by people. Instead, if you want people to know something, put it in an included readme.txt file. Put only information of interest for renaming in the "comment" field, if any. Also, do not forget that you will loose the text in the "comment" field the next time you scan your directories. {===============//===============} ** Keep in touch! Questions and/or other things we should know about should be e-mailed to [email protected] (subject "TOSECinfo) Also, you are encouraged to join #tosec on IRC (, but only to talk about TOSEC, emulation, or life in general, NO ROM-begging please! Thanks! The TOSEC Team. {===============//===============} TOSEC Homepage : TOSEC IRC home : #retroroms on newnet ( Newsgroups : news://alt.binaries.emulators.misc : news://alt.binaries.emulators.* hierarchy in general {===============//===============} Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
SophT Posted July 24, 2009 Posted July 24, 2009 this is awesome - you should add it to the wiki. Things I Break ----- System Requirements? How do I remove rom warnings? How do I shut-down my computer? How do I shell HyperSpin?
chillinwater Posted July 24, 2009 Author Posted July 24, 2009 I'm not sure how. Id like to see a few more tricks. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
theob42 Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 Hello, I wanted to use FatMatch to rename my dreamcast games to match the artwork image filenames since they are already in TOSEC and my cd images are not. but fatmatch does the opposite (renaming images to match game names!) Is there any way to do it the other way? Ive tried fooling fatmatch but choosing my roms directory as the image directory and the image directory as the roms directory which works. but theres a small issue. fatmatch copies and renames each image just in case now if i was to do this on the Dreamcast games it would copy and then rename each one!!! my dreamcast games folder is 156 GB! so i dont want to double that just to rename them. if there was a way to rename in-place without copy-renaming then that would be great!
chillinwater Posted September 23, 2009 Author Posted September 23, 2009 [From the Examples Section] [sTEP] -Point your [tosec] ART files to the "ROMs/Source Directory". In this case, HyperSpin\media\”your system”\images\Wheel\.(TIP) (If you have more than (1) [tosec] ART set for “your system” then pick the set with the most ART images for best results) i.e. if (wheel)=75 images, (video)=40 images and (ARTwork2)=52 images then choose (wheel). The more images FatMatch has to work with the easier it is for you.) [sTEP] -Point the ROM files you want to "Rename" to [Tosec], to the "Images/Destination/Renamed Directory”. In this case, HyperSpin\emulators\”your system”\ROMs\ or wherever they are.... As it copy-renames it also deletes from the original folder so you arent doubleing them up! Re-read the first page of this thread especially the example section, there are some tips and tricks there. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
Tricky Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 Chillin', if you want I can add it to the Wiki later on today for you. Personally I've been using FuzzyRename for file renaming and I've never tried FatMatch, but after this thread I might give it a whirl. Good write-up!
chillinwater Posted September 23, 2009 Author Posted September 23, 2009 Sure, If you want to add a fuzzyrename section (I havent used that so I cant comment on it), also or add some extra\new tips I missed go ahead. (or post it here and I'll incorporate it above with creds) Does fuzzyrename work basically the same? Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
Tricky Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 More-or-less, yes. It's a simple program with 3 columns: Files Being Renamed, Files you want the renamed files to match, End Result. It's not perfect, I've had times where it wants to rename a rom to something not even close to what I was looking for, but for the most part it works. Once I get time I'll be more than happy to do a write-up on it. Right now I'm trying to update the Quick Start Guide on the wiki to something a little more newbie friendly and current. The one that was up there was horribly outdated.
chillinwater Posted September 23, 2009 Author Posted September 23, 2009 editing. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
Tricky Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Added to wiki. Might have some formatting problems, if you see anything that needs changed please post or PM me.
chillinwater Posted September 25, 2009 Author Posted September 25, 2009 Thanks Tricky! Very Cool! Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
Alkis30 Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 It seems that Fatmatch can not browse roms within subfolders. There are many platforms like Amiga CD32, 3DO, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, PS1 etc where I have the roms (bin,iso files) whithin the main folder of each game. Is there a way for FatMatch to search inside those subfolders if you give it the main folder ???
