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Hi guys,

Very new to this hobby but have a rabid interest in creating my own MAME bartop. Never done any sort of electronic DIY before so I've got a lot to learn, but luckily I'm a quick study. Happy to find this forum!

  • 2 weeks later...


For a bar top you could buy a kit from Ebay if you don't want the hassle of cutting the wood. You then just need to decide on controls and whats going to run it, whether it's a PC, laptop, R PI or string and yoghurt pots.




Thanks guys. :)

Ooh string and yogurt pots. I like a challenge. I'm fairly sure that's what my broadband is running on out here in the sticks. 

Thinking about getting a bartop kit from miniarcademachines as they're local and do custom graphics. My woodwork skills are much like my neurosurgery skills; non-existent.


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