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MAME v.180 no nag patch


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I don't think a patch file is distributed anymore, but it's only a 2 line change in ui.cpp. Did you want to compile it yourself?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


check one of those untrustworthy sites that make you jump thru hoops and hoops before you get the download link. personally I never had any issues with their files... and they always had compiled versions of mame with no nag. try google

56 minutes ago, phulshof said:

I don't think a patch file is distributed anymore, but it's only a 2 line change in ui.cpp. Did you want to compile it yourself?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


I'll try and compile myself.  I remember now(if I recall correctly) I had to change a few lines in MAME.159.

Do you happen to have the line changes for ui.cpp?



1 hour ago, thomas3120 said:


Hope it's ok to ask... Searched all over and can't seem to find the MAME v.180 no nag patch.

Anyone have this file?


Do you prefer to compile it yourself instead of just downloading a compiled version from here?



I'd have to check the line numbers, but you need to comment out two lines. Search for warn. There's an if condition right below it that needs to be comment out, and as a result you also need to comment out the (now) unused machine str variable just above it.

Btw, just comment out the if condition; not the line below it. That line needs to be always executed.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


I just checked the line numbers; just comment out line 282 and 289 of ui.cpp:

//      int str = machine().options().seconds_to_run();

//      if (!first_time || (str > 0 && str < 60*5) || &machine().system() == &GAME_NAME(___empty) || (machine().debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0)

Alternatively you could also just copy and past line 290 so it gets executed every time.


Thanks for all the replies,

I followed a compile tutorial and it worked but the output exe was MAME64 not MAMEUI.  (I like using MAMEUI64 even in HS)

I even put MAMEUI .180 src into C:\msys64\src

MAMEUI src:  http://www.mameui.info/

Another tutorial said I had to add both mame 0.180 src AND MAMEUI .180 src into the source folder...:/

arghh..I did this a couple of years ago but can't remember..

Will keep trying.

Thanks again for the help





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