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Games in seperate directories


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Hi All

I have been setting up hyperspin for the last week and got most games working, I have just come to set up the sega saturn emulator SFF, I renamed the roms

using the rom renamer which renamed the bin cue's and put them in individual folders, I tried to run them from hyperlaunch and they run fine but when I try

to run from hyperspin it does not seem to see them. If I take the bin cue's out of the individual directories and rename the bin and the cue to the same (game name from hyperspin database)

hyperspin then sees and launches the game, is there a setting I need to set so as to leave them in there own folders otherwise its going to take me till Christmas to rename all the bin cue's.

Any help would be greatly appreciated




Two things. If you have your roms in different folders, you may need to set every folder as your "rom" folder in HyperlaunchHQ. Secondly, the path in the cue file must point to the bin. Right click Edit. Third, what DO you have set in HyperHQ? Should be blank.



A simpler solution (bandwidth and account permitting) would be to download the Hyperspin Ready Saturn set from Pleasure Dome.


  aletterfromthelostdays said:
If you have your roms in different folders, you may need to set every folder as your "rom" folder in HyperlaunchHQ.

Not really, as long as the folder names match the XML names then only the root folder needs to be added to the rom path.

  brendan1495 said:
Hi All

I renamed the bin cue's and put them in individual folders, I tried to run them from hyperlaunch

this is how all my CD based games are set, all the bin/cue files are in their own individually named folder.

Hyperlaunch 1,2 or 3 please specify.

  brendan1495 said:
If I take the bin cue's out of the individual directories and rename the bin and the cue to the same (game name from hyperspin database)

hyperspin then sees and launches the game, is there a setting I need to set so as to leave them in there own folders otherwise its going to take me till Christmas to rename all the bin cue's.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



their is no need to take them out of the folder, as long as the folder name and ONLY THE CUE file match the Hyerpsin database, Hyperspin will be able to use them.

Not only is their no need to rename your Bin file but you will need to change the contents of the Cue file if you decide to rename the bin file.

their is a known glitch, if you have a game in a sub-folder, and set the "Rom filter" on , then and only then will Hyperspin miss your games.


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