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anybody was able to resolve the exit click sound being played 3 times instead of just once when you exit back to hyperpin

There is focus option in ini file - focus internal/external/both or none - so set none

I would like a couple things fixed please ... Only using VP so first is the multiple instruction card error ... I found a post that says it doesn't work right now. And the annoying multiple flipper or clicking sound when exiting from VP table back to HP. I thought I read how to fix that or turn it off but now I can't find it. Sorry

I would love to see the focus issue fixed that still exists randomly when going back to HP from VP. It requires a mouse click to fix it but no mouse in my cab and the wife and kids need it to be as error free as possible. I don't feel that running a script that clicks the mouse during my game is a fix, sorry.

Thanks for your time and hard work


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Thanks .... only took 18 months for some support.

I guess it would be better if the support topic was closed or perhaps some kind of update on a monthly basis at the very least. That way people that are new to the VP scene will not get frustrated and waste a bunch of time trying to get free software working. Free is not free if you spend an excessive amount of valuable time to get it working only to find out that your hardware and/or OS are not supported.

I am not intending to make anyone mad here, just stating facts and my opinion from my experiences and observations here on this forum.

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HyperPin has some troubles with the new exclusive fullscreen mode of VPX. Some tables work, at most it's switched to the table but immediately switched back to HP. Windows 7 SP1 here. Any solution for this?

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