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Coin Door in the UK


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I'm looking to get a coin door in the UK, but frankly, every one I find is a rip off...


If i lived in the US i could get an X-Arcade for $34,99 - £25, but i cant seem to find one in the UK for under ~£60


Anyone found any?


Yeah, sorry, I've seen those but I'm looking for authentic looking one. Those appear to be great if the primary reason you want one is for function, but i want it primarily for the authentic look, which with the silver bit I think looks more like one of those kids gumball machines!!


Another (expensive) option:


Otherwise, keep looking on eBay on the off chance of finding a bargain.

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It depends how authentic you want to be. I would love a proper mech, but cost and availability are the issue here.

I ended up getting a couple of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191947571289?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

No coin mech, but cheap, authentic looking, illuminated with a switch and you can hit it for credit. Fits in 25-28mm hole.

So, I'm not really looking for an authentic mech, just the panel, and I really only want it for looks. If I got functionality then that's a bonus.

My cp has two coin buttons as part of design - wish I'd seen those you posted before I finished the design as may have done different, but the desire for the door is poorly aesthetic


So, I'm not really looking for an authentic mech, just the panel, and I really only want it for looks. If I got functionality then that's a bonus.

My cp has two coin buttons as part of design - wish I'd seen those you posted before I finished the design as may have done different, but the desire for the door is poorly aesthetic


I'm in the same place you are, I really want it for looks. Spent ages trying to find a flush mount door or door looking substitute panel.

I've assembled my cab now and don't really fancy routing out space for a door at this stage. A couple of new holes and a little Dremelling I can handle ;)


Good luck on your quest. I'd be interested to see what you end up with.


I wonder what it would cost to ship one to you? I have one with the coin mechs and with the metal housing for the coin bucket along with the coin bucket! You could have it for free if youre interested. It came off of a Tekken 3. I'll post a pic of it later to help you decide!


I wonder what it would cost to ship one to you? I have one with the coin mechs and with the metal housing for the coin bucket along with the coin bucket! You could have it for free if youre interested. It came off of a Tekken 3. I'll post a pic of it later to help you decide!

If he doesn't want it. I'd gladly take it off your hands.....that would complete my cab I built last year

I'm lovin my arcade


Here's a couple of pics of the coin door, the mechs, and the coin bucket and metal housing for the coin bucket. I don't know anything about it other than it coming out of a Tekken 3.




I would DEFINITELY take that if the shipping isn't too much!! Where are you based?

PS. Fab birthday present!! (Was my bday yesterday!)


Im in Omaha Nebraska. Its a little heavy so shipping could be a bit. Just thought I'd offer.

I'll PM you and we can see what we can work out! Really appreciate it!!


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