craiganderson Posted September 13, 2014 Author Posted September 13, 2014 edit
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 Recorded a new Main Menu Video for "Camputers Lynx." Cleaned up the monitor as well. VjKAHpPaBC0 .
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 wheel art, videos, themes done for all working games 6apIPdC4MZ0 . (a few examples) . . (art borrowed from another system) . . i left the racer game in there just for the hell of it
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 module now does fullscreen still a WIP but works 100% perfectly on my system uses a blockinput command to prevent mouse/keyboard from interfering with loading game on my system hyperspin and xpadder must be run as an administrator for the blockinput to work, dont know why...just fyi . edit: bezel seems to be working well on my system. i had to use the "BezelStart("fixResMode"" option. (i am not a bezel expert) . video of module loading game, bezel enabled fade turned off so able to see whats going on Ra96zG8etiA MEmu = Jynx MEmuV = v1.06 MURL = MAuthor = craiganderson MVersion = 1.0 MCRC = iCRC = MID = MSystem = "Camputers Lynx" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Game Info ; Moonfall: The french (fr) rom seems to work better that the other two. ; Dungeon Adventure: The name of the rom must include "Dungeon" or "dungeon." The module changes the display setting if either of those words are in the rom. And you need the "combined" rom for it to work. PM me if u need it. ; Full screen can be set in HLHQ ; If RUN is not being typed on the screen in the games that need it, increase the value below in the module from Sleep, 6000 to maybe Sleep, 8000 (see text below in module). ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockInput, On StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath) settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini" Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) BezelStart("fixResMode") Run(executable, emuPath) WinWait("Jynx ahk_class #32770") WinWaitActive("Jynx ahk_class #32770") If InStr(romName, "Dungeon") or InStr(romName, "dungeon") { WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , Display, Level 9 game colours Sleep, 10 } else { WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , Display, Normal Lynx colours Sleep, 10 } Sleep, 500 WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , File, Run TAP file ... WinWait("Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770") WinWaitActive("Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770") Sleep, 1000 Loop { ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770 If ( edit1Text = romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension ) Break Sleep, 100 ControlSetText, Edit1, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770 } ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, Open Lynx TAP file ahk_class #32770 WinWait("Jynx ahk_class #32770") WinWaitActive("Jynx ahk_class #32770") Sleep, 6000 ; increase this value if RUN is not being typed on the games that need it. SetKeyDelay, 50 Send, {r down}{r up}{u down}{u up}{n down}{n up}{ENTER down}{ENTER up} Sleep,100 If Fullscreen = true { Sleep, 10 WinMenuSelectItem, Jynx ahk_class #32770, , Display, Full screen } Sleep,1000 BlockInput, Off BezelDraw() FadeInExit() Process("WaitClose", executable) 7zCleanUp() BezelExit() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() Process, Close, Jynx-Windows-64bit.exe Process, Close, Jynx-Windows-32bit.exe Return the Jynx.isd file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <INISCHEMA> <INIFILES> <INIFILE name="%ModuleName%" required="false"> <INITYPE>Module</INITYPE> <SECTIONS> <SECTION name="Settings" required="false"> <SECTIONTYPE>Global</SECTIONTYPE> <KEYS> <KEY name="Fullscreen" required="false" nullable="false"> <KEYTYPE>Boolean</KEYTYPE> <DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Fullscreen</DESCRIPTION> </KEY> </KEYS> </SECTION> </SECTIONS> </INIFILE> </INIFILES> </INISCHEMA>
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 now im working on xpadder profiles for each game so that I can play via xbox 360 controller got about half done pretty cool system
jynx_emulator Posted September 14, 2014 Posted September 14, 2014 on backgammon, after it loads, and asks the player if he/she wants instructions, it then states "start the tape"how do we do that? sorry if stupid question thanks craig It loads a file "B2", which appears to be missing. If it isn't on any of the archives on-line, then we can't have backgammon, I'm afraid.
jynx_emulator Posted September 14, 2014 Posted September 14, 2014 Some really nice work going on! - I have released Jynx 1.0.7 which does the 6845 (or enough to support AIR RAID and RACER). - I am moving my blog to WordPress (the Tumblr will stay up, with a re-direct post). See: Jonathan.
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 awesome just recorded a new video for racer and added it to setup GoLGxArrVPc also recorded new video for LYNX INVADERS since sound works now also recorded new video for AIR RAID since its now shakes when u die THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR WORK JONATHAN!! also finishing up xbox 360 configurations for xpadder
jynx_emulator Posted September 14, 2014 Posted September 14, 2014 Thanks Craig! It's a pleasure, and thank you for "marketing" the project. I'll keep adding small features I'm sure, but I think this covers most of the bases now. Also - Gobble De SPook shakes the screen when you got a high score after game-over. Jonathan.
