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Is it possible to share media across different wheels?


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Hi all,

With the help of this forum I've managed to set up a new wheel called "Gun Games" (I've just ordered a AimTrak light gun for the cabinet I built!).

I've put some American Laser Games and some Mame gun games in the folder and they are working fine through Hyperspin apart from the media?

I could probably copy the necessary media in to the Gun Games media folder but wondered if there was a way to avoid duplicating the media? Maybe a way to point the system to the media folder where the ROM is coming from?

Is this something that can be done? if not, it's not a big deal but just wanted to avoid duplicating media if possible?

Thanks :)


Hi thatman, Bungles.

Thanks for the replies. It's not a biggy. I'll just copy the necessary media into the folder.

There's not going to be *that* many gun games anyway.

It was just that, as I've managed to suss out how to have multiple emulators in one wheel, I was going to set up a "Favourites" wheel and a few other things. However, I'll just copy the media and do it that way.

I appreciate you getting back to me and I'll have a look at "symlinks" as I've not heard of those.

Thanks again :)


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