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Xpadder Indiviual System Controls


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I'm using xpadder with hyperspin and I would like to setup individual system controls for the console emulators that I have on the system as I have controllers for NES, Super NES, PlayStation, Genesis etc that work for the PC. Would there be any user able to help or is there a tutorial that would help with that?


Thanks in advance for any help


Using xpadder with emulators that have native pad support is not a good idea, xpadder/joy2key is really useful in HyperSpin as joypad input is totally broken


Rocket launcher has the ability to assign a different controller or load a different xpadder profile to each emulator

the only question is what type of controller do you have

a bliss box controller -->  constantly connected controller to your PC that never looses  the controller ID


do you have multiple USB controllers  that you connect and disconnect based on the game you are playing.



Joy2key can have profiles for different games< joy 2 key can also asign the same controller number to the joystic anytime it is connected.
AHK can rebind keys for different games using #ifwinactive.. but in general if your  game uses direct input controls and you want to rebind the keys its best to try and use the game settings if possible..
games like cuphead will often detect the direct input and the rebind and pop in player 2..

But when it comes to emulators.. They almost always "if not always" allow you to manually bind keys.. So I would recomend using Joy2key with a profile for the emulators..
Set the emulators to use keyboard inputs "that you have assigned in joy2key"
Then add #ifwinactive  scripts to your ahk module for the emulators to get the title and change the keybinds depending on the rom you are playing. (unless the game allows you to rebind the keys .. then just do that instead)


Thank  You everyone for responding that clears up alot!! And I have controllers for just about every system. So it looks like I will try the joy2key with hyperspin and if that doesn't work I'll go back to my old way of just running the games directly from the emulator without the nice frontend. Thank you everyone again!!!


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