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So issue was this

Go.bat needs to look like this.

cd C:\slamit


Mine looked like this


Thanks Blur.

By the way, how do i get the Paused screen to come up? I am still not sure I understand. Is Pause gone because i still see the paused screen in the WIP 8 package. Also you say exit is now Pause. Exit is mapped to E on my setup. But if I tap exit it doesnt Pause. I need to hold down exit to escape.

Posted (edited)
  blur said:

for pause you probably disabled some of the options in ini file

set them all to true

I just checked. They are all set to true. It seems like when I press p very lightly it goes to the service menu screen. I assume that is what we are calling pause now? If so how do I map that function to my "g" key? I tried different combinations and nothing works. ITs always set to "P" key. Also you really have to hit "P" ever so lighly otherwise it wants to try and go into the 3.2.1. exit routine.Can you make the delay longer so the Pause key needs to be pressed a few milliseconds longer?

I still dont understand why you have a pause.png file in the package. If the service menu screen replaces pause why do we still need it? I also see you have custom loading screen for FP, VP, and bigscore. How do you enable those? Lastly, do you still have plans and integrating pinemhi support?

Thanks Blur!!!

exitScriptKey = q & s

exitEmulatorKey = e

toggleCursorKey = t

pauseVPinball = g

hideCursor = true

hideDesktop = true

hideTaskbar = true

useExitScreen = true

usePauseKey = true

useLoadScreen = true

fadespeed = 15

UseExitAsPause = true

exitEmulatorKey2= 1

exitEmulatorKey3= Enter

pauseFPKey = RButton

saveFPTables = true
















Edited by bent98
Posted (edited)

pause image is used in some combinations of settings - like when you set use exit menu to false.

Custom loading screens are not mine. I never used them.

For keys:

pausevpinball is renamed to pauseKey - that's why your g is not working any more, put g in pauseKey and remove pausevpinball key

you can have only two keys for pause - exitemulatorkey and pausekey, so from e, p and g, one will have to go

For long and short key press - increase fadespeed in settings

short press has to be shorter then 10 x fadespeed miliseconds, default fadespeed is 25

so that is 250 miliseconds which is quite enough on my rig (very quick clickless deal extreme buttons) - but it could be a problem for microswitches with strong click

for pinemhi i need ahk code that will draw text over freezed vp with font that looks like uvp scores

Edited by blur

ok I removed both pauseVPinball = g and pauseFPKey = RButton and replaced the pauseKey with a g. I also changed speed back to 25.

All is well. Thanks. You really should make a post about that as its confusing when going from WIP 5 to the new ones.

I was confused about Hi Score intergration because I saw it as implemented in first post on this thread.How long before you get that in there?

Thanks again blur for all your hard work. New launcher works great!

Posted (edited)

i wont put that pinemhi in fplaunch cause it looks ugly, and it converts txt to swf and then shows swf on the screen - too complicated

i want plain text on screen, either i will do it or i will wait for somebody to do it

you should leave fp pause as it is used totally different - that just shows that people did not understand difference between vp pause and fp pause and that one is explained extensively in fplaunch manual in second post of this thread - so why bother with writing manuals if nobody reads them?

as for post about changes from wip 5 to wip 6 you have it: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=147841#post147841

and you also have that same info in fplaunch.ahk in comment at the start of the script - only question is - do you read it?

Edited by blur

Yes, I do read. I was suggesting you update the main page in the thread with the latest WIP 8 and remove the options not used anymore in settings.ini file to avoid confusion.


Hey Blur - You are doing an AWESOME job on this. It's nice to see FPLaunch progressing so damn far. I was just wondering.... There are several of us that like to take our machines to shows. The public likes to just pound on buttons.... Is there a way that you could incorporate a "show" option or something. We need something that we can enable or disable on the fly that would disable/enable any of the special menus, like the service menu, BIOS reset, etc.


  rockyrocket said:
Not near cab , but what about setting use exit menu to false?.
That keeps users from Exiting HyperPin... I'm talking about keeping the features of the new FPLaunch, but being able to lock/hide them from users while at pinball shows or public locations.



I've just one question about flyers.

What is the difference between "Flyer Images" and "Flyers" folders ?

I start to collect images for my pinballs but I don't know where to put files.