chillinwater Posted October 6, 2009 Author Posted October 6, 2009 Sorry there is no simple way for this! At this time, FatMatch DOES NOT SUPPORT, sub-folder search\matching. I cant vouch for this but I dont think fuzzy match does either. You may have to copy or move each of your roms, i.e.("game name specific.gdi"), or bin, dat, .cue sheet or .lst file (just one of those files) to a temp folder, - let FatMatch, match HyperSpins naming convention of the art (usually tosec for cd's) to any of the above file types in the "temp" folder, for your system. - Run hyperlist to create your database, - then delete or move those roms ("game name specific.gdi"), or bin, dat, .cue sheet or .lst file, back from the "temp" folder, to their original folders. Some editing of cue sheets or .lst files and\or renaming of folders may also be needed Here is a link that explains the editing better than I can here: (its the method that most of us have had to do for some of the CD style games with multiple files in there respective folders) My dreamcast set is all .cdi (no extra files) so I put them all in one folder for fatmatch and hyperlist and left them there. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
relic Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 this tool is great for matching but also deletes artwork why is that and if so where does the deleted files go i tried this on snes and nes and now my orginal artwork files deleted even when i unticked the delete option and tehre seems to be no trace of them around the ftp hypersync or even on my pc its like a viral spread 100%
sportsfan949 Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 I use this tool all the time, though it was designed to change the name of art work it really don't matter and can be used any way. In the top box where the program wants the ROMS directory I put the wheels image folder path. In the second box the program asks for the art folder, I put the ROMS path I want remaned. The renamed files get moved into a sub directory of the origional folder. There is a bat file you can run to undo the renaming if you desire. My method may be odd but it maintains the hyperspin naming scheme, i've found this method useful.
baddeolv Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 I use this tool all the time, though it was designed to change the name of art work it really don't matter and can be used any way. In the top box where the program wants the ROMS directory I put the wheels image folder path. In the second box the program asks for the art folder, I put the ROMS path I want remaned. The renamed files get moved into a sub directory of the origional folder. There is a bat file you can run to undo the renaming if you desire.My method may be odd but it maintains the hyperspin naming scheme, i've found this method useful. I use it the same way, for years now. Never had any problems. I think relic may have an out of date version Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Instagram : baddeolv Kik : baddeolv Facebook : Brian Addeo
relic Posted April 21, 2014 Posted April 21, 2014 heres the one i have Version 0.3 - March 01 2009 -------------------------------- 100%
relic Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 K so dont let this fool you guys seems to be the fact it stays on even if you untick it but if you go into settings on the txt type in false rather then true that seems to work it kept my artwork in tact and made a fm folder with extras in it it may not look right but it seems to do back to front for some unknown reason it has more files in FM and deletes the orginal artwork but keeps the orginal artwork in FM as well but takes them out of the main folder you set it to. Which i have no idea how that works but do what i say and you wont have same trouble i did i wish i knew that from the start then i wouldent have lost a few of my artwork. heres the proof which i just tested with nintendo game boy CHOICE OF FOLDER FM RENAMED FOLDER K i might say you get more files in fm folder but the truth is if you have delete artwork on it will have more in fm rather then your main folder RESULT NOTHING MISSING WHICH IS WHAT YOU WANT 100%
32assassin Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 out of curiosity but Why are you renaming files that already have the correct name? Given that FatMatch guesses on the correct name their is a high probability you can end up with an incorrect name. I know because it happened to me. When I renamed the PS2 Source Art wheels/3d boxes to match Ghutch92s XML and again when I renamed them to match the WIP Official XML. you should only rename the files that need to be renamed. And you can identify them using this method Download this program when you have the program open Create Fake Files & Folders From HyperSpin XML open the XML you are working on. It will create a "Fake files folder for you". It will contain empty AVI files with the CORRECT NAME for every game found in the XML. (DELETE ALL THE EMPTY FOLDERS YOU DON"T NEED THEM) here is a capture of the Gameboy fake files named to match the Official XML. Using the fake files you just created; you can use FATMATCH to find what files have the correct name and witch ones need to be renamed. ROM: fake files folder IMGES: files you need to check click on Matched Images: Click on Handle Results ---> "Move Matched Images to a Separate folder" You will not modify or delete any files and the files with the correct name will be moved to a folder of your choosing. Hopefully you will only have a handful of incorrectly named files. This small amount of files can almost be renamed manually by dropping them in your fake files folder and doing a copy and pasting with the correct name.
relic Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 cheers that will come in handy and the reason why i was doing it is just for a test to see if it still deletes content if its unticked 100%
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