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Widescreen (don't stab me)


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I'm setting up my first go at Hyperspin. All is going pretty well. There is ONE game which I would like to run with a non standard aspect, which to me works better with the setup I have. I have everything set up and if I run this game through mameuifx64 it comes up widescreen, all my saved settings/controls and no issues. But if I run it though hyperspin or rocket launch - the game reverts back to 4:3 with very large black bars on both sides. 


Normally the black bars and centered 4:3 are fine, since most I plan to add a bezel to. This game however I really do want running 16x9 or close, as I have it set up though the gui front end. 


Is there any way to get the settings I use in mameuifx64 to carry over into Hyperspin?


I'm setting up my first go at Hyperspin. All is going pretty well. There is ONE game which I would like to run with a non standard aspect, which to me works better with the setup I have. I have everything set up and if I run this game through mameuifx64 it comes up widescreen, all my saved settings/controls and no issues. But if I run it though hyperspin or rocket launch - the game reverts back to 4:3 with very large black bars on both sides. 


Normally the black bars and centered 4:3 are fine, since most I plan to add a bezel to. This game however I really do want running 16x9 or close, as I have it set up though the gui front end. 


Is there any way to get the settings I use in mameuifx64 to carry over into Hyperspin?

Been a long time since I've messed with Rocketlauncher but it may have to do with the MAME.ahk.


Go into your rocketlauncher modules and open your mame.ahk with notepad,,,,look for an option that has to do with the monitor or aspect ratio.....something along those lines.....


Rocketlauncher module may be overriding the settings you are wanting to use.

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First off welcome to the forum.

Secondly which game are you having issues with so we can test it.

It may be an issue with how you have RLUI set up under the module settings.

Do you have more than one mame ini file in you mame ini file?

If you have and you have made changes in the mameuifx gui then those changes will only be made to the mame.ini. You will have to cane them manually to the other ini files if you have them.



It may be an issue with how you have RLUI set up under the module settings.

Do you have more than one mame ini file in you mame ini file?

If you have and you have made changes in the mameuifx gui then those changes will only be made to the mame.ini. You will have to cane them manually to the other ini files if you have them.


:hello: Thank you! I've been trying to read and search before first post (tons of great guides here) but this has me stumped.


The game is Area 51 (R3000).


As far as file placement :

  • In my emulator directory (c:\emulators\mame) there is a mame.ini in the "ini" folder.
  • In My RL folder (c:\rocket launcher\) under path "modules\mame\" there is also a mame.ini.


If I open the game by using either the mame exe or in mameguifx - all my settings are correct (mameguifx application is in the mame folder).  


I attempted to replace the mame.ini in my modules\mame RL folder with the one from the emulators\mame\ini folder but this did nothing.


I also did attempt to manually set resolution per game in RLUI however it still gave me  4:3 for the game's actually screen. I also lean toward the idea that this is something in RLUI still though as I can open outside and it works as intended. I can't find a setting that would refer to the video/screen preferences that are adjusted in mameuifx toggled on to override. I've been up and down the module and have tried enabling every "ini" drop down I could, but still nothing changes if I don't launch directly from Mame64.exe or 


You need to create an ini file for that specific game.

1. Make a copy of youyr normal working Mame.ini and rename it to area51.ini

2. Open that new ini and change it to stretch across the screen instead of hold aspect (which is sacrilege by the way. We should probably have you shot.)




3. In RocketLauncher under the Games tab, right click on the game and change its options to turn bezels to False.





That should be it. I just tested it with Rampage and worked perfectly.





You need to create an ini file for that specific game.

1. Make a copy of youyr normal working Mame.ini and rename it to area51.ini

2. Open that new ini and change it to stretch across the screen instead of hold aspect (which is sacrilege by the way. We should probably have you shot.)

3. In RocketLauncher under the Games tab, right click on the game and change its options to turn bezels to False.




Thank you! This did work as advertised! Now to buy a zapper for the remote and a sword (zapper to play and sword to fall on afterward for using fullscreen as I understand it is sacrilege... but its just this one little game   :lol: )



Thank you!


Also those ini files (mame and the one in the RL modules folder) are not the same and should not be swapped out.


Got it - there wasn't much in the file before - but I backed up the old before I swapped and swapped back so all good!


Thank You!


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