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Two very rough HS intro videos


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These are still a WIP, I am already aware of the video size border needing adjustment towards the bottom of the video screen. The first is what I have dubbed as the long intro, this will take awhile before it is finished and I am happy with it. The second is more of a concept I am toying with. It actually inspired me to make the Metroid and Mega man intros originally.


Again, aware of the video boarder. The Hyperspin text is a place holder until I find the font I want.


Good work :)

In the first video I think the blur effect when game's video changes is a bit annoying. Maybe... try keep the tough blur on the little screen and use a slight radial blur centered from the screen for environment, or perhaps same "bad sync/noise" :)


These are aboslutely stunning every single one of them come up nicely my suggestion you add the system names on top rather then the hyperspin logo keep up the good work-

sig.png 100%


I absolutely love the second video six ways to Sunday!!! The usage of the word "HyperSpin" instead of the current logo and the audio used really give new life to everything. The intro sets the stage for the front end and after watching that vid I'm opening up my photoshop to try and match the feel of that video. Thanks. :top:


Thanks zero, big fan of your work. I enjoy the second one because its very minimal. The first one is a huge undertaking and will be not finished for a while. I am going to work on the text later tonight, and change up the music to something really soothing or low key. It is the very first video I ever made in Sony Vega's and I feel it needs the finish it deserves.


Looks like I've got a lot to learn about Vegas as I've only used it to splice a few videos and the usual editing. I haven't even gone beyond beginner class in Photoshop and now I've gotta learn this and Flash...man. :)

I know I'll like whatever you come up with. I want to build a HyperSpin that strays from the same format that I saw years ago and this is definitely going the right direction.


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