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Bezels retroarch not auto loading


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Someone please help me


1. I have a complete working set of bezels, perfectly named with roms.


2.  I put them in my overlays folder , inside each system folder , inside retroarch.

3.  The config file is pointing correctly 

4.  I load up a game for said system.  It doesn’t load the bezel, it loads a default bezel.

5.  No matter what I do, if I change that bezel, it becomes the default bezel for every core.


how do I set per core directories so each core I can direct to said folder in my overlay folder ( overlay/snes) etc. 

this is super frustrating. 






RA is a finicky bitch... Load a core and a game, then apply the overlay you wish to use for that core. Then save a "core" override!

You can do this by "game" as well but you would have to load every game, and save "game" overrides.


Man there has to be a diff way no? Per game would take years to do.  

I have every config of every game  pointed to the correct folder and overlay.  It’s done correctly,  as seen below. 



Yet every game I load, it’s met by this default MAME overlay for “Assault” even if a load a completely different system (nes etc)





I use rocketlauncher to load my bezels for most systems. I put the folders in rocketlauncher/media/bezels. If you have them in Retroarch and have rocketlauncher using them you’ll get stuck with a bezel inside a bezel. I know if I use Retroarch to load my bezels only there is no folder just a config file but I’m getting them from the bezel project. If I use Ninjas bezels they are in a folder and named correctly but I put them in the rocketlauncher folder. 


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