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Can't get Mame to save hi scores


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I'm having a problem getting Mame to save hi files.  I'm trying to get HiToText working, but have failed miserably.

I got a high score in Galaga, entered my initials, and then exited out of the program (launched via RL) by pressing esc which is my exit emulator key.

The hi file wasn't created and the next time I loaded Galaga my score wasn't displayed, just the default scores.

So I can't test and don't know if it is working because I can't get Mame launched via RL to save high scores.

What can I do about this?

Also, not in this guide, but in other instructions, I see where I need to edit hyperlaunch.ahk, for some exit wait command or something like that, but I don't have that file in my setup.  Is this something I no longer need to do?




Did you mean to say "do" or "don't" - either way, it's not displaying and I'm using the newest version of Mameuifx with Hi Score support, so I don't know why it's not working??

8 hours ago, jevansoh said:

Did you mean to say "do" or "don't" - either way, it's not displaying and I'm using the newest version of Mameuifx with Hi Score support, so I don't know why it's not working??

MAMEUIFX no longer exists... do you mean Arcade64? Whether you use vanilla MAME or a derivative, hiscore support has now moved to a LUA plugin. So when you go into the Arcade64 GUI (assuming you're using this) you need to go through the default options to find the plugin drop down and select hiscore. I'm not at home right now, but could provide screen shots if you let us know what version you're using.


I didn't know that.  That's interesting.  I'm definitely using Mameuifx64, though.  The version can't be that old because the ctrlr file works for my joysticks. 

There's just a checkmark for high score support and it is checked.

I guess I can try a vanilla command line version of Mame.  Do you know where I might find one already compiled with no-nag and hi score support all ready to go?



5 hours ago, jevansoh said:

I didn't know that.  That's interesting.  I'm definitely using Mameuifx64, though.  The version can't be that old because the ctrlr file works for my joysticks. 

There's just a checkmark for high score support and it is checked.

I guess I can try a vanilla command line version of Mame.  Do you know where I might find one already compiled with no-nag and hi score support all ready to go?



MAMEUIFX ceased development in mid to late 2016. Somewhere around the 0.175 MAME timeframe. Are you running a newer romset version? Maybe that's the culprit.

You may find compiled no-nag versions of MAME in the download section. Hi score support has been part of the vanilla build for quite a while now. Go grab it and let us know if a newer version (preferrably one that matches your ROMs) solves the problem.


So I need to find either a Mame Proper or Arcade64 version 182 with high score support and no nag, right?  If I can't find that version, then that means I have to download all new roms and all new CHD's, right?




It's always suggested (by the MAMEdev team) that you try and keep your MAME version and ROMset in line with each other. Obviously you can see that games may or will still load under different versions (because much of the ROMs are unchanged) but some of the finer points like hiscore might be affected.

I'd always suggest trying to stay at the most recent version possible (which would be a full update for you, but that's up to you), however a quick win here would be for you to find the 0.182 MAME version and test the theory.

You may find no-nag builds here in the download section but I don't know how far back they're available.


Ok, I'll take a look.  But let's say I just update to the newest.... That means I can find a no nag pretty easily, but are you saying "all" versions now have hi score support so I don't have to look for a version that specifically says hi score support any more?

2 hours ago, jevansoh said:

... are you saying "all" versions now have hi score support ...?



Well, it took a long time, but I downloaded 196 roms and downloaded straight Mame 196 with no nag from HS web-site.

It's still a no go.

I noticed it wants the "scores" directory to be in "Scores" and not "HI" so I made that directory and copied a friend's "hi" files over to that directory but the high scores aren't being read by the games when launched through RL nor is anything showing up in HS for high scores.

I put all the proper files in the "Dats" folder, too.

I don't know what to do now. :(


I just tried Arcade64 and it doesn't work, either.

The steps I'm taking are to set the exe path to Arcade 64 (previously Mame64 version 196) in HyperHQ

Turn Hi score support on in HyperHQ

Put the dats in the mame/dats folder

Put HiToText.exe and .xml in the HyperSpin folder

Copy "hi" files from a friend's hi scores to the mame/scores directory and to the mame/hi directory I created.

That's it.

Not working.

Even if I launch directly from Mame, the hi scores aren't being read from the hi files.

Nothing shows up in HS, either.

What step am I missing?

I have to be missing something here...




On Mame 196 with no nag, which I downloaded from this web-site, I see plugins, but it is blank.  How do I get the hi score support plugin?




51 minutes ago, jevansoh said:

On Mame 196 with no nag, which I downloaded from this web-site, I see plugins, but it is blank.  How do I get the hi score support plugin?




Ok.. let's just focus on one thing at a time... getting you up and running with hi score files being created. Forget about hitotext for right now, we'll deal with it later. (BTW, typically .hi files aren't compatible from MAME version to version).

The compiled MAME version in the download section is **just** mame.exe itself. You still need to go download the full MAME package from MAMEdev, unpack it, and then replace the mame.exe it comes with, with the mame.exe you've downloaded from here. Make sure you download the exact same version from MAMEdev.

Then you'll see all the plugins and other files / folders, etc.


I can't figure it out.  I've tried placing hiscore.dat in several different directories, but the plugins option just gives me the option to return to the previous menu, there isn't anything else to select.


Ok, Hi score support is now turned on from the plugins menu!  Woohoo!

Do you have the latest version?  Would you be so kind as to share a couple "hi" files for testing purposes, please?


Ok, it's not reading the "HI" files, but like you said, that could be because they are from a different version.

HiToText IS finally showing up, though!!  So we're making progress!!

Thanks so much for everyone's help here.  I honestly didn't think we were going to get this figured out.

If I could just get some hi score files to plug in (I'm REALLY bad at video games and can't get actual high scores easily myself lol) to make sure it's reading those, that'd be great, because so far it's just giving the default high scores in 1942, for instance, and not reading the hi file.




Nevermind...I got a high score on 1943 and it worked.  Now to see if it shows up in the actual game, too.

Thanks everyone!



And we finally have success!  It shows up in game, too.  My high score is there for everyone to see.  Finally!

Again, thank you to everyone who pitched in to try and help me through this.

How do I mark a thread closed/solved?

Thanks again,



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