Posted (edited)

excelent idea dazz - it could be done - so that users can see menus but can't go to service menu and mess something

service menu will be on bottom - it's hard to remove it cause it is in all images but it's easy to disable entering in it

cab shows will be much better if you spend some time and do some great flyeers and instructions that every body can browse throuh while they play

viktor - i saw these folders - one of them is mistake - check which one and move all flyers to the other (i think wrong one has only two tables . probably some wrong media pack)

bent it's good idea to update second post but script is changing a lot and many options will change name to some "normal" one, many options will be ditched out cause they make more confusion then they are used so it makes no sense to document them and then remove them

if you wanna use latest and greatest version take some time and read at least notes from the ahk script and few posts from the end

most of the staff from manual still stands, only few is changed

Edited by blur

I have a similar issue to Dazz - I'm putting together a machine that will be "sited" down at my sporting club so I want players to only see HyperPin and run tables and then shut it down once they've finished.

HyperPin runs on Startup and it is running 1.295wip4, which is working really well so I don't want to change it! I will disable the Exit menu and set the exit to a 2 second long press of the Quit button which then shuts down Windows.

That part is easy, however I also need an "admin back door" that quits HyperPin but does NOT shut down Windows, so I can do any software alterations or whatever.

I suspect I've missed something and there's an easy way to already do this, but I can seem to work it out!


new version looks good, just asking how to install it, I mean do I put the images in the media/hyperpin/images folder and the fplaunch files in hyperpin folder ? just a little bit mixed up here because it is such a change from the old versions.

Posted (edited)
  bossgp said:
new version looks good, just asking how to install it, I mean do I put the images in the media/hyperpin/images folder and the fplaunch files in hyperpin folder ? just a little bit mixed up here because it is such a change from the old versions.

Yup, you just extract all files in hyperpin folder and move images to media/hyperpin/images.

Installation is much simpler than before.

Edited by blur
  OzStick said:
I have a similar issue to Dazz - I'm putting together a machine that will be "sited" down at my sporting club so I want players to only see HyperPin and run tables and then shut it down once they've finished.

HyperPin runs on Startup and it is running 1.295wip4, which is working really well so I don't want to change it! I will disable the Exit menu and set the exit to a 2 second long press of the Quit button which then shuts down Windows.

That part is easy, however I also need an "admin back door" that quits HyperPin but does NOT shut down Windows, so I can do any software alterations or whatever.

I suspect I've missed something and there's an easy way to already do this, but I can seem to work it out!

You disabled exit in hyperpin and you have only shutdown?

For windows tasks you can close HP with Alt-F4 and you will have normal windows.

Of course normal users won't be able to press alt-f4 cause keyboard will be locked inside - so you have your back door.

  blur said:
You disabled exit in hyperpin and you have only shutdown?

For windows tasks you can close HP with Alt-F4 and you will have normal windows.

Of course normal users won't be able to press alt-f4 cause keyboard will be locked inside - so you have your back door.

Thanks a heap blur - that's why you're the guru!

  blur said:
i wont put that pinemhi in fplaunch cause it looks ugly, and it converts txt to swf and then shows swf on the screen - too complicated

Ohhhh man , I can't believe you called this ugly :bawling:


The swf is used to rotate the different hiscores of a game...

Put a nice white border around it et voila.....

Oh well .....not my call , no hard feelings.........:shakehands:


Author of PINemHi............................:pcguru:

Decipher-dude for the HiToText project..........:pcguru:


HiToText 2010.11.4 Vs. Mame 0.140


Percentage of original games in HiToText :8.09 %

Percentage of original+clone games in HiToText:10.57 %



i didn't call that ugly, i called this ugly:


and this:


as for your version it is lovely, but my idea is to just put that hiscores in upper part of the screen above menu, just like in FP, so i can't use that animation

NHF :)))

  blur said:
i didn't call that ugly, i called this ugly:

and this:

as for your version it is lovely, but my idea is to just put that hiscores in upper part of the screen above menu, just like in FP, so i can't use that animation

NHF :)))

While you are at it, why not let the highscores show in the DMD area ? :D

yeah i know, hard to do, but would be very nice !

[TABLE=width: 500]



[TD=align: center]New project homepage: http://blog.pixelmagic.nl/[/TD]





[TD=align: center]LED-Wiz utility: http://pinball.pixelmagic.nl/ledwiz/[/TD]





[TD=align: center]Anyone want to buy my LEDwiz ??





  pixelmagic said:
While you are at it, why not let the highscores show in the DMD area ? :D

yeah i know, hard to do, but would be very nice !

If your going to ask think bigger, how about a HYPERDMD like function to FPlaunch.


I'm not sure if I'm setup right. With the 'Rendering Table' loading bar, am I still supposed to be seeing the FP loading screen? I see the white\blue rendering table, then it quickly pops up the golden 'Newton' screen and switched to the standard FP table loading screen.

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