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 Thanks If u are able to combine the other multiple tape games....that would be awesome . that ability is not within my skill set. Buy if big deal Thanks
jynx_emulator Posted September 14, 2014 Posted September 14, 2014 Hi Craig If you can give me a shortlist I will see.... I know I need to get back to looking at a combined TAP for Colossal Adventure... EDIT - Done looking at COLOSSAL. The checksum on file 3 is blatantly wrong. If I fudge this to the right value, I can get it to load. I've also realised that these TAP files are a bit dodgy - some are short by 1 byte, some have an extra zero byte at the end. I've had to put in an additional byte to bring the short files up to the size indicated in the file header. The "long" files are already on the Net, and actually affect other games - DonkeyKong is too long by 1 byte for example. So I have had to improve Jynx to be aware of this extra 0 at the end of some files, because this breaks when joining TAPs together! I really don't think the TAP format was done very well at all, too many slightly odd things about it for comfort. In any case, I have COLOSSAL running, but I cannot tell if it will crash part way through - the file with the dodgy checksum may be trying to tell us something, after all! In which case there's nothing I can do about it. Will keep you posted. Jonathan.
jynx_emulator Posted September 14, 2014 Posted September 14, 2014 Apart from Craig, is anyone else running Jynx? Brolly - you are on XP? If so, can I enquire which Windows OS anyone else is on, and have you had any problems? My sis can't run Jynx. But then I had to give telephone support for unzipping the ZIP I sent! Thanks guys, Jonathan.
brolly Posted September 14, 2014 Posted September 14, 2014 Great news Jonathan, adding support for 6845 is very nice. Yeah I'm on XP, and everything is running fine here. If the current tap files have problems, maybe you could upload a pack with the fixed ones to mediafire or something if you don't want to include them with the emulator? How exactly are you merging the multiple tap files together btw? Can I simply merge them using the DOS copy command or does it need something else to done? Were you able to check Mazeman and Power Blaster? They are not tagged as bad dumps on TOSEC, but they don't seem to work on Jynx, they both work fine in Pale though. Quest and Panik also don't work, but they are tagged as bad dumps, still might be worth looking into them to see if it might not be some other issue in the tap file.
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 i have finished xpadder configurations for all of the games to be played via my xbox360 controller (except for the typing style games) fyi
craiganderson Posted September 14, 2014 Author Posted September 14, 2014 Great news Jonathan, adding support for 6845 is very nice.Yeah I'm on XP, and everything is running fine here. If the current tap files have problems, maybe you could upload a pack with the fixed ones to mediafire or something if you don't want to include them with the emulator? How exactly are you merging the multiple tap files together btw? Can I simply merge them using the DOS copy command or does it need something else to done? Were you able to check Mazeman and Power Blaster? They are not tagged as bad dumps on TOSEC, but they don't seem to work on Jynx, they both work fine in Pale though. Quest and Panik also don't work, but they are tagged as bad dumps, still might be worth looking into them to see if it might not be some other issue in the tap file. Brolly: Does PALE run extremely fast on your system? On mine (WIN 8.1) it runs the games so fast they are not playable. And this is even after playing with all available settings to slow things down. If I can figure a way to slow it down, I could use it as a backup for these other games (and make videos, etc) thank you craig thanks
brolly Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 Works fine on my XP machine, it does run too fast on my i7 with Win7, but after changing the speed on the emulator it runs at a normal speed. If Jonathan can fix the issues with tap loading in those games there's probably no need for Pale anymore. Unless there are any specific games for the 128K which I don't think there are, not dumped anyway.
jynx_emulator Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 Hi Brolly Jynx is very strict at parsing TAP files. Also, the TAP format appears to be badly specified. Some have an additional "0" at the end, some have an unnecessary "A5" at the front. Also, some are too short by 1 byte! I have looked at MAZEMAN, and the file appears to be much larger than necessary. This is suspicious. If I truncate the file to the length it expects, it works (I think). I will look at power blaster later. I said to Craig I will upload the fixed TAPs somewhere, so you can get them, including the fixed COLOSSAL adventure. Jonathan.
jynx_emulator Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 POWER BLASTER has a bad checksum byte. Seems to work if I fix it.
brolly Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 Maybe Mazeman is an overdump? Is there any extra data on it or only zeros?
jynx_emulator Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 Hi brolly, Mazeman TAP was substantially larger, and there was real content. You guys should have a look - download HxD hex editor, and compare the MAZEMAN tap I sent with the original, and you'll see where I cut it. I'm not sure how au fait you are with hex editors? Jonathan.
craiganderson Posted September 16, 2014 Author Posted September 16, 2014 added three new games (wheel, video, theme) mazeman power blaster colossal adventure thank you jonathan (jynx emulator creator) for "fixing" the games craig
jynx_emulator Posted September 16, 2014 Posted September 16, 2014 Craig - Thanks! Colossal and Dungeon do wrap from the bottom of the screen back to the top when displaying text. The Lynx didn't scroll. I am going to re-release Jynx because I have notice that it does not run on some systems because of a missing MSVC DLL. So I will statically link the MS library, and re-release. Jonathan.
craiganderson Posted September 16, 2014 Author Posted September 16, 2014 added "ROCKETMAN" (wheel, video, theme) its a math game works well . .
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